View Full Forums : Feral Reqs for T5

04-23-2008, 09:20 AM
Hi guys,

I'm currently trying to come up with some minimum stat requirements for starting into T5 content as a druid. I'm good on the resto side of things. But I haven't been feral since we cleared Karazhan, so if you guys could weigh in it'd really help me out.

y assumptions are that no gear is needed from any T4 instance, and that any pre-2.4 badge loot or reputation rewards that are upgrades have been purchased. I'm also assuming that all gear has been properly gemmed and enchanted.

That having been said, is it unreasonable to expect the druid to have 15k hit points and 35-40% dodge in bear form?

Also, if anyone has any armour numbers for this level of gear, that'd really help me out. I know that when Pookies was just 2/5 T4 he was already at almost 30k.

Thanks in advance, druids!

04-23-2008, 10:37 AM
At that point you should just about be armor capped ( 35-36k )

04-23-2008, 11:21 AM
At that point you should just about be armor capped ( 35-36k )

Thanks a lot! Any input as far as the unbuffed HP and dodge go?

04-23-2008, 04:24 PM
I'd recommend at least 14-15k hp, 30-40% dodge unbuffed.

04-24-2008, 02:54 AM
I presume you mean as tank.

For most of the T5 content I was sitting on around 17k-18k health raidbuffed, crit capped, about 28k armor and 40% dodge. Looking back, I could easily have done it with less gear if I'd needed to. With that said, I was rarely asked to main-tank anything (I am pretty much a career cat druid).

Speaking of T5, have you decided what to do in terms of your 2pc tier 4 bonus for cat dps?
I'd recommend deciding that earlier than later, so you can plan your item purchases.

I went for T4 hat and chest. Hat I can turn off, and I wear the lower city tabard to cover the chest (hate the look of T4). I'm going to try to end up with T5 shoulders and legs (the most visual parts - I love the look of T5), and finally Vengeful Gladiator's Gloves, for the bonus to maim.

You need to keep 2pc Tier 4 bonus for cat dps to remain viable. Black Temple cat druids wear 2pc T4 too.


04-24-2008, 03:24 PM
Double post FTL.

04-24-2008, 03:24 PM
EJ forums has shown the mathcraft stating that Malorne helm and shoulders are the best pieces to keep for the 2 pc T4 set bonus. That carries even into/through Sunwell.

Only reason to divert from that is for asthetic reasons, which seems kinda silly.

04-24-2008, 07:45 PM
Doesn't seem silly to me.. :> The T4 shoulders look like ass. All shiny and plasticky baubly and fake crappy looking like some cheapy garden lamp. It's like a pair of giant glowing nipple-less boobs growing out my shoulders. Thank god for cat form. Need to kill Void Reaver again...


04-25-2008, 03:55 PM
^ Orly? T5 are my least favourite shoulders for druids. IMO it's

T6 > T4 = T3 > T5

Of course, they'd probably grow on me ... at first I also hated the shoulders I'm wearing now (the 60 badge ones), but I don't mind 'em so much anymore.

04-28-2008, 05:51 AM
It's just a case of personal preference then I guess. One man's meat and all that...and I'm vegetarian.

I love the animation on the T5 shoulders, and the whole colour scheme and just everything about the look of Nordrassil. The Malorne shoulders by contrast I think look like a pair of garden lamps. Totally non-druidy and boob-like. :p


04-28-2008, 11:49 AM
Totally non-druidy and boob-like. :p


05-05-2008, 03:18 PM
It really depends on the bear in question. The only boss that requires a really well-geared bear tank is morogrim, but for that you should likely be looking at 4pT4 because of the +1400 armor bonus it provides along with the extra rage. For hydross base stats aren't important; armor doesn't matter and resistance is more important than anything other than uncrittability. For lurker you could be in Kara-level gear and be fine. For Leo it's mostly about threat, not about gear.

Hmm. Depends on what you're doing for FLK. If you're not well-geared and try and tank the shaman, you're in for a world of hurt. You could likely do okay with the hunter though.

I seriously doubt you'll be anywhere near armor-capped unless you've done something very squirrelly with your gear. 30k is a good benchmark to aim for. After that, it's as much stam as possible.

05-06-2008, 08:53 AM
It really depends on the bear in question. The only boss that requires a really well-geared bear tank is morogrim, but for that you should likely be looking at 4pT4 because of the +1400 armor bonus it provides along with the extra rage. For hydross base stats aren't important; armor doesn't matter and resistance is more important than anything other than uncrittability. For lurker you could be in Kara-level gear and be fine. For Leo it's mostly about threat, not about gear.

Hmm. Depends on what you're doing for FLK. If you're not well-geared and try and tank the shaman, you're in for a world of hurt. You could likely do okay with the hunter though.

I seriously doubt you'll be anywhere near armor-capped unless you've done something very squirrelly with your gear. 30k is a good benchmark to aim for. After that, it's as much stam as possible.

Wow, thanks a lot kalbear, your response was very much appreciated! :)