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04-20-2008, 07:36 PM
I have been balance since lv 40 and I solo alot. Well, I solo enough not to want to be resto. I've noticed that I can heal very good in quest groups and have healed Ramparts and Blood furnace when I was lv 60 with no wipes. I find that healing as balance is much the same as dps, except I start with hots instead of dots. Since, I am full balance I dont have the room on the threat table to use more efficient heals but I make due. I am currently lv 63 and have a set with +550 healing, so I am assuming I can amass a set with +1000 by the time im 70.

I want to hear from balance druids that are deep enough to pick up treants. My question is this, assuming you put moderate effort to put together a +healing set, what is the highest instance you have Main Healed?

04-23-2008, 03:23 AM
I have a full balance spec and i have healed Magisters Terrace with +1200 healing. I only use hot's and regrowth. Healing touch takes too long time to use so i heal as i would have done if i was a three. I had no problem healing MgT and i have good mana regen so no problem with mana. I have over +1300 healing now and +946 spelldamage.

04-27-2008, 12:20 PM
It was great last night, I ran Underbog with a couple pallys and some other classes. One pally was Prot and the other was about an even hybrid with 15-20 points in all three. The hybrid requested to heal because she was "more holy"

In actuallity it was refreshing to actually be able to be a moonkin in an instance, and the blessing of salvation was nice too. In the end though I ended up getting more thanks for my supplemental heals than her main heals. My tranquility, battle rez, and lifebloom was in my opinion make or break for our group. In addition my damage meter has been broken since 2.4 and swstats is hard to manage, but im sure I was top damage by watching the health bars of enemys, and how they only ticked down slowly until my starfires hit. It was great but I also have to give props for the slavation I recieved, that really gave me comfort in my own skin.

Druids rock.... I would rather be helpful than top the meters every time and I'm glad she was there so I could focus on debuffs and landing 3k starfires, authough I was put off by here "I'm more holy than you comment" lol

04-28-2008, 02:35 AM
I think i have to update my statement about how easy it was to heal MgT as Balance spec. Tried again but this time it was much harder and we died many times. Had problems keeping up the tank. So the first time i think i was lucky and got a tank with good gear. This time we barely made it past second boss. But ofc it was not only the tank, this group didnt work so good together.

04-28-2008, 06:21 AM
Choosing the right group is the most important and often most challenging part of any instance.

When I invite pickups to my groups, I try to make sure they are from reputatable guilds and if there is any doubt, I interview them a bit first, just to ask their spec, gear level, and see how they respond.

A promising response:
"well i'm in mostly karazhan and early SSC stuff, I'm not the best geared I guess but hopefully I can make up for it with skillz :)"

A poor response:
"kara n ssc m8, dun worry lol"


04-28-2008, 05:45 PM
People are funny sometimes.... the other day I was with a group that had another moonkin and he said I can tank, I'm a panzerkin. I am aware that moonkins can tank in very good gear but I had to laugh at him. I was level 65 and he was like 68 and I had like less than 100 armor less than him with my braxxis, and he with his green staff of the who cares, and were talking im wearing half cloth.

And I can't tell you how many times ive seen a fury warrior tank, refuse to get in defensive stance or apply a sunder. This usually leaves me yelling /y Please use sunder and devastate so the rest of us dont get pummeled.

another one of my favorites is a hunter with a cat, who says I can dps better than anyone on this server, of course he steals aggro from his pet and the rest of the group every pull.

I have alot of respect for hunters with boars and bears, because at least I know they understand aggro.

04-28-2008, 08:19 PM
I can't stand n00bs.

With druids it's a bit different because even if a druid is totally nooby, I just find them really cute and soft and nice :> And plus Alamo says that I have to halp them, and halp i will !

But for noobs of all other classes, the door is there..

Don't group with n00bs imho. If you have no choice but to pug all the time, try to remember players that did well, then add them to friends. Whisper them again later when you want to go to another instance and perhaps they will remember a pleasant game experience with you and agree to join.
In doing so, you gradually build up a catalogue of people you can call on to do instances. As your catalogue grows, those people will begin to associate the groups you create with fun, success, and achieving goals. And beyond that, your reputation on the server as pro duriod is nurtured and takes root..


04-29-2008, 06:25 AM
Well Put Annikk.....

As a druid its easy to build that rapore. I have noticed as a balance druid half the people I play with notice my dps and say "how do you do so much dps?" the other half say "I love druid HoTs." Either way when I log in I get pst every days from someoen who wants me to help with a quest or do an instance.

as the jack of all trades, druids really have the upper hand when it comes to making friends :lol:

04-29-2008, 06:30 PM
And I can't tell you how many times ive seen a fury warrior tank, refuse to get in defensive stance or apply a sunder. This usually leaves me yelling /y Please use sunder and devastate so the rest of us dont get pummeled.

Just a quick clarification: Devestate is the 41 point talent in the prot tree, so a fury warrior wouldn't have it.

05-02-2008, 07:55 PM
Just a quick clarification: Devestate is the 41 point talent in the prot tree, so a fury warrior wouldn't have it.

Thanks for keeping me on my toes


05-20-2008, 03:31 PM
I have a full resto set and in moonkin spec I get to +1909 healing. Of the level 70 5-mans I have main healed Black Morass and Shadowlabs, and I have been a main healer for Kara as well. However, I dislike saying I will main heal as I feel that I don't do it efficently as I could as full resto, and I would rather respec than raid as a healer with a non-healer spec.

On a side note, I would never pug as a healer while spec'd moonkin. PuG's have so little going for them already, I wouldn't add in someone playing "off-spec".

This is my raiding moonkin spec:

05-21-2008, 09:28 AM
I think i have to update my statement about how easy it was to heal MgT as Balance spec.

I clapped IRL when you said you had no problems healing MgT as Balance, and I thought "So, it can be done?"

I tried to heal MgT with an experimental balance/resto spec with a Druid tank, Rogue, (2) hunters and myself. For the record, they were guildies and they new that I was experimenting with this "hybrid" spec, and I was not my normal "Tree" self. We actually pwn'd the instance until the last boss. Just could not do it. I'm getting beat on by everything that moved while the tank is screaming "I'm cursed! I'm cursed!" Ha Ha, I couldn't even get a decurse off. ROFL - it was bad.

So, no offense intended, but it was nice to read that I wasn't the only one who had trouble with it - balanced spec. ;)

05-21-2008, 11:55 AM
I really dont know why all ppl have trouble healing MgT??
It's one of the easiest to heal for a HoT-User.
Exactly when do you have problems healing??
Try to give regrowth away just before gravity-laps.
afterwards heal with rejuv and single lifeblooms (for the bloom->helps out alot).
When all ppl get low...stay in range for a Tranquility if nessessary.

If u have a shaman in group try to avoid a second phoenix with heroism and bring down kael as fast as possible to gravity laps.
saves much trouble. (but be careful cause a phoenix spawn in gravity-laps is just annoying ;-d)

healed it normal and heroic as full balance too(resto down to intensity).
hots are not that much weaker cause of the extra +heal from the balance tree.
just no swiftmend(use regrowth as your standard-heal).
Its more mana-consuming but fights are short so mana should be no problem.

07-27-2008, 09:31 AM
I got a restoset that gives me 1,7k +heal in moonkinspecc. I have to agree with MissMeli tho, i'd rather specc tree and give it all in than healing as moonkinspecc. This for two reasons.
1; As moonkinspecc my healing, even tho not bad, is never as good as a healspecc and such it gets harder for me and for my group.
2; As moonkinspecc I know, and most of those i group with know, that I'd be better off dpsing and we get someone else to heal.

I didnt specc moonkin to heal or dance, i specced it for awsome dps and cuddlyness.
That being said, I have healed heroic BM as a moonkin.

And about MgT, well, I really cant see how MgT would be any harder than a random heroic, unless MgT is on heroic too cos then it is a pain.
The third boss is always a bitch, but Kael.. be any specc you want, a druid has it so easy on that one due to all hots.

07-28-2008, 09:18 AM
A couple of my guildies (that I regularly run with) rolled a tank and a healer. I'm MH for my guild, so I was quite pleased when I had the opportunity to be Dps for once and I got to (temporarily) re-spec to Boomkin to run with my friends in instances (and sometimes kara) for rep and such. I changed nothing except my spec. Considering all my gear is enchanted and gem slotted for +healing I've been pleasantly surprised at the damage I've manage to deal out.

I didnt specc moonkin to heal or dance, i specced it for awsome dps and cuddlyness.

I was doing my dailes on the Isle last night, boasting to my guildies how fat and huggable I was, when a stranger walked up to me to pat me. :grin: