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01-23-2009, 05:47 AM

Yesterday was my first run as DPS-Cat in Naxx25 (accept Patchwerk:Hateful-Tank and Horsemen:Max.HP-Caster-Tank)
I wanted to try out how far my kittie goes and take a look at the new AOE of us kitties.

And all i can say is:

I was the Nr. 1 Damage-Dealer on Trash-Mobs!!!
My Swipe was critting for 7k and my SCT showed me often a damage-nr of one swipe above 50k!!!
I was so much enjoying the flames from the others. :p

Then i thought: "what about bosses hmmmm"
And my eyes fell out. I was #1 on half of the bosses and almost always top 3.

But look for yourself:
WoWWebStats (

- At widow, instructor and noth were server-lagg-problems so it was a hard time to get behind the mob for max. damage, you see me and the rogues fall down in damage in those fights
- Maexxna 2 times web
- Patchwerk Tank
- 4 Horsemen Range-Tank, so no damage, just standing around getting hit :banghead_
- Kel'Thuzad -> Add-Tank, 2nd Try early death :banghead_

01-23-2009, 08:35 AM
Yep, Kitty's and Boomkin's are now the two best AoE classes in game! :)

Get ready for the QQ. I hear chants of OP druids in the distance!

01-23-2009, 09:29 AM
So, cat swipe is that nice on trash? I wasn't even going to put it on my bar....

01-23-2009, 10:08 AM
I had no idea kitty swipe was that good. The 50 energy cost put me off. In bear form I can spam swipe all day.

So you would recommend Feral Instinct over Feral Aggression for a pure kitty dps build?

01-23-2009, 10:10 AM
I just looked (briefly) at the WWS report. Cat swipe on trash is huge. I assume you have KotJ? Did you use Berserk as well?

I've never use WWS before...

Do you know where there is a WWS how-to guide? I see the client tool on WWS site, but I assume that is to upload the data. Is there a wow addon as well? Or do I just manually enable my combat logs?

01-23-2009, 11:25 AM
Heh, I went into Naxx-10 for the first time since Catswipe last night. After the first pull in the arachnid quarter:

"Huh, I just pulled 6934 DPS on that pack."

Swipe, swipe, swipe, TF, Swipe, Swipe.

How much more do you need?

If you get a beefier pack, start with Rake -> SF, then go to town.

01-23-2009, 12:28 PM
I just looked (briefly) at the WWS report. Cat swipe on trash is huge. I assume you have KotJ? Did you use Berserk as well?

I've never use WWS before...

Do you know where there is a WWS how-to guide? I see the client tool on WWS site, but I assume that is to upload the data. Is there a wow addon as well? Or do I just manually enable my combat logs?

use that mod. It will ask you what instances and zones you want to enable the combat log for. It will turn it off whenever you aren't in one of those zones. I <3 it.

01-23-2009, 01:14 PM
It will ask you what instances and zones you want to enable the combat log for. It will turn it off whenever you aren't in one of those zones. I <3 it.Perfect.

01-23-2009, 11:43 PM
Holy crap! Grats Serge! Now to plan a raid that I can kitty!

01-26-2009, 02:20 AM
I just looked (briefly) at the WWS report. Cat swipe on trash is huge. I assume you have KotJ? Did you use Berserk as well?

I've never use WWS before...

Do you know where there is a WWS how-to guide? I see the client tool on WWS site, but I assume that is to upload the data. Is there a wow addon as well? Or do I just manually enable my combat logs?

U dont really need an addon for WoWWebStats.
The combat-log-function is already integrated in WoW.
Just type /combatlog for starting logging and /combatlog again for stop.
In your WoW-Directory in the folder "Logs" you will find a Combat_Log.txt.
This is the file u need to upload with the WebStats-Client.
Thats all!
Easy to try. :)

01-26-2009, 02:24 AM
yes i have KotJ and i use Berserk on Trash too.
But only so far, that the CD is ready for bossfights.

And about energy issues:
Don't underestimate OoC. This pushes the damage into the insane levels. Cause on a normal trash-group i have about 2 proccs which is 2 more free swipes!

My rotation for 1 trash-group is:
- Mangle, Savage Roar, Swipe, TF, Swipe, Swipe, ......

Just pray that your tanks are good at AOE-Tanking :-D

01-26-2009, 05:02 PM
U dont really need an addon for WoWWebStats.I read somewhere that WWS didn't work with 3.0 (though I'm sure it does), so I uploaded our first 10-man Sarth run to wowmeteronline.

Here it is.... ( (don't laugh!) We did one-shot each dragon and the final boss. Which is quite impressive for our first attempt. Our 2nd 10-man group finished as well, but our 3rd 10-man team wasn't able to take him out (not sure why, though I have a guess).

From reading the report, I did notice that I need to use FFF and Swipe more in my rotation. Since I was so far out in front of DPS, I spent more time calling waves, making sure Demo Shout, Trinkets and Barkskin were being used.

01-27-2009, 01:33 AM
I read somewhere that WWS didn't work with 3.0 (though I'm sure it does), so I uploaded our first 10-man Sarth run to wowmeteronline.

Long time fixed. It's perfectly 3.0.8 compatible.

01-31-2009, 02:25 PM
Long time fixed. It's perfectly 3.0.8 compatible.Great. I uploaded a WWS for our 10-man OS run. I don't see TPS anywhere on the report. Is it there somewhere?

FWIW, a couple of our DPS were just abysmal. I'm not sure how we downed him. Having 2+ bad DPS in a 10-man! Yikes!