View Full Forums : Mage Talent Build advice......

10-22-2008, 01:52 PM
yes yes i know its mainly for druids here but i'm sure a lot of you have multi 70's etc.

i am sorta looking to finally try to do a bit of levelling of my mage alt....he's been lvl 57 for over a yr !

currently running around getting the candy quest done in all the inns for 4350 xp a time !

i'm so out of date with mage talents i was wondering whats good/best/most improved for LEVELLING spec.

i've always had him as a frost build and i will say i loved the frost tree (was never interested in a fire build tbh)......i had the water elemental and any extra points were previously in Arcane - imp arcane missiles i think ?

he will not be doing many, if any instances and he will not ever pvp so its simply a good build for a lvl 58 for solo levelling.....


10-22-2008, 02:17 PM
Pure frost IMO :)

10-22-2008, 02:20 PM
I'd probably look at something like this:

Leveling as anything other than frost, and you may as well like cutting yourself too. Frost has so much survivability and damage now too.

10-22-2008, 02:21 PM
Pure frost IMO :)

He beat me to it >_<

10-22-2008, 02:27 PM
Leveling as anything other than frost, and you may as well like cutting yourself too.

he may have beat you to it, but this comment alone adds MUCH color... it made me lol

10-22-2008, 02:27 PM
I'm a huge fan of Arcane right now, but I can't quote you a spec because I'm horrible at remembering what I did....

<=== leveling Arcane and LOVING IT. Note my mage is level 64 and is doing 450 DPS which is really really absurd.

10-22-2008, 02:46 PM
hehe thanks all.

will look at that Ky cheers.

always loved frost.

10-22-2008, 02:52 PM
hmm i was looking at the official EU forums talent calculator and i see a difference in that one to the wowhead one u used Ky !

Ice Shards showing as 5 point talent on official forums...?

Not logged on mage atm busy on druid so need to check which one is right later !

10-22-2008, 04:11 PM
Mine is from Wowhead which is based on the 3.0.2 patch. I don't know if the wow site has been updated yet >_<

he may have beat you to it, but this comment alone adds MUCH color... it made me lol

:) Glad I could bring a little humor

<=== leveling Arcane and LOVING IT. Note my mage is level 64 and is doing 450 DPS which is really really absurd.
I got my mage to 70 quite a while back. Leveling anything other than frost was just a run back to my corpse if the mob didn't die before it got to me. With the DPS increases and HP reductions maybe other specs are a lot better.

10-23-2008, 03:12 AM
so whats the arcane specialty....what does it talents do for you as i've never really looked at it....

frost allows you to control the mobs/slow them down and keep them away from you whilst dealing ranged damage.

fire is seen as doing big dps so what's the arcane slant ?

10-23-2008, 08:40 AM

This is roughly what I did. They can hit with a barrage of spells, but Arcane is really about amping your crit and spell power. They have a lot of talents that improve your mana regen too. I really don't have a solid spell rotation nailed down yet as I'm still messing with it.

10-23-2008, 10:17 AM
My main is actually a mage. I have tried each of the trees in raid now since the patch and Frost is the winner. They added the DPS of Fire to the frost tree, and its still the highest survivability, and most mana efficient.

Soloing, with 2/2 in imp ele, you will never have to sit and drink. (Mage armor glyph + Emerald glyph ftw).

The trick to making the frost tree comparable in DPS is watching your procs. You have to make sure to "ice lance" when frost fingers procs and "fireball" when brain freeze procs. Between the two, you will be watching your buff bar like a hawk. If anyone knows a mod that helps identify those procs let me know....a screen flash or sound would be very helpful.

10-23-2008, 10:29 AM
If anyone knows a mod that helps identify those procs let me know....a screen flash or sound would be very helpful.I think you can make SCT show crit-like messages (exploding big letters) when things proc. I use to do that on my hunter.

10-23-2008, 12:42 PM
I've been looking around for the same thing for my Warlock (so many procs now...) and people have recommended Mik's Combat Text or something like that. Apparently thats the best sct mod right now.

I haven't tested it, but plan on DL'ing it along with all my other mods probably this weekend.

... I've still been playing with the standard UI, cause I wanted to wait until everything was updated considering all the patching / hotfixing etc and how much I loathe updating mods and having to re-set stuff up.

10-23-2008, 01:15 PM
I loathe updating mods and having to re-set stuff up.

I am with you on as an update hater. Checkout WoWmatrix, its a nice automatic updater that I just run whenever I boot up. It only updates the out of date files (so its quick) and I never have to Re-setup anything, cause its only overlaying existing files that change. This way all your setting etc stay. **Also, it tends to get updates about 2-3 days before cursed and ace.**

I cry at the thought of WotLK release and trying to rebuild all my bars etc...

10-24-2008, 02:55 AM
standard UI seems to allow the display of many procs and effects ?

it certainly shows all the times my Idol of Terror Procs as well as well as telling me when the Direbrew DPS trinket is ready for us once the CD has elapsed.

I've also just grabbed wowmatrix given the demise of wowace updater.

i just wish i could get my auctioneer or an addon to it back and working.

using the AH atm is a nitemare without the 'tab' i used to have shoiwing all the items with a price based on the past so many auctions of that item letting u see an item that was for example 60% of normal price compared to one that was150%.

and it let me put in a price, select and item and sell 5 or 12 or 36 of the same item with a single click of the post Auction button unlike the standard AH :( /cry

10-25-2008, 08:08 PM
Auctioneer works fine for me:

10-26-2008, 06:54 AM
i'll try the new one again Ky.

i just did not get it to show me the same tab as i used to use that showed a column called PCT ?? and allowed me to sell any number of the same item.