View Full Forums : Rebirth usage...

04-18-2008, 09:37 AM
An issue came up last night that I didn't know the answer to...

In MgT, a guildie (in an otherwise PuG) gave me a hard time because I didn't rez him (I'm Feral) in the middle of that crazy PvP boss encounter near the end of the run. We finished the encounter, but 2 died (big deal, that was the first time I had ever even finished it out of maybe 8 times over the past week or so). So, I didn't really understand why he was bitching so much.

His issue was in how I was casting Rebirth (which I used after the battle was over). Whenever I cast rebirth, I always select the corpse (on the ground) and then click rebirth. Can I select the user from the group UI? What if they have released? I assume there are range issues to be concerned about as well, right?

04-18-2008, 10:27 AM
If they have released you need to click the spell then the body on the ground, not the party/raid frames.

If they haven't released you can select the party/raid frame and then the spell.

And using rebirth after a fight unless it's to rez someone that can rez is ....a tad wasteful IMO.

04-18-2008, 10:36 AM
If they have released you need to click the spell then the body on the ground, not the party/raid frames.

If they haven't released you can select the party/raid frame and then the spell.

And using rebirth after a fight unless it's to rez someone that can rez is ....a tad wasteful IMO.Thanks. I didn't realize you could use the party frames if they had not released. I think the first few times I used rebirth (way back when I was leveling) the player must have released, so I've got in the habit of looking for their corpse.

FWIW, I rez'd the healer (a DPS shammy and the priest died during the battle). It was the DPS shammy that was giving me a hard time. "Dude, I was top on the DPS meter, why wouldn't you rez me?". "Maybe it has something to do with the rogue NPC that was sap'n my butt and everyone else that was still standing in the party?"

04-18-2008, 01:58 PM
Nothing annoys me more than some know-it-all reminding me of my Druid abilities. I am quite aware of my abilities thank you very much. If the party is still alive and standing after a successful fight then as far as I'm concerned, how I've chosen to use my abilities is my own bloody business.

I certainly don't advise Rogues on the best way to perfect a "kidney shot".

So, ya...ignore the pressure from "B-Rez" hoggers.

I have received plenty of flak from ALL sides on the Battle Rez issue. Usually during a 25-Man raid.

"Why didn't you rez me?"
"Why did you rez him?"
"You should have saved your rez it's a wipe anyway."
"Save your B-Rez for Joe."

then a whisper, "No way! Use your B-Rez on Bob!"

Enough already. I just can't win. I've since told my guildies that since we cannot seem to agree on who warrants a B-Rez, then I will not be handing them out unless the Raid Leader instructs it. The End.

And unless somebody has died out of pure bad luck and it's just not fair that they should run back, I do not rez during a 5-man run. Most people actually don't expect me to, but I always advise that little tidbit before the run starts anyway.

04-18-2008, 04:20 PM
Frankly, I really didn't know he was dead until the fight was almost over. As a tank, I get in this habit of not even looking at my party UI unless I want to see if I need to refresh GotW. Plus we were not in voice chat and the chances of me even noticing a tell in the middle of that crazy fight are about 1M:1. I never look at my chat log unless we are not in combat, or I'm dead ("Keeping going! You guys can finish them off without me!", etc.).

04-18-2008, 05:00 PM
yeah I would have told him to kiss my ass. Its my rez and I'll use it on who I want to. That being said when I was leading raids I or one of my officers would actually ask the Druids to save their rez until we asked them to use it on someone specific. either way I wouldn't take **** from anyone. Lifes too short to let little things slow me down. I think of it this way. Im walking towards my goal. There are people standing in and around my path to get there. All their hands are trying to gets attention and pull me in another direction but I push them aside and continue on my path. If they follow me and join great! Otherwise get out of my way. Life lessons by badgemagus brought to you in part by badgemagus. Special thanks to the Druids grove. =)

04-18-2008, 06:22 PM
You were attempting to tank that chick and her adds ( which is doable, but rough ) AND you got flack for not rezzing?


Tell the shammy Lrn2Play.

04-18-2008, 06:37 PM
You were attempting to tank that chick and her adds ( which is doable, but rough ) AND you got flack for not rezzing?Wasn't tanking by the time he died. I learned that I pull in bear, but shift to cat after we kill her. If I pull in cat, the entire party jumps me and I'm dead in 2s.

But he died there were only 3 of us left. A mage, a warlock (who i'm not sure knew how to play a warlock) and me. And there were at least 2 if not 3 NPCs left.

04-19-2008, 01:56 AM
I found it was possible to actually tank all the adds ( lock fearing one ) and her. It's not EASY and you have to put on some DPS gear to hit a bit harder, but you can generally tank them all ( haven't seen a warrior do that yet though ) :)

04-21-2008, 02:03 AM
I found it was possible to actually tank all the adds ( lock fearing one ) and her. It's not EASY and you have to put on some DPS gear to hit a bit harder, but you can generally tank them all ( haven't seen a warrior do that yet though ) :)

Are u talking about the pvp-fight in magister's terrace??
How do you tank mobs with no aggro-list?
The switch targets all the time...

04-21-2008, 12:49 PM
I've done it a few times now. I swap out a bit of tanking gear of DPS gear and constantly tab, lacerate, mangle and they stick to me. Occasionally I lose one, but a charge and mangle bring them back.

04-21-2008, 01:24 PM
They do have an agro list, it just gets reset every couple seconds. Would think a pally would be able to "tank" them a bit better than other tanks since they have an AoE threat generator.

04-24-2008, 03:18 AM
I switch to full dps gear for that fight. I found trying to tank them to be pretty pointless so I treat it as if it were a 5v5 arena. Pulling in bear form is a good call, however..

Enough already. I just can't win. I've since told my guildies that since we cannot seem to agree on who warrants a B-Rez, then I will not be handing them out unless the Raid Leader instructs it. The End.

This is always the best policy. If someone asks anyway, I ask the raid leader if they want X person ressed.

It annoys me too when someone tries to tell me how to play druid. Some rogue the other day tried to tell me that to be at the crit cap I need 480 defense skill. After a short and rather condescending essay on the subject of SotF, defense skill, resilience, and the relationship of these, typed to him over whisper, I think its fair to say he regretted asking..
