View Full Forums : new resto talents

10-17-2008, 02:10 PM
So, anyone spec resto with the new talents?

I ended up going 10/0/51 ( and wow.

Gift of the Earthmother is crazy. GCD on hots is amazingly quick.

I did get low on mana a few times (think they increased the cost of spells), but overall I was impressed.

Used Nourish a few times, that plus a super quick LB on party members taking the most damage brings them up pretty quickly.

Having a rez is awesome, and being able to root / cc indoor kicks arse.

What does everyone else think?

10-17-2008, 03:28 PM
I haven't played my druid in a few months. But maybe I'll hop on tonight and respec. I'm not raiding any longer so I probably won't be playing her again until WotLK comes out though.

10-18-2008, 08:48 PM
i messed around a bit i just logged on for the first time in 3 months so i was alittle behind the times. I treied full on resto and your spec, both worked well though i liked yous a bit better. Same thing got low on mana once or twice but nothing to serious.

10-21-2008, 12:25 PM
Used Nourish a few times, that plus a super quick LB on party members taking the most damage brings them up pretty quickly.

Having a rez is awesome, and being able to root / cc indoor kicks arse.

What does everyone else think?

Uh not to be a pain in the :moon: but Nourish is a lvl 80 spell how did you use it in game already, or are u talking about Beta?

Wild Growth is a pretty nice spell, it is basically our CoH and it is a smart heal also which is cool. For my first spec after patch I am currently 0/0/61~if blizz's site would stay up for more than 10 min I would link it ~ not sure if it will stay that way I am "testing" it out to see if I need to make changes! Healed a 1hr 10min full clear ZA last night and really had no mana issues at all.

I am glad they took out the speed reduction debuff to Tree form that was annoying.

10-21-2008, 02:13 PM
Uh not to be a pain in the :moon: but Nourish is a lvl 80 spell how did you use it in game already, or are u talking about Beta?

Lol oops. I meant Wild Growth. :bonk:

I am glad they took out the speed reduction debuff to Tree form that was annoying.

Yeah, that's nice. Lots of good 'fixes' to tree healing.

I'm currently 10/0/51 (for Genesis and Moonglow):

Was thinking of going with 5/0/56 (Dropping Moonglow and picking up Living Seed / filling out Replenish):

What are your thoughs on Living Seed? And Replenish 3/3

10-21-2008, 02:19 PM
I need to run a wws to see how good Replenish is really... as for Living seed, I do see it proc a lot but again i think a wws would be better info on that. We may be running MH tonight for old times sake I will make sure to have one running and see what I come up with. I am not a master theorycrafter and my Druid has just recently become my main again so my gear isn't uber or anything.

10-21-2008, 04:08 PM
I used your spec Clari, and I quite like healing with it.

Wild Growth for a 5-man is simply dreamy.

No mana issues for the Hyjal run, but I did have mana issues for the ZA run. We had a relatively new group and only a couple of us had actually experienced Hex Lord before. Regardless, I still think mana will be a problem for future content.

From levels 71-75 I think I'll put my points into my balance tree. I'll work on getting Living Seed for future raiding.

Honestly, my balance cast times are so slow that I really can't stand it.

10-21-2008, 04:48 PM
Here's nice talk on leveling (from 70 to 80) specs for resto/balance...

and an interesting site that data mines the armory for the "most popular" talent builds.....

NOTE: Looking at the Feral builds, "most popular" =\= "best" or even "ok".

10-21-2008, 05:50 PM
Honestly, my balance cast times are so slow that I really can't stand it.

Yeah, I really like it for healing too. I'm not sure about the mana issues, I can't think of any way to be more mana efficient without going down to dreamstate. I think my build at 80 will be 36/0/35. Not sure tho.

I put those 2 points into Nature's magesty thinking it would help with dailies, but without Starlight Wrath, everything is waay too slow. I've just been spamming "tree healbot lf dps for dailies" and having decent luck finding a warrior or something to stick along with that just aoe's everything down.

For pure healing those 2 points would probably be better in living seed or replenish /shrug.

10-23-2008, 11:15 AM
So, anyone spec resto with the new talents?

I ended up going 10/0/51 ( and wow.

Gift of the Earthmother is crazy. GCD on hots is amazingly quick.

I did get low on mana a few times (think they increased the cost of spells), but overall I was impressed.

Used Nourish a few times, that plus a super quick LB on party members taking the most damage brings them up pretty quickly.

Having a rez is awesome, and being able to root / cc indoor kicks arse.

What does everyone else think?

Heh, started to seriously look at resto last night and came up with exactly the same build you did. Glad to hear it works well.

I never used to have mana problems before the patch, will I have problems now using the same gear? Should I switch to some higher regen items?

10-23-2008, 12:35 PM
Mana is now an issue for shamans, druids and even priests. Our main resto druid who NEVER went OOM is having a hard time adjusting and at the end of fights now is usually at the bottom of her mana pool.

Now, I suppose if you're at the end of a fight and everyone you were supposed to heal is alive and you're oom it's ok...but...

I dunno if she reads here, but if she does *hugs* to Elly.

10-23-2008, 01:00 PM
Mana is now an issue for shamans, druids and even priests.That was a one of Blizzard's primary goals for this Xpac. Make the healers (and other mana users???) be more careful about their healing schemes and rotations, otherwise they will OOM.

10-23-2008, 01:30 PM
Ok, so the question is this: I'm at roughly 1050 spellpower in my healing gear. Is it worth it for me to swap some pieces out from my bank and give up ~ 100 sp for ~ 100 mp5 ooc? I haven't spec'd resto, that's in feral spec.