View Full Forums : Is anyone having lag in MH & BT ?

07-30-2008, 10:25 AM

Is anyone having problems getting bad lag and being disconnected in MH & BT while healing ?

y wife and one other healer are having this every time. What's odd is that when the other healer brings her Lock there she is fine. They both have turned off all there addon's except the boss addon and still they go red in lag and get disconnected. My wife is on the same DSL as me and I'm in the green all the time.

Can anyone help?


07-30-2008, 10:35 AM
The class you are playing on is highly unlikely to be a factor in instability or latency issues. It's more than likely to just be a coincidence I'm afraid. Are there any other factors that differ between playing the two characters? For example, are there some addons that are used for healing, but not for warlocking?

Besides that, the usual things to try.. disable all addons, try playing on a different computer, check what programs and processes are running in the background, etc.


07-30-2008, 11:13 AM
I've seen unit frame mods cause this.

07-30-2008, 11:29 AM
If you don't have the problem and she does, then simply copy each other's Warcraft folder to the other's machine and switch comps for a night.

If she still has the problem when playing on your computer, and you don't when playing on her's then its something in the Warcraft folder.

07-30-2008, 12:24 PM
She has turned her video settings in game to low and addon's are off, same thing lag goes to red and DC's alot only when in them 2 instances. Kara, Gruul... are fine ?

Anyone help ?


07-30-2008, 07:04 PM
Try deleting the WTF and WDB folders in the World of Warcraft folder.

These folders will be created from scratch the next time you start the game. Note that many settings such as video options, addon settings, etc, will be lost by doing this. If you will lose a lot of work by doing this, an alternative is to simply move the folders somewhere else, and if the from-scratch WTF and WDB do nothing for your stability then at least you have the backup. :>


07-30-2008, 08:39 PM
I think you have leave behind your enUS under the WDB folder. Delete its contents, but leave that folder behind.

Deleting the cache data has helped me several times.

There is also a repair tool, just don't have it "reset" everything.

07-31-2008, 12:18 PM
Try deleting the WTF and WDB folders in the World of Warcraft folder.

These folders will be created from scratch the next time you start the game. Note that many settings such as video options, addon settings, etc, will be lost by doing this. If you will lose a lot of work by doing this, an alternative is to simply move the folders somewhere else, and if the from-scratch WTF and WDB do nothing for your stability then at least you have the backup. :>


What are the names of WTF and WDB ?
Sorry I don't know

Also where is this repair tool and how do you use it ?


07-31-2008, 01:26 PM
What are the names of WTF and WDB ?Those are folder names under your wow folder.Also where is this repair tool and how do you use it ?Just run it. It is in the same folder as wow.exe. When you run it you will be presented with a list of options to pick from.

What I would do, is clear all of the files from your Cache folder (leaving behind an empty enUS folder). Give that a try first. That alone can make a huge difference. Once the cache is messed up, all sorts of odd things happen that make no sense at all. Also, defrag your harddrive. The wow patch mechanism wrecks havoc on file fragmentation. I use a standalone programe called Contig ( to just defrag my wow folder.

If none of the above works, then delete your WTF folder (though you might want to back it up first as it contains keyboard bindings, settings, etc.). Run wow. It will re-create the folder with default files/settings. Copy back 1-2 files from your back-up copy at a time. Trying wow between each attempt.

Repeat the above for your interface files (addons).

Good luck. It sucks. I've been there and it is a pain to work out.