View Full Forums : Achievements coming for WoW

07-17-2008, 04:29 PM
Blizzard announced today that starting with Wrath of the Lich King's launch, in-game achievements will be available for World of Warcraft. These include PvP, raid, quest, exploration, and social type accomplishments, as well several other areas.

Wrath of the Lich King: Accomplishments (

07-18-2008, 06:24 AM
candy floss ?

ie no substance or real point to them or....... ?

07-18-2008, 08:55 AM
Probably not a large amount, though they did say there might be in-game rewards (tabards, titles, non-combat pets) for some of them. They remind me a lot of the deeds system that LotRO has.

07-18-2008, 10:18 AM
The deeds system in lotro gives a lot of abilities and you pretty much have to do a lot of them in order to improve your character.

It seems more like the inane five millions different titles you can "earn" for your character in EQ2.
Would be good if they could adopt a similar system to the EQ2 Lore and Legend abilities. You get a book and study a type of mob by examining a load of different body drops from that mob type. Once you have examined them all you can do a special two minute cooldown attack on that mob type that does high damage. It is a pretty decent system that gives a nice to have reward that isn't game breaking.

07-18-2008, 10:37 AM
I think they put them in there to "compete" with other games that have similar systems.

That said, since the rewards are just cosmetic, I assume the only players bothering to perform them are the same folks that participate in Holiday quests/events. So, this gives them something to do between the summer event and the fall event.

09-24-2008, 03:19 PM
I agree with Gyin that WoW could learn from EQ2's Lore and Legends and their Achievements system. Both of them are outstanding. And add in mentoring with both of those systems and it is suddenly quite rewarding to mentor down. Because of the leveling speed and the size of EQ2 you can't actually do all the instances as you level up. So there is plenty of Achievement experience to be made by mentoring down and exploring and completing quests in these new to you instances.

If WoW had a system like this there would be less need for end game content. And finally some really good reasons for higher level characters to return to old content. The problem is Achievement is like XBox360 achievement not EQ2 or EQ achievement. It's cosmetic. Bragging rights. But it doesn't improve your gameplay or otherwise improve your game experience.

09-24-2008, 03:52 PM
I will say the Achievement UI is sweet (on the PTR). And the coolest feature (IMO) are the combat stats it maintains (biggest single hit, total damage, total heals, etc.). I did noticed it didn't detect quite a few things that I had done, like several reg BC 5-mans, several heroic 5-mans, etc.

I'm still afraid that Achievements may become some sort of measuring stick for player skill..."LFM must have AP > 600". Must have "Make Love not Warcraft", etc.

09-24-2008, 04:56 PM
I'm still afraid that Achievements may become some sort of measuring stick for player skill..."LFM must have AP > 600". Must have "Make Love not Warcraft", etc.

I never considered this. excellent point. Skill, at least in WoW, rarely correlates to a player's Achievement count.

I'm sure anyone who has played a sufficient amount of WoW knows someone that has done EVERYTHING and gone EVERYWHERE and is still painful to be around even after all that experience. And, of course the opposite, the player who was an excellent player, fun to be around, inventive when playing new content but quit a year ago and will have virtually no Achievement.

09-25-2008, 07:18 AM
ok a couple of guildies are today suddenly racing off to kill every boss in every instance no matter wot level in order to qualify for more points ?? when Wrath goes live which they say they can turn into good gear incl epic stuff ???

so they are at 70 rushing off to solo/duo Deadmines / SFK / Gnome et al !!

is this really the case ?

then as newer players they say the want/need to go kill the world bosses....dragons etc and Ony.. ?

a couple of people were getting depressed thinking they 'had' to go off and get faction rep to exalted with all main Og / TB and then go and kill every boss in an instance they may never have actually been into - ie some new players just went right to 70 and outlands and never really did the whole Strat / Scholo / DM places....

i'll read up on that link of your Yrys a little later and maybe it will provide the answers....

09-25-2008, 08:18 AM
There has been no indication you get anything but titles and/or vanity pets from achievements.

09-25-2008, 09:02 AM
ok cheers tlb.

09-26-2008, 08:30 AM
I am looking forward to them like crazy... gives me plenty to do in game to break the monotony of constant Q's.

btw- 1st post... hi there!!

09-26-2008, 08:50 AM
Welcome. :)

09-26-2008, 11:45 AM
Welcome indeed Kraz:)

10-03-2008, 07:16 PM
... I assume the only players bothering to perform them are the same folks that participate in Holiday quests/events. So, this gives them something to do between the summer event and the fall event.


Personally I am hoping for monster killer titles, I want:

Dazshen, Grand Master Ogre Wacker

For killing each and every ogre in the game.

10-03-2008, 08:34 PM
In the latest PTR you can compare your achievements to another player in-game. That concerns me.

10-04-2008, 06:36 AM
Oh my god... I see ePeen-waving contests ahead.