View Full Forums : Understanding Moonkin vs Resto gear

01-22-2009, 12:37 PM
I have two things working against me having speced Moonkin since hitting 80. The first is I was feral so I didn't have a whole lot of gear in the bank that was appropriate to the other two trees (especially since I didn't realize how much cloth is apparently worn). The second is my brain isn't wired by default to derive meaningful stats from numbers and see domino/longer term implications as it relates to gear. I see int/spell power/lack of melee stats and go "Ah HA - caster gear." What I particularly have a problem with is naturally seeing a piece of gear and subdividing that into more of a Moonkin or Resto "bucket."

Are there any rules of thumb you all could clue me in on? For example +hit wouldn't apply to resto. High spirit --> resto(?).

01-22-2009, 12:54 PM
Stats below are not in order of importance, just easy stats that identify which "bucket" to toss the gear in. In many cases, gear will work equally well in either spec. For Example, An item with lots of spirit and crit! Well, both those stats are good for both specs.

Spirit / MP5

Crit / Haste / Hit

01-23-2009, 07:01 AM
Add haste to heal-stats and its fine

01-23-2009, 08:38 AM
The only reason I don't add haste to my healing stats is because I am a HoT junky. LBx3 + Rej + Swiftmend = my main heals, non of which benefit from haste. I do use Regrowth, but I use it as a buffer, just for "grins" most times.

I suppose haste does reduce our GCD too, so it is helpful, but it helps Starfire more than any other ability in the druid's resevior.

01-26-2009, 06:23 AM
The only reason I don't add haste to my healing stats is because I am a HoT junky. LBx3 + Rej + Swiftmend = my main heals, non of which benefit from haste. I do use Regrowth, but I use it as a buffer, just for "grins" most times.

U wont last far with only those spells.
If u have to single-target-heal u want Nourish and Regrowth as your main spells.
and YES... we are awesome on single-targets!!!

01-26-2009, 09:27 AM
U wont last far with only those spells.
If u have to single-target-heal u want Nourish and Regrowth as your main spells.
and YES... we are awesome on single-targets!!!

Nourish is a reactive healing spell, plain and simple. Thats just a healing style difference. As for making it far....I raid heal end game content (as offspec - I am Bear first) and rarely get out performed by another healer.

I do use regrowth and Nourish, just not enought to warrant waisted itemization on haste. Nourish is already a "fast spell" so you are unlikely to see any measurable increase in your performance from haste. Regrowth absolutley benefits from haste, but I simply don't cast it enough to give up MP5 or Spirit for the haste. I still have some 300 haste or so as resto, you can't avoid it, but I just don't reccomend taking haste over other healing stats.

01-27-2009, 07:28 AM
I raid heal end game content (as offspec - I am Bear first) and rarely get out performed by another healer.

I believe that u are good at what your doing.
But i also think that your healing-mates suck at what they are doing.
Druids dont have the utility to blow the charts currently.
Other classes outperform us by a mass amount (if played right).

U can do what u want, you wont outperform a paladin or shaman right now. Priests are now in our range cause of the CoH-nerf.

End no, im not a feral who doesnt know what he is talking about. :tongue:

Healed all the way through BC and all instances in WotlK(except Malygos 25).
BC i topped the charts with the priests. But now i cant get even near those little paladins or shamans.
I have to say, the power-players in our guild are 50% the healers. So i can get a nice comparison of the classes, cause they all manage there class pro-like.

01-27-2009, 08:36 AM
While I appreciate your confidence in my healing ability, I have to feel its a bit misplaced. We have at least 2, arguably 3 Resto's in guild that make me look like noob sauce. Our guild has a similar situation to yours: Our most talented players are definatley Healers and Tanks. (after being short both in TBC, all our skilled players eventually rolled one or the other)

We only have one Holy Pally atm, but knowing her skill from TBC, I find it hard to believe she any less than good. She was absolutley amazing TBC, and I doubt she has lost that much. The reason I own her on charts is simple wow mechanics. All her heals take time (even if it is only 1 sec). Mine just keep rolling, not leaving any place for her to squeeze in a heal. As soon as a tank hits 75% HP or so, I pop Swiftmend to top them back off. So I don't think Pally's are worse healers per say, just...not allowed to be as good when a druids doing their job.

Sadly our Resto Shammy went Ele, in light of our mass of heals and lack of Ranged DPS.

01-27-2009, 11:13 PM
Druids dont have the utility to blow the charts currently.
Other classes outperform us by a mass amount (if played right).

Oh damn S3rge...two disagreements in a row!

Healing meters = fail for measuring output. Direct healers will stomp all over your HoTs by healing your HoT'ed up target to full, wasting your mana and pushing you down the healing charts. Other problems are Lifebloom blooms getting credited to the recipient instead of the healer and other such lovely combat log oddities.

Deep analysis of Recount numbers looking at spells cast, number of casts, healing targets, etc. can give you an indication of healing performance, but raw healing numbers are sketchy at best and misleading the rest of the time.

01-28-2009, 09:39 AM
I agree completely with you.
There is no disagreement! :lmao:

I was just talking about raw-healing.
If other classes let our hots tick we are pretty strong.
but as u mentioned flash heals/healing waves etc. destroy our hots keeping us down the charts.

I still think that a druid is the best 5man and one of the best 10man healers. Cause a druid can adapt on any given situation.
Single-Target, Group-Heal, HoTs, Flash-Heals(Nourish), Big-Heals, Instants etc. etc. etc......

Thats why i love my druid so much!
We can do all, and pretty damn good aswell. :boohoo:

01-28-2009, 10:19 AM
lol, ironically, I have been noticing the Druids taking over the meters, because the direct healing classes can't squeeze a heal in over my hots.

They prevail when the raid takes wide damage and they flash heal everyone up, but when it comes to focused damage, most other healers can't seem to sqeeze heals in.

For example, OS-25, Me and a pally were on the MT. Fighting with a one drake up, and the pally averaged...650 HPS, healing about 7.6% of the total damage for the fight. I healed ~1750 HPS, and about +22% total healing. I maintained Rej,LBx3,Regrowth on the MT and then just spammed in WG and Rej on raid when I could.

The only time the pally was able to hit the tank for anything besides overheals was immediatley after a flame breath...and only when I was sleeping on the job and didn't pop swiftmend.

Given our experience and gear, we really need to start keeping up 2 or more drakes...but the jump from 1 to 2 is pretty complex, from what I have read.