View Full Forums : any suggestions on how to fight mobs?

05-27-2008, 08:38 AM
what i do was,

pounce, mangle, rake, mangle, rake (until 4 combo points) then i do rip and just continue to attack the mob until it die (spamming mangle whenever the 40 energy comes up).

im just wondering if ferocious bite is of any good and i should ever use it since i believe its much much more better to have dot(rip) than just ferocious bite.


05-27-2008, 09:51 AM
First remove rake from your bar (or move it so you are not tempted to use it), as it is a waste of energy and its usefulness is such a small scenario it is not worth mentioning (but I will below).

If you are going to open with pounce, get an energy bar addon you can can land your pounce just before you get another tick of energy. Pounce-->mangle-->Shred-->Shred (if ooc prcs)-->Rip (at 4 CP). Cast FFF while you are waiting for energy (usually after the mangle before the shred). Use Mangle to get to 4 CP if you don't get the 2nd shred off.

For weaker mobs (green, low yellows), FFF-->Mangle ('till 4 CP)-->Rip works just as well and can be a bit faster.

Don't use Bite unless the non-elite mob has less than 20% health and you have 35-39 energy. Otherwise, just hit mangle again. Bite consumes all remaining energy. Sure it can crit for big numbers, but when it doesn't you look stupid standing there with a mob at 20+% health and 4s away from another yellow attack (mangle).

FWIW, the only time I found Rake useful was before I had Maim as a way to deal with running mobs. I'd hit them with rake just before they ran to help finish them off. Really rake is for "high armor" targets (PvP against tanks, pally) as it avoids armor.

05-27-2008, 10:44 AM
First remove rake from your bar (or move it so you are not tempted to use it), as it is a waste of energy and its usefulness is such a small scenario it is not worth mentioning (but I will below).

If you are going to open with pounce, get an energy bar addon you can can land your pounce just before you get another tick of energy. Pounce-->mangle-->Shred-->Shred (if ooc prcs)-->Rip (at 4 CP). Cast FFF while you are waiting for energy (usually after the mangle before the shred). Use Mangle to get to 4 CP if you don't get the 2nd shred off.

For weaker mobs (green, low yellows), FFF-->Mangle ('till 4 CP)-->Rip works just as well and can be a bit faster.

Don't use Bite unless the non-elite mob has less than 20% health and you have 35-39 energy. Otherwise, just hit mangle again. Bite consumes all remaining energy. Sure it can crit for big numbers, but when it doesn't you look stupid standing there with a mob at 20+% health and 4s away from another yellow attack (mangle).

FWIW, the only time I found Rake useful was before I had Maim as a way to deal with running mobs. I'd hit them with rake just before they ran to help finish them off. Really rake is for "high armor" targets (PvP against tanks, pally) as it avoids armor.

sorry but what does FFF stand for?

and how am i going to pull off 2 shred if the mob is attacking me (i assume the stun from pounce is not long enough.)

05-27-2008, 11:22 AM
sorry but what does FFF stand for?Faerie Fire (Feral)and how am i going to pull off 2 shred if the mob is attacking me (i assume the stun from pounce is not long enough.)Do you have burtal impact? BI combined with an energy bar addon and Shredding Attacks will allow this. In fact, I think you might be able to pull off 3 attacks if OoC procs. This was my standard attack sequence for quite some time. Even before I had Mangle you could get 2 Shreds off.

0.0 -- pounce 50 E, but assume you get the 20 right back due to a "perfect pounce" so you end up with 70 E.
1.0 -- Mangle 70-40 == 30E
2.0 -- FFF (50 E)
3.0 -- Shred (8 E)
4.0 -- Pounce Fades

If OoC procs on the Pounce, Mangle or white damage, it is possible to get off 3 attacks before the mob turns around. But you won't get FFF off until after he turns around (not a big deal).

05-27-2008, 01:08 PM
what energy bar addon do you suggest tlbj? now that i've heard about this "perfect pounce" from you and annik, im getting more and more curious as to the difference...

I remember this ONE time in arena, i snuck up on a lock, and MUST have gotten off a perfect pounce... i know OOC proc'd, but the dude was dead quicker than i would have imagined... it was awesome

05-27-2008, 01:17 PM
Energy Watch v2 or something like that. There are two versions with similar names (energy watch v2 and energy watch v2 ZZZ). Take whichever one has been updated recently.

Not sure about X-Perl, but Pitbull unit frames has an energy ticker, but I don't like (it is hard to see). So, I have turned it off and still use Energy Watch.

Make sure you enable the addon for stealth mode ("/ew show stealth"). Otherwise the bar only "activates" when you are in combat. At that point it is too late (to use for a perfect pouce). I also have mine configured to show combo points (using the bar text edit option), so I don't have to look at the mob's unit frame. The energy bar gives me all I need. When the next tick will appear, how much energy I currently have and how many combo points I have on the current mob.

05-27-2008, 01:49 PM
X-Perl and ArcHUD has an energy ticker as well.

05-27-2008, 02:28 PM
ArcHUD has an energy ticker as well.Ever use ArcHUD? Which version? The one on wow ace?

05-28-2008, 08:40 AM
Yeah. I had a friend of mine who raids with a retribution pally turn me on to ArcHud. I do use the one from Wowace. I like it. I think its very configurable and it keeps my eyes focused right in the middle of the screen where I need them when I DPS or tank. It might not be as good for when I heal, but I've become a big fan of having my health and mana/energy bars right there and also having my mobs relative health/mana bars right there as well. Plus on my hunter I have a small set of arcs that show my pet right visually in front of me so he's easier to remember to heal.

06-01-2008, 11:47 AM
Really rake is for "high armor" targets (PvP against tanks, pally) as it avoids armor.
I also like to Rake the Rogues to keep 'em from Gouging/Blinding me then bandaging :grin: Definitely a situational skill.