View Full Forums : 5/5 Furor?

11-10-2008, 03:43 AM
Im not sure if i should spend all 5 points in Furor.
Cause if you go for 4/5 Furor the forced GCD regenerates still about 10-15 energy. So that would set me at ~95 energy.
(not sure about the numbers)

The only bad think would be, that i would only have a 80% chance for 10 Rage in bear-form.

What do you think about it?


11-10-2008, 04:19 AM
If your throwing points into resto for omen you might as well go full furor. On the other hand. If you ain't planing on going for omen then skip the resto tree all together (for now ofc). With the extra rage we get of dodge combined with enrage I assure you that rage will not be an issue no matter where you go.

11-10-2008, 05:17 AM
My current tanking-built for 80 looks like this:
tank0r (

And i wanted to know if i could spare the point in furor and put it in Natural Reaction.
5/5 in furor means 100% chance of shapeshift + feral-charge ;-D
Thats the only thing i thought about.
For tanking alone i dont need it, thats right.
But i wanna keep my built as flexible as possible for all roles(Tank, DD, a little PvP)

11-10-2008, 11:49 AM
For your situation Serge, I would go 5/5 Furor assuming pvp is equally important to you as tanking and dps.

I've been raiding 7 days a week trying to see as much content as possible since 3.0 hit, so I am 0/61/0 for tanking (and dps when the prot classes QQ).

Small derail: It's nice that I can hit 1450 dps in bear spec fully raid buffed in my t4 level cat gear, but I want to tank! I wish the prot classes could get close to my dps numbers in dps gear. Single target dps is booooring for me.

11-10-2008, 12:23 PM
Oiy, I have lousy DPS and don't intend to fix it either. I'm told I'm "difficult" because I once stated I'd either tank or gather dust...It isn't that I don't enjoy doing DPS, but I'm with you... Single target DPS is.../yawn. I'm still in my heavy clefthoof set because I'm confused and feeling a little lost with the changes they keep making to us ferals.

Well, that...and my DPS is lousy and I haven't a CLUE on how to fix it.

11-10-2008, 12:56 PM
Oiy, I have lousy DPS and don't intend to fix it either. I'm told I'm "difficult" because I once stated I'd either tank or gather dust...It isn't that I don't enjoy doing DPS, but I'm with you... Single target DPS is.../yawn. I'm still in my heavy clefthoof set because I'm confused and feeling a little lost with the changes they keep making to us ferals.

Well, that...and my DPS is lousy and I haven't a CLUE on how to fix it.

fix it by getting a kitty set of gear and either Itemrack of Outfitter addon

anything with AP bonuses and more agility than your clefthoof set offer is something to consider for your kitty set.

if you're a Leatherworker, i'd strongly recommend going elemental LW and making Primal Stike Vest (, Primal Strike Bracers (, and Primal Strike Belt (

For a relatively low price, you can have some SWEET dps, and be more of an asset to your guild. It should last you a while during your leveling to 80, too

11-10-2008, 01:06 PM
i did posted my build . . .

i'm using furor 3/3, i realy like start the pulls with rage . . .

11-10-2008, 01:43 PM
Oiy, I have lousy DPS and don't intend to fix it either. I'm told I'm "difficult" because I once stated I'd either tank or gather dust...It isn't that I don't enjoy doing DPS, but I'm with you... Single target DPS is.../yawn. I'm still in my heavy clefthoof set because I'm confused and feeling a little lost with the changes they keep making to us ferals.

Well, that...and my DPS is lousy and I haven't a CLUE on how to fix it.

I would reccomend that you steer clear of the rogue items as far as badge loot and crafted items go, only because they drops like crazy else where. There are still some very nice feral items, particularily staffs/capes/trinkets/rings. If you can manage to scrape together 150 badges of justice I would strongly reccomend getting The staff from SSO badge vendor. It is one of the best feral staves in the game atm. 150, sounds like a lot of badges, but you will find you can get there relatively quickly if you squeeze into raids.

I found myself healing about half of my raids the past two weeks, and because I was willing to respec Resto, I got in no problems with a few major raiding guilds.

11-11-2008, 03:14 AM
have to say i've not done dps in a few yrs !

not since the days of doing some kitty dps in MC !

being in such a small guild i always end up tanking, whcih i suppose i do prefer of dps anyways.

Dest - just see what drops as you level, what quest rewards their are and what you find in the early dungeons for DPS. i honestly would not put to much effort into a dps set based on 'old' gear.

or certainly not until you find that nothing is dropping etc in the the early 1/2 zones in wrath ? if thats the case then the primalstrike is nice but not necessarily worth the effort of levelling LW (and skinning!). you'll possibly be better off finding someone who can make some of the BoE dps type gear - Cobrascale Gloves and Hood, Shadowprowler's Chestguard and yeah the odd badge item if you have badges burning a hole in your pockets...

i'm trying to decide what to do with my badges got 106 after a heroic mech run last night.

i fancy getting a nice oomkin item - legs/chest as i want to level oomkin for 1 or 2 levels in wrath.

11-11-2008, 03:42 AM
Oiy, I have lousy DPS and don't intend to fix it either. I'm told I'm "difficult" because I once stated I'd either tank or gather dust...It isn't that I don't enjoy doing DPS, but I'm with you... Single target DPS is.../yawn. I'm still in my heavy clefthoof set because I'm confused and feeling a little lost with the changes they keep making to us ferals.

Well, that...and my DPS is lousy and I haven't a CLUE on how to fix it.

There is value in being flexable; unfortunately in current raid design most boss encounters only require 1 MT. It's something I wish would change about the game. Also OT/dps when not needed to tank is a great way to get experience.

That being said and given the history you've shared with us, refusing to come along just as dps, but being willing to be OT/part time dps is a good way to get experience and credibility as a tank.

In WotLK your tanking gear and your dps gear will be mostly the same, so that should simplify things a bit for you.

We can talk about your dps rotation in another thread; I'm afraid I've completely derailed Sergio's thread. Sorry Serge.

11-11-2008, 04:37 AM
In WotLK your tanking gear and your dps gear will be mostly the same, so that should simplify things a bit for you.

I hope it will be like this but i doubt it.
Cause druid-tank will still go for mass STAM i think. (we are the tanks which profit mostly from our HP)
And a DPS-Gear will have ONLY agi/str/crit on it.

We can talk about your dps rotation in another thread; I'm afraid I've completely derailed Sergio's thread. Sorry Serge.

HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!! ;)

BTT: I will take 5/5 Furor cause i like it more to have -2% dodge, than not been able to interupt that little hordie when crucial needet! :buttrock:

11-11-2008, 01:48 PM
Oh no! I'm sorry Serg. I have a tendency to be nothing more than a big distraction lately :(

I'm probably completely wrong, but Furor seems like it would be more beneficial to kitty form than bear. I only picked up furor for a short time while leveling to 70, and I mainly used it for questing, where you'd get hit in a travel form and have to pop into kitty quickly to battle.

It never made much difference in bear form. The rage goes away so quickly and unless your group is right on top of things...that rage you gained from the Furor talent gets wasted waiting for them.

And I understand why it's good to be flexible, I would love to be more flexible, and I'm not trying to be difficult. I just want more opportunities to tank things. I don't throw a tantrum if I'm invited along for whatever DPS I can offer or to OT. I still enjoyed seeing the content and hanging with the guildies. The "Des = Difficult" is a long story, involving a bad experience with a PuG, and after leaving the PuG I asked a guild group if they'd join me, and I said "I'll tank it or sit out" and they playfully called me difficult. It wasn't like a serious thing. Goodness, I don't want you guys thinking I'm some sort of evil thing...I'm more of a "roll with it" kind of druid.