View Full Forums : Resto Gear/Spell Questions

07-16-2008, 09:30 AM
Hello all:

I am new to posting on the forums but I have been reading them for quite some time now.

I am in need of some guidance on gear and spell rotation for my Druid.

I am currently in MH and BT and need to improve if I can.

I am speced 20/0/41. My armory link is I have a mix of gear from Kara, 25’s and badge rewards.

When I am on raid healing I will throw rejuvenation, lifebloom and regrowth on raid members; I try to keep lifebloom on the tanks if I am in range. When on the tanks I throw rejuvenation (so that I have a spell to eat up with swiftmend), lifebloom and then regrowth. When doing this I usually equip Harold's Rejuvenating Broach. I recently tried using lifebloom, then rejuvenation/regrowth and switched to Idol of the Emerald Queen.

I am not sure what the best rotation and which spell to rely upon as my main: lifebloom or rejeventation?

I am currently shopping for a new neckpiece and cape but I am not sure what way to go on that either. I currently have The Cloak of Avian Feathers and was looking at either Kharmaa's Shroud of Hope or Bishop's Cloak from the badge vendor. Do I sacrifice +12 spirit and a few intellect for stamina? My current necklace is Emberspur Talisman. I was thinking the one of the badge ones or the bg one. I am just not sure which way to go on my new gear. I know there are good drops in MH and BT but I want to try to improve now with what may be available to me.

Any recommendations, comments, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


07-16-2008, 10:39 AM
Hallo new druid ! :D
Welcome to our druid grove.

Hmm, I'm not too up on my healing gear I'm afraid - one of the resto druids would probably be better at answering that.

For spell rotation though, from what I've seen/heard the most efficient way to heal is by keeping 3 stacks of lifebloom up on the target, and always making sure to refresh it before it runs out.

You can actually keep up to 3 targets with 3 stacks each at the same time, if you are good at clicking between them.. :>

Rejuvenation I think is more useful for one-off heals to top someone up, or to add extra healing if your lifebloom target is getting low despite the lifeblooms.

Hope this helps.. :>


07-16-2008, 02:36 PM
Rolling lifebloom on the tank(s) is key. Good idea to keep up a rejuv just incase you need to swiftmend it.

Regrowth isnt that mana efficient, and should primarily be used in situations where you need a quick 'burst heal' (this spell becomes a lot more efficient if you are talented to make the up front portion crit 50% of the time). If you have the mana and the time, go ahead and keep it up on the tank... it'll be that much easier to keep him up with 3 hots rolling, though as annikk said, rolling triple lifeblooms is where its at.

07-20-2008, 10:26 AM
Your spell rotation will change based upon the encounter and the amount of people in your raid. For example, you will be using Regrowth a large amount in 5-mans, a smaller amount in 10's, and almost not at all in 25's. This is because Regrowth is slower than many heals, and you will end up overhealing more often than not. However, when you have a single-tank boss encounter, and there isn't much splash damage in the raid, you'll be able to get all your HoTs onto the tank, at which point it is acceptable to overheal with Regrowth if you think the tank will need that extra HoT.

For more understanding of Lifebloom, check here (

Every encounter is going to have something different that it demands of you, and being flexible is key. Check the bosses out that you're healing on and see what the encounter is going to entail, and adjust accordingly. :)

07-23-2008, 03:59 PM
Gear suggestions?
-Regem to all +healing. You'll get almost another 50+heal from that alone.
-Get a better trinket than the Wildheart one (Battlemasters, EotM, hell even Lower City Prayerbok).
-Get your Shattrath faction shoulder enchant.
-Get the Vitality enchant on your boots.
-Just go all +heal for a new cloak. Whatever you can find (or afford with badges).


Rotation? I generally use 75% lifebloom/20% rejuv/5% regrow in raids. Do the job your raid leader assigns you and then throw a LB or Rejuv on other people when you can. Just don't do too much and run oom before the fight is over.

I can generally use every GCD during every fight without running oom. Sometimes I need pots, rarely I need my innervate.

07-23-2008, 04:52 PM
Get your rep to exalted with SSO to get the Redeemer's Alchemist Stone ( ... the bonus from pots is a great help in long battles in MH/BT ...

07-24-2008, 12:27 PM
Thanks for all of the input; it is greatly appreciated!

I have made several significant changes to my gear since posting and have tried to incorporate several of the suggestions.

I switched to Alchemy yesterday and will start working towards enough SSO rep for the trinket.

I have increase my LB in my raid rotation but can't tell how much more healing I am putting out right now. I have upgrade gear at the same time so I will have to play some and watch the stats.

I am going to grab the season 2 LB trinket and give it a shot.

Thanks again!


07-24-2008, 01:56 PM
Get the Idol of the Emerald Queen from the first boss in ShadowLabs.

07-24-2008, 04:56 PM
agreed with Grynyr. Ideally you dont want to let a LB 'bloom' on someone you are healing. It's more mana efficient (and more healing) to have a triple stack of LB on the tank which you refresh every 6 seconds or so.

If I recall correctly the S2 LB trinket increases the final healing value, or 'bloom' value of LB by 125 or so. The Emerald Queen one increases periodic healing by up to 88.

07-29-2008, 07:59 AM
I usually keep full LB stacks up on 2-3 tanks (depending on the fight), rejuv on 2 and throw hots on raid now and then when needed. I find I am able to do it all without letting the LB stacks bloom. But I actually enjoy making the other healer classes work for top spot on the meter, so you will see me spam regrowth alot. I have the regen to be able to do it though. I have to drink mana pots on some fights when in regrowth spam mode, but making the other healers sweat is so satisfying. It's just something about hearing them say "omg i can't believe I was out healed by a druid" >>

Anyhow, I don't think it really matters whether or not you drink mana pots or use innervate on yourself. They are all there for a reason, if you're doing your job and keeping people alive, as well as yourself, then that's all that matters.

07-29-2008, 08:51 AM
Hello new druid :>
Welcome to our druid grove.


07-31-2008, 10:33 AM
Thanks Annikk!

I love these forums; lots of great info and nice people.

See ya,


08-01-2008, 08:55 AM
Lol, just realised I posted that twice :P

Oh well. Double welcome !


08-04-2008, 12:46 PM
I'm still gearing up for Kara at the moment, well we've got a lot of very good priests so while I'm a little understrength I've just done my first resto Kara run!

I guess I'm throwing this up for critique as much as anything else, but in 5/10 mans I tend to:
1) Concentrate mainly on the Tank/OT (intentional OT or otherwise)
2) Kick off with a rejuve ready to swiftmend
3) Build up to 3 lifeblooms, depending on the damage going in I'll either stack up ASAP or build slowly to conserve mana.
4) Keep the lifebloom stack running as first priority refreshing rejuve as necessary
5) in the event that it all starts to go pearshaped I'll swiftmend the rejuve, refresh the lifebloom if necessary and then add a healing touch or in rare cases my "999 heal" which is Nature's Swiftness and Healing Touch macro'd together. I never use NS or HT otherwise.

For wider group/raid healing I liberally chuck around lifeblooms, usually just a single and let them bloom; topped up, if necessary with rejuve.

in five mans especially I reserve the right to hit tranquility if it's all going pearshaped, it's a real life saver when that pull goes wrong.

Get the Idol of the Emerald Queen from the first boss in ShadowLabs.
I love this, was lucky it dropped on my first druid run through the place.

Mod wise I'm using Lifebloomer almost exclusively now with all my relevant heals macroed so I only have to mouseover the character,lifebloomer, healbot or the group icons to apply a heal. While I do still occasionally lose a stack, I've easily managed to keep 3 stacks running.

08-04-2008, 01:03 PM
Sounds like you are progressing along nicely. Everything you listed looks good to me, you'll modify it more as you and your tanks gear up.

08-04-2008, 01:17 PM
One question that does spring to mind is the relative merit of a "not quite a 999 heal" by using Nature's swiftness Macro'd with Regrowth vs the inevtiable danger that you'll need that Healing Touch about 10 seconds before NS comes off cooldown.

Erm might help if it actually was a question :D :

Should I keep NS only for emergencies with Healing Touch or is it worth binding it to HT for more general use?

08-04-2008, 03:21 PM
I leave NS for the emergency HT when it's needed. In fact, I have neither HT nor NS on my hotbars, only the macro for NS->HT.

I've always used my HoTs for a barometer on if I should be in an instance. If my 3 HoTs (LB stack + Rejuv + Regrow) can't keep a tank healed, then one of us is undergeared. Throwing HT around, for me at least, shows that something is wrong.

You have tree form for a reason. HT is terribly mana INefficient. Especially when you calculate in the mana cost to switch back into tree, or the mana cost of NOT having the tree buff on you.

08-04-2008, 08:35 PM
I leave NS for the emergency HT when it's needed. In fact, I have neither HT nor NS on my hotbars, only the macro for NS->HT.

That's how I'm set up at the moment with regards to HT, I do have NS on the hotbar but I've never used it except as a macro.

I've always used my HoTs for a barometer on if I should be in an instance. If my 3 HoTs (LB stack + Rejuv + Regrow) can't keep a tank healed, then one of us is undergeared. Throwing HT around, for me at least, shows that something is wrong.

At the moment I tend to view frequent regrowths on the Tank, in a 5 man at least, as the first sign of trouble. And yes, if all three can't keep the tank on his/her feet then it's going to be a short run.

Thanks for the advice, I'm starting to feel like I might be not a million miles off being a not bad resto Druid :D

08-05-2008, 03:37 PM
Thanks for the advice, I'm starting to feel like I might be not a million miles off being a not bad resto Druid :D

The reality is that the fact you are here on these forums in the first place makes you a "not bad resto Druid." If you actually manage to take some good information away from here and apply it to the game, you'll already be very good.

08-05-2008, 04:28 PM
The reality is that the fact you are here on these forums in the first place makes you a "not bad resto Druid." If you actually manage to take some good information away from here and apply it to the game, you'll already be very good.

This is too true. You'd be surprised (or maybe you wouldn't) at how many players have absolutely no desire to improve themselves. Everyone here should be commended for at least making that effort!