View Full Forums : Arena heals help

07-09-2008, 04:33 PM
Ok so i recently started 2v2 and 3v3. Any build/ macro advice for me?

07-09-2008, 07:20 PM
Focus macros are a god-send. (warning: these are very basic, but kinda convey the idea)

Identify one target as either DPS or CC, and make the following macro:

acro #1

Target that person, and hit that macro, and a gray box will come up around their name. You can bind that to a hotkey if you want. Now make this macro:

acro #2
/target focus
/cast Cyclone
/target last target

Once you have set the person as 'focus', whenever you need to CC them, you can hit macro #2 to target them, cast cyclone then go back to your last target.

Three other (very basic macros) that I have on my druid:

the Oh $hit macro (one button NS HT on your target. to cast on self, target self):

/cast natures swiftness
/cast healing touch rank 13

And the barkskin tranq macro:

/target 'insert your name here'
/cast barkskin
/cast tranquility rank 5

The shaman totem-stomping macro:

/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Strength]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Grace]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Healing Stream Totem]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Windfury Totem]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Mana]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Tremor Totem]
/cast moonfire rank 1 [target=Grounding Totem]

I may have this order wrong - need to check when I get home, but the idea is it will go through the list to see if it can find one of those then cast a rank 1 MF at them knocking them down. The most important totem goes at the bottom of the list, as it works from bottom-up. I dont use this that often, as each cast costs a gcd, its often better to whack them with a mace / dagger if possible, but if you have some time and are far away, it can help.

There are all kinds of super-macro language you can put in to create modifiers (i.e. hit it normally it does x, hit it with shift it does y) and scripts to remove any error message that will come up on your screen (i.e. if natures swiftness or barkskin isnt available, it won't say 'Spell not ready' on your screen, it'll just cast the next spell in the list).

Lots of good macros and pvp advice at: ( under the forums and macros sections.

As far as build advice, it depends on what role you are playing, and what team you are playing with.

*edited totem macro

07-09-2008, 07:36 PM
i will be healing at all times i kinda got addicted? Not sure how i used to hate the idea of it. Thx for the macro tips, im a newb when it comes to macros.

07-10-2008, 03:27 PM
DAMN Claritondeus, that macro information was a load of help for me, thank you very much!

Kumorisenshi, did you log out in your PvE healing set? If that's your PvP set, your gonna need to grind lotsa honor...

as far as build goes, i don't have any experience with arena healing YET, but the standard arena healing build of 08/11/42 ( has been suggested to me here in another thread, and i'll be going with that, for lots of important reasons:

Balance> uninterruptable cyclone and roots

Feral> you definitely want to take advantage of what the feral tree has to offer CC-wise... charge and the longer duration bash are good to have. thick hide will come in handy if your getting beat on by melee...

resto> you definitely want to put your points into furor instead of Imp MoTW, and forget about imp tranq, since threat generation isn't an issue

07-10-2008, 09:08 PM
pvp is not my main concern as of now, bt i am on an arena team for fun. once i get well geared for pve i will move onto pvp.

07-13-2008, 01:51 PM
I hate to nitpick! But can't control it...

acro #2
/target focus
/cast Cyclone
/target last target

You could just do this:
/cast [target=focus] Cyclone

Leave out the other two lines and you never have to change your target.

07-14-2008, 01:42 AM
the Oh $hit macro (one button NS HT on your target. to cast on self, target self):

/cast natures swiftness
/cast healing touch rank 13

am i missing something or do you have to stand still for both casts to kick in.
when im running the macro will just cast NS.
is this because HT is a not-moving heal?

07-14-2008, 08:44 AM
am i missing something or do you have to stand still for both casts to kick in.
when im running the macro will just cast NS.
is this because HT is a not-moving heal?

Yes, when you are moving you will have to click twice (the macro is still working correctly :)).

07-15-2008, 03:23 AM
Yes, when you are moving you will have to click twice (the macro is still working correctly :)).

I hate this :banghead_

07-15-2008, 12:34 PM
I hate to nitpick! But can't control it...

You could just do this:
/cast [target=focus] Cyclone

Leave out the other two lines and you never have to change your target.

Hehe thanks Zute. I kinda fail at macros, and just make them up as I go. Thats a much more effective macro.