View Full Forums : dps trinkets

09-23-2008, 07:31 AM
I'm finally looking to replace my Bladefist's Breath ( for my kitty set.

In 8 days I should be revered with Ogril'la, which will let me buy the Crystalforged Trident ( In about a week I should have the badges for the Bloodlust Brooch ( A wildcard is Romulo's Poison Vial (, which theoretically could drop from Opera tonight or the following Tuesday.

The Trident makes the most sense because I can spend my badges on something else. The Brooch is a real feel-good choice because (a) it's purple, (b) it should push my attack power over 3000 unbuffed, and (c) it does more damage than the trident.The Poison Vial is supposed to have a terrible proc rate from what I've read but will get my hit rating over 142.

My other trinket is the Assassin's Alchemist Stone ( which does less damage than the others but has an amazing potions effect.

What doth thou thinkest?

09-23-2008, 08:26 AM
Ok.... go to BRD and get the upgraded equivalent of the Bloodlust Broach FOR FREE if it drops off the seasonal boss there. Romulo's Poison Vial is complete and utter crap. The proc rate is much too low. I was something stupid like 1% of my damage one night when I wore it all raid long.

Hit capped however is a good thing too.... so... hmmm

09-23-2008, 12:22 PM
Personally my favorite DPS trinket is the Shard of Contempt ( from Heroic MgT.

Also, the Hourglass of the Unraveller ( from Black Morass is really awesome.

I wouldn't invest much energy into Romulo's vial. But yeah, you have this week to get the DPS trinket from BRD for free and you can try the boss five times a day if you go with a full party of people who haven't done it yet.

I'm not a huge fan of Crystalforged Trident to be honest. The +weapon damage doesn't do anything for you.

09-23-2008, 12:36 PM
The +weapon damage doesn't do anything for you.That is huge. +damage does help cats quit a bit. It is only "on hit" type procs that do not work in bear/cat forms.

09-23-2008, 12:48 PM
That is huge. +damage does help cats quit a bit. It is only "on hit" type procs that do not work in bear/cat forms.

That was my understanding as well. The Cat High-Gear DPS List ( ranks the trident fairly high. The Poison Vial is ranked near the top but the notes say that's based on two procs per minute which I think is overly optimistic.

09-23-2008, 12:50 PM
Sorry, I was mistaken. I'm used to +weapon damage enchants not doing anything. I didn't realize +weapon damage on trinkets and accessories actually added to our damage.

09-23-2008, 02:18 PM
Hm, doesn't the enchant with +weapon damage buff cat damage too? I thought it did, although I could easily be wrong..

We had a massive debate over it back when Applejax was posting here - about whether the weapon damage enchant for rings was better than the +all stats enchant. I think in the end +weapon damage came out slightly better... but of course with stats you get some bonus int, spirit, and stamina..


09-23-2008, 02:27 PM
Er, I meant +weapon damage enchants to the actual weapon. I'm not an enchanter so I never actually really pay attention to ring enchants and I think those are the only +weapon damage enchants there are.

+weapon damage enchants to the actual weapon don't. Or at least according to WoW wiki:

Weapon DPS and weapon +damage enchants have no effect, however, armor enchants such as the Enchant Ring - Striking enchant, and armor pieces such as the Crystalforged Trinket that boost weapon damage do work. The bonus damage from Weightstones and Sharpening Stones also does work. Weapon enchants that boost stats such as Attack Power and Agility rather than weapon damage also work.

09-24-2008, 09:16 AM
Aha, that'll be it :>


09-25-2008, 11:39 AM
Ok.... go to BRD and get the upgraded equivalent of the Bloodlust Broach FOR FREE if it drops off the seasonal boss there.

That's exactly what I decided to do. It dropped on the first kill and I got it. Self-buffed my attack power is now 3051 :)

09-25-2008, 11:41 AM
w00t !

09-30-2008, 03:39 PM
Ok.... go to BRD and get the upgraded equivalent of the Bloodlust Broach FOR FREE

Yeah agreed do this. Its very easy, and the exact same trinket. In fact, I have the damage one melee one and healing one on my Druid after 2 runs (5 summons each). Very easy to get, and you get to save some badges for an Angelista's or maybe Slikks or PvP cloak or something fun :)

10-01-2008, 03:47 AM
indeed. i'd be annoyed if i had recently spent lots of badges on a trinket only to find 1 drops so easily in BRD.

i've only been to BRD for brewfest boss 2 times and i've got the melee dps and the healing trinket.

all i need now is the spell damage one for oomkin !

10-01-2008, 09:37 AM
I did the brewfest boss last night. It really helps if someone has the teleporter/remote thing that blips you right to the bar. We killed the boss 7+ times. I now own one of every type of trinket (even the block trinket). Though we went in looking for the spell DPS trinket and it never dropped.

To get the quest you just have to finish the welcome quest (for the horde it means turning in a quest outside of ogrimmar) and picking up the boss quest from the dude across the street. total time < 2m.

While you are in the bar summon the band, they are fun to watch/listen to.

Can I have both the boss trinket and the bloodlust trinket equipped at the same time? do they share cooldowns? I don't know what else to spend my 41 badges on. As I doubt I'll make it to 75 (or better 100) to get some new pants.

10-01-2008, 03:41 PM
I highly recommend the Shard of Contempt and Berserker's Call for DPS (it's what I have equipped, currently). Both are relatively easy to obtain, so long as you're clearing ZA.

IMO, the Expertise rating on the Shard of Contempt is absolute gold. The Empty Mug of Direbrew is a stupidly easy to obtain trinket that's comparable to the Bloodlust Brooch, as mentioned, and they don't (currently) share the same cooldown. Might be a nice alternative to spending a bunch of badges.

10-02-2008, 03:14 AM
yep went back to BRD last nite for the 3rd time and i now have the spell damage tinket to for when i respec to oomkin :)

10-02-2008, 09:07 AM
Do you have the healer trinket too??? That one should become a DPS trinket in two weeks.

10-02-2008, 09:24 AM
i've got the

healer trinket
melee dps trinket
spell damage trinket

What do you mean by the healer trinket becoming a dps trinket in 2 weeks ?

10-02-2008, 09:30 AM
It has say 95 healing and 23 spell damage right now... in 2 weeks we are getting the spell power change with the patch... all healing gear becomes spell power gear.

So thus the healing trinket IS a DPS trinket in 2 weeks. at least for Boomkin it is...

10-03-2008, 02:09 PM
I highly recommend the Shard of Contempt and Berserker's Call for DPS (it's what I have equipped, currently). Both are relatively easy to obtain, so long as you're clearing ZA.

Shard of contempt for sure. Pretty easy to find a group for HMGT as a tank as well. Low drop rate though (damn healer vial always drops for me). Berzerkers too if you can get it to drop.

IMO, the Expertise rating on the Shard of Contempt is absolute gold. The Empty Mug of Direbrew is a stupidly easy to obtain trinket that's comparable to the Bloodlust Brooch, as mentioned, and they don't (currently) share the same cooldown. Might be a nice alternative to spending a bunch of badges.

Crazy O.o so you could pop brooch and mug at the same time? I remember having a couple green trinkets ages ago that did that, then they hot-fixed them.

10-03-2008, 02:27 PM
Crazy O.o so you could pop brooch and mug at the same time? I remember having a couple green trinkets ages ago that did that, then they hot-fixed them.

Supposedly. It works that way for the Caster DPS trinkets as well. I imagine it's too good to be true for too long, but you never know. As of last week, still good to go.

10-03-2008, 02:50 PM
Supposedly. It works that way for the Caster DPS trinkets as well. I imagine it's too good to be true for too long, but you never know. As of last week, still good to go.

Hmm, I'm gonna check that on my lock tonight. I have the icon of the silver crescent and the BRD one... If they stack I'd be over 1700dmg O.o. Should make for some interesting lolbignumbers crits.

Ferals could easily push 4k ap if they stacked I'd think. Talk about insane burst on a clothie that gets caught off guard ^^

10-03-2008, 02:58 PM
You have to wait 1 minute after popping one to pop the other one, they are not active concurrently.