View Full Forums : Hit?

01-21-2009, 06:53 PM
Greetings dr00ds,

Having spent lots of time on feral/resto tree, I decided to start learning more about the balance tree to see how things go. My guild refuses to let me raid as it so far until I find another bloody tank that doesn't suck or a healer or something...but I've been playing around with heroics.

I'm averaging around 2000-2200 DPS in heroics on bosses.

I've gotten a fair amount of boomchicken gear from Naxx so far, but one of my biggest concerns is reaching hit cap at the moment.

I have Mark of the War Prisoner and +hit necklace, off hand, +hit to gloves, hit gem in my moonkin helm, and a ring (still searching for another hit ring)...but I'm still only hoovering at 226 hit rating. I mean I know I could grab a food buff and an elixir but most of the leather spellcasting gear has no hit rating on it and I like to be hit capped without buffs.

That said, how are the rest of you moonkins reaching hit cap? I know I need 342 with balance of power. And 286 with improved FF? I'm actually not sure about the last one.

Any help would be great.

Thanks =D

01-22-2009, 08:22 AM
I am able to reach hit cap by changing out my epic chest piece for a rare piece out of H-VH w/ +62 hit on it. (Its a clothy Robe)

I normally just keep my epic robe on and food/exilir buff to reach hit cap though.

y DPS in Naxx is around 2.6k-2.8k on single target bosses. My AoE is the best in our guild at the moment, with the typicall AOE trash fights ringing in around 30k DPS (no, I didn't forget any "periods")

Hit cap isn't near as important to single target DPS as a solid cast order and timing. Get "Squak and Awe" (mod) to help with timing.

You should point out to your raid that the 5% crit buff will probably increase the raids DPS more than any other class being taken instead of a boomkin (unless you have one already), plus your DPS on top of that! Maybe they will be more proactive in finding a replacement for you tanking.

I had much the same problem with them not wanting to put in the effort to find another tank until I found one and got in as boomkin. Once the RL noticed I was about 4%-5% ahead of our best DPSer, he's made a pretty good effort to get me in as boomkin since.

01-22-2009, 09:37 AM
263 +hit with IFF and BoP, i use the +40 hit food buff plus the two +hit trinks and it caps me, also i would forgo socket bonuses and just socket everything you have for +hit (unless your looking for a meta gem bonus i guess)It's easier to just do it that way so over time you can replace it piecemeal

02-05-2009, 01:10 PM
Solar is right, your guild doesn't get it. With a chicken in the raid, all casters' damage goes up, mobs die faster, raid ends sooner. We did a 25 naxx full clear in 3 hours last night. My overall DPS was 3.1k (MUCH higher on crowded trash pulls of course)

Yeah, on hit, 263 is hit cap, and if you're always going to be raiding with a shadow priest, skip the IFF and put those points to better use because Misery and IFF don't stack. Like Solar said though, being CAPPED isn't totally necessary, and where you're at is pretty decent

Also, if you're raiding with good tanks and pure DPS is your goal, do not fear the cloth. Too many boomers forget their purpose and have an irrational fear of cloth. Over half my gear is cloth, and I'm one of the best DPS'ers in 25's. I'm squishy, yes, but keeping mobs off squishy's is up to your tanks, your job is to dole it out. Reaching hit cap and maximizing your dmg bonus is much harder if you try to limit yourself to only leather.

05-19-2009, 07:25 AM
You should point out to your raid that the 5% crit buff will probably increase the raids DPS more than any other class being taken instead of a boomkin (unless you have one already), plus your DPS on top of that! Maybe they will be more proactive in finding a replacement for you tanking.

This. I had to fight tooth and nail when my hunter was my main in our insanely caster heavy group with no pallys, no feral druids or shammys to get the boomkin in. "you'll do lower DPS in that gear than your hunter will" was the excuse despite my pointing out that with no relevant DPS buffs I was struggling to push to 2.5k DPS on the hunter.

Once I finally got the boomkin into the raid however it's never been allowed to leave. Our Warlocks and Priests (heals and shadow) just love the bonus to crit as much as I love the feral bonus as a hunter. Add to that IFF for bonus to Hit, Battle Res, innervate, Pink Paw and comedy dancing and the 3-400 personal DPS loss in our raid make up was quickly been forgotten. Oh yeah and the AOE.

Also, if you're raiding with good tanks and pure DPS is your goal, do not fear the cloth. Too many boomers forget their purpose and have an irrational fear of cloth. Over half my gear is cloth, and I'm one of the best DPS'ers in 25's. I'm squishy, yes, but keeping mobs off squishy's is up to your tanks, your job is to dole it out. Reaching hit cap and maximizing your dmg bonus is much harder if you try to limit yourself to only leather.
Absolutely agree, I want the stats, not what it's sewn into. Whether tree or h00tkin I stand at the back and dish out spells and I have absolutely no objection to grabbing cloth gear, especially as the druid is playing catch up to the rest of the raid and there is a lot of it going spare in comparison to the leather drops which are almost as rare as hunter mail in naxx as far as I can see :( I'd never roll on cloth if a clothie needs, but if it's going to be sharded I'll have it pls.

05-19-2009, 11:24 PM
The only reason to absolutely stick to leather pieces is survivability... either in soloing or PVP.

When soloing, everything will drop dead in within seconds when you're packing raid-level spellpower.

With PVP... well it's an entirely different ball of wax anyway.

So yeah, to agree with the above posts... squawk for cloth and leather +hit gear :grin: