View Full Forums : Stats and Gear checks

08-26-2008, 04:25 PM
Hai all.

I thought this might make a fun and also informative thread for resto druids of different raiding levels to compare stats and gear, as well as just a way of giving a druid of any level an idea of what to aim for.

Feel free to discuss why you gear or gem a certain way.

BTW The stats posted should be unbuffed.

Add a new reply to the post when you want to update. =)

Ill start! ^.^

Stats - Unbuffed

+Heals= 2195
Crit chance= 10.66%
P5= 598/223
Spirit= 532
ana= 9065
Health= 8719

Heal set

Cowl of Nature's Breath (
Grovewalker's Leggings (
Enchanted Leather Sandals (
Gavel of Naaru Blessings (
Thunderheart Spaulders (
Jade Ring of the Everliving (
Thunderheart Gloves (
Redeemer's Alchemist Stone (
Rejuvenating Bracers (
Shattered Sun Pendant of Restoration (
Shroud of Nature's Harmony (
Voodoo Shaker (
Shroud of Forgiveness (
Life-step Belt (
Essence of the Martyr (
Idol of the Raven Goddess (

Gems= +22 heals

I gem this way because my regen is sufficient enough to allow it.

09-03-2008, 10:39 AM
If I have a spare half hour I will edit this post with my stats in healing gear :>


09-04-2008, 12:01 PM
I would post my gear, but people would laugh at me.

just started Kara, had a lucky drop of the mace from the prince taking me to a grand total of 1282+ Healing, plus purple shoulders and cloak from Red Riding hood, everything else still trash blues and, dare I say it, greens.

09-04-2008, 12:11 PM
just started Kara, had a lucky drop of the mace from the prince taking me to a grand total of 1282+ Healing, plus purple shoulders and cloak from Red Riding hood, everything else still trash blues and, dare I say it, greens.That's plenty good enough for kara and most heroics. I have +1400 healing in my feral healing kit. I have some nice healing purples from kara that no one ever seem to need. The leftovers have been good to me.

09-04-2008, 01:13 PM
I started healing Kara in about +800 healing and I was able to beat healers who had +1400 healing for raw overall healing. Druid healing is pretty powerful. I think Druids can get away with a bit lower on the +healing to start and they catch up pretty quick.

09-04-2008, 04:23 PM
I started healing Kara in about +800 healing and I was able to beat healers who had +1400 healing for raw overall healing. Druid healing is pretty powerful. I think Druids can get away with a bit lower on the +healing to start and they catch up pretty quick.

Ya...what he said. :thumbsup:

I'm running around as a Moonkin at the moment - doing dailies - in my healing set. So, I'd post my stats if they weren't so ridiculous looking....*giggle*.

But hey, it cut's my daily time in half, so whadayado?

09-08-2008, 12:45 PM
Oh god, dailies. Took my hunter out for a spin (she's been gathering dust since I got into my druid) and the difference is a bit sad.

Been busy since the last post, now just shy of 1400 healing unbuffed thanks to finally grinding the rep for my prayer books and a nice purple cloth kilt dropping last night in Steam Vaults.

Happy tank healing in Kara but got dragged in as an emergency stop gap into ZA on saturday and I'm still a way off being ready for there.

been very Jammy for loot in Kara so far.

I started healing Kara in about +800 healing and I was able to beat healers who had +1400 healing for raw overall healing. Druid healing is pretty powerful. I think Druids can get away with a bit lower on the +healing to start and they catch up pretty quick.
If you're tank healing I guess it's to be expected you're running HoTs on the guys guaranteed to be hit during the run :D
We tried running Kara with 2 healers when my Mace dropped and I was only at around 1000 healing and the priest on 1700 and it was definitely a struggle when anything went wrong. With three healers though I think you've got more room to bring in a healer that is technically understrength.

[edit]Armoury Link ( For those that want to critique. Still short of rep for the head enchant and I haven't had a chance to smile at the guild tailors for spellthread yet.

09-08-2008, 04:17 PM
well i'm feral but in the healing gear i've collected i've got :

+1484 healing
7.95% crit
418/159 mp5.
359 spirit
9410 mana
6777 health

so i guess my HP are the worst part of the set.

having said that i think i'm currently down to only now using 2 of my 7 Stormrage set :p

got some nice purples like Pants of Living Growth / Hood of Primal Life / Shoulderpads of Renewed Life.

then blues like the prayerbook trinket, a moonglade robe, blue rings and boots. plus the purple gavel of pure light and the windcaller's orb both from rep rewards.

09-09-2008, 05:57 AM
Bloody feral showoffs, coming in here all "lah-di-dah look at me, I should be tanking but I think I'll outheal you instead." bugger off and annoy the warriors who can't get aggro off you or something :D

09-09-2008, 09:23 AM
For Kara how many healers you bring is a function of the gear and experience level of the tanks and healers and DPS. When we started 3 was what we needed to get through. These days we are doing it with just 2 and even then it seems like except for boss fights we are boring the piss out of the healers even while chain pulling. Really over time your needs for Kara transform with gear and practice. We only ever take two, but we keep one person who can off heal for the tight fights like Nightbane. Beyond that, its pretty straight forward.

09-09-2008, 01:37 PM
Bloody feral showoffs, coming in here all "lah-di-dah look at me, I should be tanking but I think I'll outheal you instead." bugger off and annoy the warriors who can't get aggro off you or something :D


09-09-2008, 02:02 PM
If there were more resto Druids, us Ferals wouldn't have to pick up all that trash healing leather....

09-09-2008, 10:06 PM
But then I wouldn't be able to walz into a raid and nick all that lovely Leather healing gear (oooer). That said I've been grinding 5 mans for weeks and I still haven't replaced the flippin Kodohide Chest I bought as a stopgap measure about 2 months ago.

But nearly 1500 heals now.

09-24-2008, 11:51 AM
These days we are doing it with just 2 and even then it seems like except for boss fights we are boring the piss out of the healers even while chain pulling. Really over time your needs for Kara transform with gear and practice. We only ever take two, but we keep one person who can off heal for the tight fights like Nightbane. Beyond that, its pretty straight forward.

Ya....and oddly enough, you actually need less healers the further you get into Kara.

09-24-2008, 01:43 PM
Psst..... healing cloth stolen from the hands of Priests is great too....

09-25-2008, 09:47 AM
Yesterday I was sitting at over 2400 unbuffed healing in my healing set ... because I was specced balance to grind out CC rep and I had that awesome x% of your intellect goes to spell damage talent, heh. ;)

Normally just shy of 2300 ... 2293 or something like that.

09-30-2008, 12:48 PM
Another resto druid in my guild had 2519 +healing unbuffed. She has Healing mace and off hand from SWP.

10-07-2008, 12:59 PM
you know i started kara as a boomkin and rolled on healing gear when it was available and constantly running heroics but5 if you really want to upgrade from your blues and greens start off with some pvp gear itll get you through till you get those epics you need and fyi badge gear is between t4 and t5 so work on that but kara is a quick 22 badges and you cant go wrong with that

10-08-2008, 08:59 PM
I was all excited becuase the Masquerade gown dropped tonight (althought I lost the T4 gloves roll for the second week running :() and then I saw those numbers.

Hovering around 1550 healing atm but boosting int, spirit and other tricks while doing so.