View Full Forums : Tanking ring selection....

05-05-2008, 10:11 AM
I picked up the first version of the Kara tanking ring this weekend. Now I'm trying to figure out which 2 rings to use. I now own:

Violet Signet ( -- 294 arm, 27 sta, 13 defense rating
Band of Determination ( -- 252 arm, 35 sta, 17 exp rating
Delicate Eternium Ring ( -- 25 agi, 15 sta, 16 dodge rating
I don't need anymore +def, in fact I'm already over the limit by quite a bit (~26 DR IIRC).

Seems like I should go with #1 and #2, but I'm going to lose some dodge rating and agi when I drop #3. Does the increase armor (and the slight dodge I get from the extra +def) from #1 make up for it?

BTW, I forgot to log off in my tanking kit. So, don't bother looking... Though you can use my Cached IMBA report (

05-05-2008, 11:39 AM
1 and 2 for tanking. The expertise is very nice to save you a ton of pain on some pulls.

05-05-2008, 01:56 PM
While I agree on the decision I disagree as to why. Expertise is meh. Stam is where it's at.

05-05-2008, 02:12 PM
And armor on rings is sexeh

05-05-2008, 03:02 PM
Thanks #1 and #2 it is.....

I definately would keep #2 for the Exp. Must be my inner hunter, but I hate misses. And for trash, misses are what usually causes me issues. Especially on multi-mob pulls.

05-05-2008, 03:10 PM
Expertise is most decidedly not meh. Other than it being one of the best threat stats in the game for druids, it also reduces parry gibs better than any other stat in the game.

That being said, you want to get the badge ring ASAP. It is the best in the game for druids before Mu'ru.

05-05-2008, 03:28 PM
Edit: I was going to recommend the ring linked below but then realized I would wear ring #2 in place of it, especially if you have defense coming out of your ears. The ring comes from the first boss of OHB

Iron Band of the Unbreakable ( 170 armor, 27 sta, 17 defense

05-05-2008, 03:35 PM
Also, the #2 ring gives over 1200 armor in bear form. That right there makes it worth avoidance points. Armor is much more valuable than avoidance for a bear given similar item budgets and not reaching the armor cap.

05-05-2008, 04:40 PM
Expertise is most decidedly not meh. Other than it being one of the best threat stats in the game for druids, it also reduces parry gibs better than any other stat in the game.

That being said, you want to get the badge ring ASAP. It is the best in the game for druids before Mu'ru.

Expertise is not something to be stacked and geared for initially. Once you're at a point where you're happy with your AC, Dodge and HP then go for weaving in expertise to increase your threat gen sure whatever I'm fine with that. But ( IMO )on the gear level of looking at the first kara rep ring, AC and HP are king.

05-05-2008, 04:44 PM
Sure, that's true. But given the choice between a ring with AC, HP and expertise and a ring with HP, agility and dodge, I'll choose the former. Expertise isn't something you should likely go looking for at 'just turned 70' but it's absolutely not 'meh'. Strength is 'meh'. Expertise is the best threat stat you can stack and it's the best way to avoid being burst-killed as a druid.

05-06-2008, 11:48 AM
and it's the best way to avoid being burst-killed as a druid.

You lost me there. I know I haven't been playing lately ( 1 month clean, omg ) but, as I recall expertise ONLY reduces the chances for an NPC to parry a player attack.

05-06-2008, 12:23 PM
I think what Kal is saying is expertise *can* reduce the number of parrys. A parried shot speeds up the mobs swing timer or whatever which, in turn, could lead to a damage spike out of rhythm so to speak from a healer's perspective. In terms of threat it (could) mean the shot landed vs not.

05-06-2008, 12:55 PM
Oh right, forgot about the extra swing after a parry. Fair enough.

05-06-2008, 01:50 PM
i'm tempted with the new one from 2.4 badge rewards but 60 badges is a lot as i only do heroics.

hoping for that Determination one from MgT but the lack of +def or +res is not good for with my gear - expertise is not high on my list of priorities given i dont raid.

otherwise i might save for the one you can get from G'eras for 35 badges iirc.

nice dilemma you have tlbj :)

05-07-2008, 12:59 PM
I think what Kal is saying is expertise *can* reduce the number of parrys. A parried shot speeds up the mobs swing timer or whatever which, in turn, could lead to a damage spike out of rhythm so to speak from a healer's perspective. In terms of threat it (could) mean the shot landed vs not.

That's exactly right. Every time you are parried you can increase the mob's next swing timer by as much as 60%. On hard-hitting bosses like Gruul, that can mean you take another 8k crush 2 seconds earlier than you would have, and often that's enough to kill you. Expertise is better than any other stat for reducing the chances of this happening.

The Stalwart Band of Determination is the second-best ring in the game for bears; the only thing better drops off of Mu'ru.

If you can, get enchants to cover the loss of defense; there is a lot of gear out there that is simply amazing but does not have a lot of defense on it, and if you can't deal with it now, you're going to have issues with it later.