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09-28-2008, 06:50 PM
I am starting on a binge this week in tanking heroics. I want to maximize my effectiveness and gear. I am currently at work so linking my armory is out of the question.

y name is Moviefone. I am on the Chogall server and have some great gear. I mainly want to see if my gear is enchanted and gemmed well so I can maximize threat and avoidance.

When I get home I will be linking a macro for tanking if you have unlimited rage situations that pushes my threat to 1200-1500 depending on crits. But I also want a macro in situations that will eliminate maul and just use Mangle and lacerate so I can maximize my threat because if I just press buttons I stay at 800-900 maximizing at 1200 depending on crits.

I think my gloves could use agi. Atm I ust 2% threat. I am also tossing around ideas with the gems in my belt so I can get stam and agi.

1 last thing I have 2 weapons Earthwarden and Terestian's Stranglestaff. If you look at my stats I have a lot of resiliance and defense in gems and gear. I was tossing around idea of swapping to Stranglestaff for added ap and agi.

All is appreciated and I am anticipating a response from Annik =)

09-29-2008, 08:29 AM
Hello druid ( :>

Well, you seem to have your gear set up pretty good already! I've scratched my head trying to think of is what I came up with.

I personally would enchant the gloves with +15 agility ( - we theorycrafted through 2% threat vs 15 agility ages ago, and the results showed that only the very best geared sunwell-farming druids would get better results in some situations with 2% threat.

It would be worth replacing your Band of Vile Aggression ( with another dps-oriented ring, for better instance aggro. You are already well over being crit capped and can easily afford to drop 25 resilience, especially for mere heroic instances where there are no level ?? bosses.
If you don't already have a good dps ring, I would suggest the excellent Angelista's Revenge (, priced at 60 heroic badges. This would make a significant difference to your aggro and mitigation, and the only thing you would lose is 9 stamina.

Basically, for mass heroic farming, I would try to gun for as much agility as you can. I see you're an alchemist - consider mixing up a large batch of Elixir of Major Agility ( and Elixir of Major Fortitude ( Also get yourself some Grilled Mudfish ( or Warp Burgers ( (20 agility food), and also see if you can get a blacksmith to make you some Adamantite Weighstones ( - the crit component of those things affects druids in feral forms.

With all of this and a healer who has the slightest clue of how to play, you will be able to storm through just about every heroic instance in the game as an unstoppable force of nature. Should be pretty fun :>


09-29-2008, 04:14 PM
I love you Annikk. Your my hero!!!

09-29-2008, 05:08 PM
heh :p um, thanks.. :>


09-29-2008, 05:30 PM

09-30-2008, 09:39 AM
I think I can increase your threat by making a minor suggestion. Try getting you hit rating up to 142 or close to it. 60 Hit means you are going to miss a bit. I hate theorycrafting but it stands to reason that missing = no threat.

09-30-2008, 02:29 PM
Hit rating on druid tanking gear is a nightmare. That will largely be fixed in the expansion, but you'd probably have to swap out some trinkets or rings to get the hit rating and in the process you'd lose a lot of stamina and armor.

10-01-2008, 03:44 AM
yep i've given up on trying to get hit rating i'm afraid.

i think i have about 25 :( and supplement this with the +20 hit rating food.

not sure what miss %age is acceptable for running heroics!

10-01-2008, 04:53 AM
Try getting you hit rating up to 142 or close to it. 60 Hit means you are going to miss a bit. I hate theorycrafting but it stands to reason that missing = no threat.

You are absolutely right that hit rating increases aggro. However, you wouldn't really need 142 hit rating to tank heroic instances. 142 hit rating gives you enough that you will never miss, even against raid bosses (ie level ?? mobs). You're more likely to be fighting lower level stuff, so really ~100 hit rating would be loads. :>

There is also expertise, which does a similar thing to hit rating - rather than reducing your chance to miss, it reduces the chance your attacks will be dodged or parried. This is useful again because it increases the number of successful attacks, but also because when a mob parries your attack, their next attack comes one third faster than it normally would - creating a damage spike. Therefore, expertise rating is also a form of mitigation.

If you wanted to go down the expertise route instead, I would suggest the Shapeshifter's Signet ( to replace the Band of Vile Aggression.


10-01-2008, 09:39 AM
yep i've given up on trying to get hit rating i'm afraid.

i think i have about 25 :( and supplement this with the +20 hit rating food.

not sure what miss %age is acceptable for running heroics!

Seriously, for a class that has enormous potential for frontloading a lot of threat (albeit not as much as a Paladin, I'm afraid), we're incredibly limited by hit/expertise rating. While much of the leather in the expansion is practically dripping with Hit or Expertise, we don't have too many options now.

I don't know what sort of gear you have access to, but I wrote two pieces awhile ago about how I ended up supplementing my gear for either max survivability or max TPS. Most of this applies to raiding, but maybe you can find something useful in it.

So what are you wearing? Creating alternate gear sets. (

I want you to Hit me as hard as you can. (

Good luck!

10-01-2008, 09:59 AM
cheers Runy i will take a look at your links.

i'm somewhat limited on gear choices as i am unable to raid in Wow these days due to RL.

10-01-2008, 10:00 AM
Yeah, that's essentially why I took a step back from raiding as well. Some things are a little more important. >D

10-01-2008, 10:03 AM
esp when said 'thing' is now a 10 month old son !

10-01-2008, 12:09 PM
The really good news... is in about a month and a half you'll have a TON of options to tank in... you won't like them all, but they'll be options :p

10-02-2008, 12:36 AM
esp when said 'thing' is now a 10 month old son !

Grats on the new addition to your clan Kheldar!

Raiding BT has no comparrison to the horrors of a really awful daiper change! :icon_lol:

10-02-2008, 03:28 AM
hehe thanks Tank.

ahha but rememeber......I have a wife for doin the really bad nappy changes :p

it would have been nice to have seen some of the 25 man content and to have experienced a 25 man raid versus a 40 man (I did all MC/BWL/AQ40 in the old days plus ofc ZG/AQ20).

maybe at 80 i'll take a few friends and we'll 5 man all the 25 man content :p