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06-22-2008, 12:48 PM
ok ive done quite a bit of research prior to makeing the choice to respecc and tommorow i plan to respecc resto? here are my questions.

1. Regrowth uses alot of mana, and really as a hot i dont think it will be able to hold up to lifebloom/rejuv spams. What are yalls oppinions?

2. How much mp5 does spirit give you?

3. outside of lifebloomer, healbot, and dottimer are there any other addons you ould recomend?

Thanks yall look forward to hearin from yall.

06-23-2008, 01:05 AM
I don't recommend healbot, it doesn't show your lifebloom stack. Try using Grid or Xperl or Pitbull instead. If you want to "click to cast" then you can also download Clique.

Your most efficient method of healing is lifebloom, stacked 3 times and maintained. Next is rejuv and after that regrowth. Regrowth is nice because it crits a lot and you can use it almost like another healer would use their big heal. Then you can "swiftmend" it if needed.

Occasionally you might use nature's swiftness followed by healing touch for a big, fat instant heal.

The definitive document on being a Tree would have to be this one:

06-23-2008, 09:24 AM
Your most efficient method of healing is lifebloom, stacked 3 times and maintained.

OK - I've been healing from the dawn of time...and I've settled into a quite comfortable healing "habit" that works quite well for me.

But, I've never paid much attention to the actual mechanics of healing. If I had, then perhaps I wouldn't have to ask this rather embarrassing noob-like question about Lifebloom.

I was asked (by another Druid) about the difficulties of preventing LB from actually "blooming". I've never really thought about it in those terms (I just do it) but, I assume he meant maintaining the 3rd stack on the tank before it runs out?

(I can't believe I had to actually ask that)

06-23-2008, 10:55 AM
^ That's probably what he was talking about. :)

06-23-2008, 11:09 AM
I was asked (by another Druid) about the difficulties of preventing LB from actually "blooming". I've never really thought about it in those terms (I just do it) but, I assume he meant maintaining the 3rd stack on the tank before it runs out?When lifebloom is allowed to expire it is commonly called "blooming". Blooming is nice for PvP (which is why the bloom's healing coefficient was nerf'd a few patches ago), not so nice for PvE. A single stack can bloom as can a triple stack. Though you only get 1 bloom effect regardless of stack size. For PvE you don't want your stack to bloom (in most cases). For most resto's the phase "keep it from blooming" is refers to the act of keeping your triple stack up.

So, your assumption is correct. He was talking about maintaining the triple stack of LB.

06-23-2008, 12:23 PM
So, your assumption is correct. He was talking about maintaining the triple stack of LB.

Good Good..../feels better.

For PvE you don't want your stack to bloom (in most cases).

Tks. But, I must dare to ask:

One tank is too easy. But two? Plus an occasional party heal? Please tell me I'm not the only who's ever let it happen.

06-23-2008, 01:19 PM
One tank is too easy. But two? Plus an occasional party heal? Please tell me I'm not the only who's ever let it happen.Your not the only one. I have read that gear with haste on it makes it easier though as it can reduce the GCD to as low as 1s.

06-23-2008, 01:49 PM
Um ... you should be able to keep three or four stacks of Lifebloom up pretty reliably with 0 haste. It's a basic resto druid skill IMO.

06-23-2008, 02:41 PM
I had a resto friend that, prior to each raid, would create a macro for each tank that said

/target tank1 (<-- insert name here)
/cast lifebloom

He then bound those to ctrl-1, ctrl-2, ctrl-3 so that he could keep up 3 bloom stacks in his sleep, and still watch the raid frames to throw out occasional rejuv's to the locks tapping or rogues taking splash dmg.

Not sure if he's still doing that, but it seemed to work at the time.

1. Regrowth does use a ton of mana, but if your swiftmend is down and the tank is taking dmg over and above what your rejuv / lb is ticking for, its a nice 'catch up' spell. And if you have it talented, 50% crit chance on it makes it much more mana efficient.

2. Donno. check resto4life. Spirit gives you out of combat regen (outside of the 5 sec cast rule). If you have the proper talent, you get 30% of your spirit regen while casting. So basically its too complicated for me right now, and others have already posted extensivley on this :)

3. deadly boss mods and omen are almost necessary. xperl is really useful.

@tlb - haste gear certainly helps. it takes an a$$ton to get GCD down to 1 sec.

06-23-2008, 03:08 PM
Um ... you should be able to keep three or four stacks of Lifebloom up pretty reliably with 0 haste. It's a basic resto druid skill IMO.


I specifically watched my LB this weekend. I made a point to stick to my regular healing routine so I could see where improvements needed to be made.

I noticed, primarily for the ZA Jan'alai fight when raid heals were needed due to bombs and poor positioning, I was letting some blooms go off.

But in general, I'd say I'm not doing too badly.

TBH, it also depends quite a bit on who I am healing with. There are some healers I run with where I am "compelled" to throw a HoT on their assignment every once in a while, and there are other healers I run with where I don't even glance over.

06-23-2008, 04:37 PM
I didn't mean to sound so harsh.

Yes, sometimes s**t happens and you have to let a lifebloom expire to keep someone alive. But that is the only condition under which you should be letting a lifebloom bloom.

Under normal conditions, lifebloom stacks should go up and stay up IMO.

06-23-2008, 05:01 PM
I didn't mean to sound so harsh.

No no didn't. My sigh was actually intended to the fact that I had never really considered the topic until now, TBH. It's all good. :thumbsup:

06-24-2008, 02:04 AM
@Magellan: If u want endgame-raidhealing, u will want to have about 110-120 spellhaste, cause it makes your healing-time so much easier. Cause u can maintain 3 full lifebloom-stacks with enough time for a 4th for raid-healing.
i know its possible to do it without the haste, but its soooo less stressful ;-D

06-24-2008, 10:21 AM
i know its possible to do it without the haste, but its soooo less stressful ;-D

Agreed...which brings me to my next point: I've never even seen gear with spell haste. Is it end-game content? Because, I am so not there.

06-24-2008, 11:31 AM
Agreed...which brings me to my next point: I've never even seen gear with spell haste. Is it end-game content? Because, I am so not there.

We're talking ZA, MH, BT.

Personally, I run with 0 haste and I don't use my epic roll (kind of the equivalent of bidding high DKP) on haste leather.

06-24-2008, 12:45 PM
Haste is not ALL that important for resto druids since the bulk of the healing spells used are instant cast ( rejuv and lifebloom ), I'm not sure regrowth going off .25 seconds earlier is worth all the haste you'd have to stack while you sacrifice other stats.

06-24-2008, 02:38 PM
I'm able to keep 3 stacks up, 4 is pushing it, my latency is too great for 4 I think, or I'm too much of a klutz. It isn't the end of the world if a stack blooms.

It takes practice! I wish I just had a tank frame that showed lifebloom... that would make life almost perfect.

06-24-2008, 03:37 PM
The reason that some druids are suggesting a little bit of haste is not because of the tiny amount of cast time it knocks off of Regrowth ... it is because it decreases the GCD enough to very comfortably fit three GCD between Lifebloom refreshes with latency factored in.

Personally, I can do four stacks fine with 0 haste and with pretty crappy latency (sometimes up to 300+ ms ping during raids ... my server is on the other end of the continent from me). All it takes is a click-to-cast addon and a bit of coordination IMO.

Hell, if you know the names of your tanks you can even set up a /castsequence macro ahead of time that resets every seven seconds and just mash one button over and over. Clicking keeps me awake though, heh.

06-24-2008, 07:16 PM
I totally forgot about it lowering the GCD as it didn't used to. Nevermind my previous statement.

06-25-2008, 11:26 AM
I did notice that the reduced GCD helped a bit.

06-25-2008, 12:18 PM
I did notice that the reduced GCD helped a bit.

How much haste were you running with, Zute?

06-25-2008, 05:04 PM
Just a teeny bit, like 33 (I think, not sure if anything but my neckpiece has it). But I remember after I got it I felt like it was just enough to make things every so slightly easier. Maybe just a placebo effect.

I'm excited that we might be able to reduce the GCD by half a second in WotLK!

06-25-2008, 05:36 PM
Thanks yall i wasn't able to check forums for a few days, but this is all great. Zute thx for the link. I did want to mention that i downloaded lifebloomer, and 4 lb at 3 stacks is not bad using it. My stats aren't the greatest as i am not yet geared, but it went well my only complaint was the tank was horrid but he did not die so i guess i did ok.

y other question was i already have pmc tailoring to 375, should i go with pmc set, whitemend or go leatherworking for wind hawk and such. Just for starts prior to drops.

06-26-2008, 06:28 AM
For healing stay tailoring for the pmc set.
That's all to say about it^^

Cuba Apricot
06-26-2008, 08:38 AM
Now i have a noobquestion :P What is pmc set?

Ive been asked to respec to resto by the guild cause of lack of healers.. And atm this moment i think i have around 1100+healing and like 150 mp5.. would that be enough to heal Kara?

06-26-2008, 09:24 AM
Zute, did you try four stacks after that without any haste? Were you still able to pull it off with ease?

Cuba: your healing and regen are fine for Kara. And PMC = primal mooncloth.

Cuba Apricot
06-26-2008, 10:11 AM
Hmm i just checked.. And i have 1050+ healing and 370 mp5.

just a little under 10k mana.. But im glad i am ready :P now its just a matter if i can figure it all out again lol

06-26-2008, 12:38 PM
... how much regen do you have while casting?

Cuba Apricot
06-27-2008, 04:11 AM
130 or so... But havent respecced yet so its without intensity or whatever that talent is called

06-27-2008, 08:48 AM
Yeah, that should be fine. :)

07-06-2008, 11:18 AM
Zute, did you try four stacks after that without any haste? Were you still able to pull it off with ease?

Cuba: your healing and regen are fine for Kara. And PMC = primal mooncloth.
I can do 4 tanks as long as things are fairly static, not too much running around, people moving in/out range. And I finally figured out how to get the Ora tank frame to show up in Grid! Horray!

But I am never asked to do roll lifeblooms on more than one tank. I don't think our healing lead really understand how druids work. And we're not fighting in places that really require it. Last night in Al'ar I would have liked to rolled LB's on the add tank and MT but they were often OOR of one another.

Sometimes during trash though I get assigned to heal a caster group and I'll try to keep LB rolling on 4 of them for practice. :)

Oh, I haven't tried recently without the haste neckpiece I have. I'll give it a shot tonight.

Can one make a cast sequence macro where the target changes on each sequence? Hmmm....

07-06-2008, 04:02 PM
how did you get the ora to work just out of curiosity?

07-07-2008, 08:44 PM
the best addon i can recommend (EVER!) is Lifebloomer ( With it monitoring and keeping up 4 rolls of lifebloom is a piece of cake :hb2:. The only problem is that it takes up a lot of space on your UI, so you have to decide which targets are important enough to monitor the HoTs on them.

Gd luck! :)

edit: Apparently my version of lifebloomer is quite horribly outdated. The newest version (updated in May 08) enables you to alter the dimensions of the windows so as to accomodate more people are necessary. Good stuff!