View Full Forums : Kitty PvE DPS Rotation (especially in raid)

09-22-2008, 01:43 AM
can somebody share with me how you shell out your dps during..say..boss fight?

personally i just do 5x mangle (cat) until i got 5 combo points then dish out a rip. rinse & repeat.

however it doesnt really turn out to be good enough (DPS chart shows im bottom)

i've seen the debate regarding powershifting with furor for the extra 40 energy, but im not really convinced to do that since i am always involved in rebirthing and innervating raid members halfway throughout the fight.

09-22-2008, 02:24 AM
Hello druid :>

Shred is the most damage for the energy. You need to have 2/2 Shredding Attacks in order for this to work:

1. When the tank pulls, be a good cat and wait a bit for aggro.

2. Faerie Fire while waiting.

3. Mangle!

4. Now Shred until you have built up 5 combo points.

5. Wait until you have 70-80 energy, then Rip.

6. _Immedietely_ do a Mangle - if you do it within 2 seconds the first tick of Rip will be amplified by Mangle.

7. Now build up 5 Combo Points again by Shredding, return to step 5..


09-22-2008, 08:00 AM
Hello druid :>

Shred is the most damage for the energy. You need to have 2/2 Shredding Attacks in order for this to work:

1. When the tank pulls, be a good cat and wait a bit for aggro.

2. Faerie Fire while waiting.

Last night in Kara:

1. After the tank pulls Prince, tag with Faerie Fire

2. Tank Prince in kitty form until tank regains aggro.

ake sure the tank has aggro before casting FFF...

09-22-2008, 08:04 AM
I remain in stealth to get the dot from pounce.

FF, Mangle, Shred until you get 4 CP's, Rip.

I then change to ensure mangle is always up to get the bleed bonus to the rogues and warriors. I try to keep Rake up with shreds tossed in.

I like the DOT effects over the straight damage by personal choice.

09-22-2008, 09:01 AM
What about just grinding dailies and such? What's the best rotation?

09-22-2008, 09:11 AM
It depends if you are single killing or multi killing. For my druid I end up doing, FFF, Mangle to 4/5 combo, Rip and then move on to the next mob. The first one will typically die just from the Rip.

09-22-2008, 12:17 PM
It depends if you are single killing or multi killing. For my druid I end up doing, FFF, Mangle to 4/5 combo, Rip and then move on to the next mob. The first one will typically die just from the Rip.

09-22-2008, 12:51 PM
It should be noted though that the rotation you'll use after the patch comes out will be considerably more complex if you want to maximize it. I think for the beta I was doing something like....

FFF, Mangle, Mangle, Rip, FB (this did some amazing damage, but its been nerfed since I tried it) and usually the mob was dead, but either way there are a lot of other abilities that you can use now that pretty much change the rotations a good bit.

09-23-2008, 05:31 AM
I remain in stealth to get the dot from pounce.

FF, Mangle, Shred until you get 4 CP's, Rip.

I then change to ensure mangle is always up to get the bleed bonus to the rogues and warriors. I try to keep Rake up with shreds tossed in.

I like the DOT effects over the straight damage by personal choice.

zomg didn't notice you before!
Hello new druid!! :D

Welcome to our Druid's Grove :>

You know, even if you keep Mangle up, the energy spent to Pounce works out as poorer efficiency than just going straight into the rotation I posted above :> We had a big discussion about the best rotations and theorycrafted through them all some moons ago. Pretty sure that's what we concluded..


09-23-2008, 09:22 AM
For boss fights where I'm DPS'ing, I start stealth'd just so I can sneak around their backside as the fight starts. But I open up with FFF (which starts my white attacks). I, then, wait (doing just white damage) for a few seconds so the tank can build up some threat. Then I start the Mangle, Shred to 5CP, Rip, repeat sequence. If I start to pull agro (from too many crits), I just do white damage for a moment and reset FFF.

09-23-2008, 10:04 AM
the energy spent to Pounce

So, it's best to start with FFF(?)

I've been starting with pounce.....(but ya, it does suck up energy)....and when do you use shred?

I actually forgot how to be a kitty, I've been resto for so long. I'm out of practice.

And if I may ask yet another noob question:

angle to 4/5 combo

What does that mean?

09-23-2008, 10:46 AM
Ok.... you build combo points as a kitty just like a rogue. What 4/5 combo means is use mangle to build to 4 or 5 combo points and then do your finishing move.

For the FFF question I use it above pounce for two reasons:
1. Energy Efficiency.
2. Pull positioning -> In other words I like to pull the mob to where I want it and not find out that I stupidly put myself behind the mob and thus too close to the next mob.

09-23-2008, 12:28 PM
So, it's best to start with FFF(?)

I've been starting with pounce.....(but ya, it does suck up energy)....and when do you use shred?

I actually forgot how to be a kitty, I've been resto for so long. I'm out of practice.

And if I may ask yet another noob question:

What does that mean?

In raids/instances, I find that pouncing is a waste of time. Also stunning a mob makes it difficult for the tank to gain rage/threat at the beginning.

If you are questing or something and need to kill some mobs, it can be pretty beneficial to pounce/mangle/shred because usually the mobs are dead before pounce breaks if you time it right.

In raids though, it's better to just toss up a FFF, then Mangle/Shred/Rip. At the moment, the damage from FB doesn't really make up for the energy dump that it involves.

09-23-2008, 12:47 PM
If you are questing or something and need to kill some mobs, it can be pretty beneficial to pounce/mangle/shred because usually the mobs are dead before pounce breaks if you time it right.

Ya...questing and dailies only. If I am in a raid I am a Tree.

I'm studying this thread because it's been so long since I've been a kitty (and I've managed to aquire a decent off-set) I thought it might be fun respec to feral to level to 80.

09-23-2008, 02:12 PM
If I were going to be only grinding mobs as a feral druid, I would spec for Savage Fury and basically get as much stuff as I could to buff Mangle. Reduced energy, increased damage, the right idol, all that stuff.

Then, simply run between mobs, FFF as you run towards them, and mangle until they are at 30% health or so, then bite. Then move to the next mob, FFF as you run towards it... etc

This is the fastest method of grinding - I am pretty sure about this. However if you're like me and have talents and gear set up to buff Shred instead (for raid dps), it can sometimes be faster to mangle, maim, shred.

[edit - fixed a typo]


09-23-2008, 05:09 PM
In raids/instances, I find that pouncing is a waste of time. Also stunning a mob makes it difficult for the tank to gain rage/threat at the beginning.

Generally speaking I agree with you. I sometimes use it in instances with a trash mob that fears or mind controls.....pounce, then all-out dps to kill it before it can cast.

09-26-2008, 10:36 AM
why must we do the mangle 1st before anything else?

since shred is the most damaging skill, why can't we do shred to 5 CP followed by rip with 75 energy so that it becomes FFF>Shred to 5 CP>Rip followed by Mangle.

09-26-2008, 10:51 AM
why must we do the mangle 1st before anything else?While the Mangle debuff is on a mob, Shred does 30% more damage.

09-26-2008, 01:05 PM
While the Mangle debuff is on a mob, Shred does 30% more damage.

That was removed. Look at the talent trees again. Its now shred is buffed when a bleed effect is occuring, but that's not in Mangle anymore.

09-26-2008, 01:36 PM
That was removed. Look at the talent trees again. Its now shred is buffed when a bleed effect is occuring, but that's not in Mangle anymore.It is still there, the wording has changed so that a Warrior's Trauma also buffs Shred as well. The change was made as Trauma overwrites Mangle in the new buff rule scheme, which means we'd lose DPS if a DPS warrior was in the raid.

angle and Trauma are "bleed effect buffs".

"Mangle the target for 160% normal damage plus 507.2 and causes the target to take 30% additional damage from bleed effects for 12 sec. Awards 1 combo point."


"Shred the target, causing 225% damage plus 742.5 to the target. Must be behind the target. Awards 1 combo point. Effects which increase Bleed damage also increase Shred damage."

09-26-2008, 02:15 PM
Doh.... sorry I know I read that, but I'm working on some stuff for a blog post and got myself turned around. Thanks for the correction.