View Full Forums : How's this build for PVE tanking?

11-05-2008, 10:19 AM

Figured I might try this tonight.

11-05-2008, 10:41 AM
Well, depending on how much you out gear your content, I would reccomend dumping your resto-talents and putting those points back into Feral:

Natural Reaction and Feral Swiftness

Also, Feral Instincts if you plan to be the Main Tank. Swipe is the only tanking rotation hit that doesn't currently significantly out TPS healers and DPS at the moment. So on large AoE pulls, threat will lean heavily on your damage from Swipe.

11-05-2008, 03:15 PM
Thanks for the suggestions!

11-05-2008, 05:21 PM

thats my bluid. Tradicional i thin .. .. ..


11-06-2008, 04:40 AM
This is my built:
It's focused on max TPS and max Mitigation (ergo PvE-Tanking).

this one (

Feral Instinct, Feral Swiftness and Shredding Attacks are a must have in my opinion.
Infected Wounds slows the oponents haste by 20%!!!
ass Damage-Reduction.
And Rend and Tear for max. Aggro and DPS when in Cat.

11-06-2008, 05:06 AM
not sure i see the need for Shredding attacks tbh S3R ?

11-06-2008, 08:00 AM
not sure i see the need for Shredding attacks tbh S3R ?

I would second that.

I ran ZA last night with two bears! (yes, full clear, unimaginable prepatch) and my OT, had slightly lower gear than I but used lacerate in his rotation. I was holding my mob (primary kill) and they moving to his mob and pulling threat off him without taunt.

At the end of the run, my DPS was ~675, while his was ~480. He actually had more Raid gear than I, but I had better badge gear.

orale of the story, use lacerate to make sure you have a bleed up, other than that, Mangle and Maul your way to victory. So Shredding Attacks would be better spent elsewhere (IMotW?)

11-06-2008, 08:18 AM
Yeah guys you are definitely right about SA when tanking.
But if im off-tank or if i do anything except tanking, shredding attacks fits perfectly in.
Even in ZA i let a warry with slightly lesser gear tank a boss, cause i do much more damage.

So my point is:
Try to make a damage-rotation without shredding-attacks ;)
Hell thats 18 energy!

I wanna stay situational and not loose an extremly amount of damage output with my tank-talents.

For farming:
With the shred glyph and Rend & Tear and the mangle-debuff shred is so f.... nice.
Pounce(bleed&stun)->Mangle(debuff)->Shred = Mob-Dead
60% more shred-damage... i like that^^
Wouldnt be possible without SA cause of energy-issues

11-06-2008, 10:01 AM
i think SR depends on your role in guild/raid.

so perhaps think about how often you are likely to be soloing in kitty and using shred or doing kitty dps in a raid scenario when it will no doubt be a good dps boost.

not sure what i've taken instead as cant see a list of talents.

11-06-2008, 11:49 AM
i think SR depends on your role in guild/raid.

Yep, I am ussually tanking, but if I am not I jump out for heals instead of DPS. Usually we are not short of any DPS...they are a dime a dozen, so helping the healers seems to be more important in our raids. And a Feral healer can still do some pretty significant healing. I can MT heal or spalsh dmg for just about any content I can tank.

11-06-2008, 11:59 AM
yeah me. and for sololing dailys in kitty i dont see the need for SR.

too many other nice talents i do want/need.

11-06-2008, 01:41 PM
And without the Shred glyph Mangle does almost as much damage as Shred. And is probably higher DPE if you have iMangle.

I would like to try that pounce-->mangle-->shred thing. That is how I leveled until lvl ~68 or so combined with brutal impact, it was really nice. But once you get uber AP/crit FFF-->Rake (as of 3.0)--> just as fast, if not faster since you don't have to bother prowling.

After OoC, I could consider KotJ a "must have" for kitty leveling. It will make short work of multi-mob pulls and weaker elites.

11-07-2008, 02:26 AM
And without the Shred glyph Mangle does almost as much damage as Shred. And is probably higher DPE if you have iMangle.

Sry. But not even near.
y mangle crits for ~ 1700. My shred crits with ~ 3000.
So its a bit of a difference there.
Without glyph it would be around 2600.

But hey... it depends on play-style.
I think my feral role is to tank when needet, but
i will mostly let a warri tank on the boss, cause im
a much better DPS.