View Full Forums : Moonkin Pawn/lootrank?

01-18-2009, 05:32 PM
I have been planning to dual-spec Feral (pri) Resto (sec), but my guild seems to have plenty of tanks and healers. In fact in our last 25-man run, we had 9 healers and 5 tanks and had to beg to get DPS. Needless to say we had a tough time on the DPS race type fights. I could enhance my kitty DPS, but melee DPS is often at an disadvantage during many fights and Kitty DPS is really tough.

I need to tank 5-mans, but I'm thinking I might try moonkin as my 2nd spec. Besides, we don't have another one in the guild.

Over the next couple of weeks, I'd like to start gathering some AH, crafted and quest type pieces for my moonkin kit, but I have no clue how I should weight the various stats.

Any one have Pawn scale or a lootrank link?

How about a suggested 10/25-man PvE talent spec? I don't care about solo DPS or PvP, just a spec that allows me to maximize my DPS and benefit the group as well.

Recommended Glyphs?


01-19-2009, 08:30 AM

I have a similar situation. We are set on tanks (I am MT atm) and we have healers of plenty! I plan on going Bear/Boom spec once dual hits. I have on several occasions respec'd Boomkin to squeeze into raids that were not part of our guild.

While we have tons of healers, there are two things to remember:

1) Being a healer, and being a good healer are two very different things! :)
2) Every Healing class has a DPS spec too, very few have a tanking spec. So many of those healers that we see so many of, will be specing DPS for raids, and then you will have OP off healers when needed.

Once dual spec hits, I honestly can't see our guild ever running more than 2 healers in Naxx-10 or 4 in Naxx-25. Once we can have one or two people switch out of DPS to healers when needed, runs will be much more efficient.

Glyphs: When Boomkin, I use Glyph of: Wrath, Starfire, Innervate. I have played with the moonfire glyph and combo'd with the Starfire glyph, its a lot of damage per mana increased, but when all is said and done, I need my Moonfire to be hard hitting early. It helps with ads on many Naxx boss encounters.

01-19-2009, 10:36 AM

I have a similar situation. We are set on tanks (I am MT atm) and we have healers of plenty! I plan on going Bear/Boom spec once dual hits. I have on several occasions respec'd Boomkin to squeeze into raids that were not part of our guild.

While we have tons of healers, there are two things to remember:

1) Being a healer, and being a good healer are two very different things! :)
2) Every Healing class has a DPS spec too, very few have a tanking spec. So many of those healers that we see so many of, will be specing DPS for raids, and then you will have OP off healers when needed.I thought about this...

y thoughts were..

We dont' have a moonkin in the guild today, the aura alone could be a boost to raid DPS.
Ranged DPS seems to have an advantage over melee DPS most of the time due to encounter mechanics.
I already have Cat DPS if I really want to do melee DPS
Even with a boomkin spec, I can probably serve as a off-healer if the encounter or group make-up calls for it.

What talent spec do you use when you are boomkin?

I still haven't found a good moonkin stat weighing yet...I hope to find one soon.

01-19-2009, 10:58 AM
I forgot that wowhead has preset stat weights. Here's their suggestion...

Hit: 100
Haste: 46
SP: 46
Crit: 43
Int: 26
P5: 15
SPR: 8

I would have never though haste was such a good benefit to moonkins. Why is that? Reduce cast times of wrath and SF?

01-19-2009, 10:59 AM
We are very priest heavy atm, so I am hoping some of our healy priests will go to the dark side! Also, we have a boomkin in guild, so the crit aura is already up on about 1/2 of the runs. (He's not an avid raider, but joins us when he can).

Crit aura will boost to raid + easy 2k+ DPS from the boomkin makes adding one to your raid a no brainer! Every raid should have one!

Stats weight...I am definatley no expert (Bear is my primary role) but I say HR first (same for all DPS) and then stack crit. If your starfire is critting regularily even hunters will have a tough time keeping up with your single target DPS. Also, Hurricane + Crit = embarassed mage!

Hurricane is on par with, if not better than volley right now for AoE DPS. Mix in a Starfall when there is room and you can clean up right quick!

I use the cookie cutter spec from Wowwiki for raid boomkin but I add Imp FF too. (Don't know why they don't) It helps make your hit cap managable.

01-19-2009, 11:30 AM
I use the cookie cutter spec from Wowwiki for raid boomkin but I add Imp FF too. (Don't know why they don't) It helps make your hit cap managable.I've read a few posts from "experts" who said the same thing. Something about losing DPS over casting another Wrath???. Though I have to think if you are low in hit, it would be worth the cast until you are near the hit cap. At which point it could be dropped.

I also read you only need 1 point in eclipse. Something about the internal CD and having 3/3 ends up being a waste??

01-19-2009, 11:43 AM
I also read you only need 1 point in eclipse. Something about the internal CD and having 3/3 ends up being a waste??

I have read the same thing about "Eclipse", and in theory what they are saying is that...

Your wrath crits so often that its bound to proc the starfire eclipse sooner rather than later with only 1 or 2 points in the talent.

In practice....I want that SOB to proc asap. Waiting for it to proc is almost always waisted mana and time. If you are just fighting a targeting dumby I am sure the one point equates to a better investment, but when moving, jumping, running, and avoiding death, I think you are going to want you eclipse to proc early and often.

On a side note, if you are serious about DPSing as a Boomkin, get "Squak and Awe" mod. My DPS jumped about +30% just by knowing my timing exactly.

With about 1750+ SP and 12% crit (tool tip, not counting talents) I average about 3k DPS in Naxx-10. Single target is around 2800 and AoE is +3k.

01-19-2009, 12:18 PM
tlbj, Solar is right - 3/3 Eclipse + the Squawk and Awe addon is the way to go. There are too many uncontrollable variables for that sort of theoretical hair-splitting with talent points.

The simple answer with hit is to cap it if you don't want to bother with complicated break-even calculations and you don't want to use RAWR.

01-19-2009, 12:36 PM
What is the spell hit cap? I don't believe it is the same as the melee hit cap, right?

01-19-2009, 12:47 PM
Moonkin hit cap is 447.

Take Balance of Power and you only need 368.

Take IFF and keep it up at all times and you only need 263.

01-19-2009, 01:20 PM
What's the point of celestial focus? Reads like PvP talent, but I've seen it in several PvE builds. Is that for the 3% haste benefit?

I don't think I have seen a PvE build yet with IFF. I guess most folks do without?

I've read that Intensity > Dreamstate in terms of MP5, so we could give up Dreamstate for IFF?

Force of Nature? Cute gimmick or real DPS?

01-19-2009, 01:39 PM 00000000000000000000000020500331000000000000000000

You will notice 3 things different from Wowwiki's cookie cutter build.
1) No Dreamstate = 80 MP5 lost
2) 3/3 Imp FF = Less Hit Needed.
3) I took "Gale Winds" over "Master shapeshifter". Which means I sacrifice 4% overall damage for +30% to Hurricane. Hurricane is by and large my most damage in raids, period. My hurricane pulses for 1300-1500 per tick. I had 30k+ DPS when we hit Arub' in 25-man.

any will disagree with buffing AoE because lets face it...trash DPS doesn't matter. I agree. But, many boss fights have a trash component to them. And having uber DPS to squash those ads is a significant benefit to the raid.

01-19-2009, 02:02 PM
What's the point of celestial focus? Reads like PvP talent, but I've seen it in several PvE builds. Is that for the 3% haste benefit?

I don't think I have seen a PvE build yet with IFF. I guess most folks do without?

I've read that Intensity > Dreamstate in terms of MP5, so we could give up Dreamstate for IFF?

Force of Nature? Cute gimmick or real DPS?
Yes, Celestial Focus is all about the 3% haste.

ost serious raiders assume a Shadow Priest is in the raid which provides the same buff as part of their normal rotation. Saves the Moonkin a GCD and ups their dps.

Depending on your gear level, the goal for a pure raid spec is to do without Moonglow, Intensity, or Dreamstate except for one point in Moonglow to get the the next tier of talents. This assumes a Shadow Priest, Ret Pally, or Survival Hunter is in the raid and specced for mana regen.

Take as few regen talents as you can w/o going oom; it will take some trial and error. Take them all and you never go oom, but you are forgoing dps talents and will probably finish boss fights with full mana.

Force of Nature is real dps, it was buffed in 3.0.

01-19-2009, 02:03 PM 00000000000000000000000020500331000000000000000000

You will notice 3 things different from Wowwiki's cookie cutter build.
1) No Dreamstate = 80 MP5 lost
2) 3/3 Imp FF = Less Hit Needed.
3) I took "Gale Winds" over "Master shapeshifter". Which means I sacrifice 4% overall damage for +30% to Hurricane. Hurricane is by and large my most damage in raids, period. My hurricane pulses for 1300-1500 per tick. I had 30k+ DPS when we hit Arub' in 25-man.

any will disagree with buffing AoE because lets face it...trash DPS doesn't matter. I agree. But, many boss fights have a trash component to them. And having uber DPS to squash those ads is a significant benefit to the raid.
I don't care what anyone says, Gale Winds is serious fun.:xblueman: