View Full Forums : Relic: Idol of the Raven Goddess

01-15-2009, 05:21 PM
Should I still be using this?

If not what should I be looking to get?


01-16-2009, 04:29 AM
When did u ever use that? Oo

01-16-2009, 07:08 AM
It depends on what spec you are! There are a lot of idols out there that are fine tuned for specific situations.

01-16-2009, 09:24 AM
I've read it is one of the best tree idols (when in a raid), even today. And many think it is one of the best cat idols for the unselfish. As it boost everyone's crit rating.

01-16-2009, 10:46 AM
I've heard mixed reports about it effecting Tree form aura, but i know for a fact that it effects Moonkin aura and + .46% crit is nothing to sneeze at spread over a 25 man raid. Sad part is that your rarely going to have a raid leader who would acknowledge the addition of this on your part so you probably won't gain anything by reducing your personal dps.

Raging Epistaxis
01-16-2009, 12:33 PM
Edit: Doh! Thought I was posting in the resto thread about this idol...

I did some quick testing with this last night, as I was trying to determine which of the Idols available to me would be of most use.

Quick'n'dirty: I took off gear then put it on to create an artifical health deficit, then cast either Rejuv or LB (single) and wrote down what it healed me. This was repeated for each of the three Idols I have - Harold's Rejuvenating Brooch ( (HRB), Idol of the Raven Goddess ( (IRG) and Idol of Lush Moss ( (ILM). Then I repeated it all in Tree form. The results are below:

Spell(Idol) . Caster . Tree
LB(IRG) . 276 . 318
LB(ILM) . 290 . 333
LB(HRB) . 276 . 318

RJ(IRG) . 1400 . 1606
RJ(ILM) . 1400 . 1605
RJ(HRB) . 1443 . 1652

As expected, the ILM does not affect RJ, and Harold's does not affect LB, but.... IRG affects neither. I didn't have time to test out the full array of Resto heals, but so far I have no reason to believe that it affects any heal spell, and is broken.

y recc: for Resto, it's worthless as currently in-game. If they do manage to fix it, it will be worth re-evaluating.

For myself, I'll bank the IRG in case they ever do decide to fix it, but swap between Harold's and ILM as I feel like from fight to fight depending on my assigment and which spell I expect to be using more.

It just seems odd that a quest reward from the mid-60's is still competitive at 80.

01-16-2009, 03:50 PM
Edit: Doh! Thought I was posting in the resto thread about this idol...

This Idol still has an impact on Moonkin Aura raising raid wide spell crit by .46%. As far as moonies are concerned its still functional.

01-19-2009, 08:19 AM
Thanks for your comments.

I see this as still functional and it is a raid wide boost. The problem with it is that it has a low item score and many raid groups put a lot store is such things. The Be Imba site ( says it is a low quality item :-(

I think I'll get one of the newer less useful relics to boost my score but continue to use the Idol.

A pity there is not a new version with a little more crit bonus.

01-19-2009, 12:21 PM
[QUOTE=Sandina]I see this as still functional and it is a raid wide boost. The problem with it is that it has a low item score and many raid groups put a lot store is such things. The Be Imba site ( says it is a low quality item :-([QUOTE]
Sad, but true.

01-19-2009, 12:58 PM
Thanks for your comments.

I see this as still functional and it is a raid wide boost. The problem with it is that it has a low item score and many raid groups put a lot store is such things. The Be Imba site ( says it is a low quality item :-(

I think I'll get one of the newer less useful relics to boost my score but continue to use the Idol.

A pity there is not a new version with a little more crit bonus.

Wow...not to be a jerk, but any Raid leader worth his weight in manure, couldn't careless what Imba or iLvl or any of those assesment tools say about a players ability to raid. Those tools can only measure the benefit to a single player in a "Controlled" enviroment. Also, every raid leader should know that any item that benefits multiple players is generally better than those that benefit a single player.

Is your raid leader that anal that you have to smuggle your gear into a raid?

01-20-2009, 05:16 AM
"Is your raid leader that anal that you have to smuggle your gear into a raid?"

No, my current raid leader is very good but I have been in groups that insist you log out in the best gear and get a bit miffed when you log out wearing your RP or fishing gear, which i often did.

01-20-2009, 09:11 AM
Wow, Its a rarity that I log out in gear that matches my spec!

Ugh, I guess I am spoiled with a more relaxed raid atmosphere. We push content, but try to avoid the elitest aura. I just can't imagine a druid who isn't in and out of gear every 10 mins. Its just part of being a druid.

Well I hope blizzard blesses us with an idol worth equipping soon.

01-26-2009, 06:46 PM
its changed..
- no boost to auras any more

01-27-2009, 03:00 PM
im gonna hafta verify that (again) for LotP... i ran arenas with my rogue patner Sunday night (as feral), and i saw that it definitely changed *my* chance to crit. I didn't ask my team mate to check his chance to crit though...