View Full Forums : Best Rotation?

02-10-2009, 03:49 PM
I'm a creature of habit and tend to stick to the following in raid:

FF IS MF W(till Eclipse) SFx4 : repeat (renewing FF IS MF when up)

any other suggestions on max dps? are either of the dots a mana waste?

Thanks much


02-10-2009, 04:49 PM
If you're not using glyph of SF, and not running with a shadow priest, you're basically doin the right thing. And no, the dots aren't a waste of mana at all

I've personally had very good results using Glyph of SF, Glypf of MF, and Glyph of IS - and always seem to be in raid with shadow priests, so I've skipped IFF and spent those pts elsewhere

If that's the case, you might switch the rotation just a bit to toss in 3 starfires before switching over to wrath - the SF glyph will extend the duration on your initial moonfire up to 3 times, getting the biggest bang for your MF mana buck. If one of those 3 SF's procs your eclipse, so be it, but if not, immediately switch to Wrath for more quick proc chances. So with that in mind, my rotation usually goes something like

F > IS > SF-SF-SF > WR-WR...(until eclipse) > SF x4 > repeat

other suggestions - Don't forget to use your treants as often as possible. I also use Starfall as much as possible once all mobs are pulled - and I've also specced gale winds (which really sends hurricane trash pull dps through the roof) and I occasionally squeeze off a quick Typhoon now and then when we're down to single target boss fight. It doesn't move bosses (so tank won't get pissed) and its an instant cast

Its all about personal preference though... thats just what works for me

EDIT: 2/26

After posting this... I've been playing. And I take back the suggestion of the three starfires before switching over. Its widely accepted that Starfire Eclipse is a better use of your proc than Wrath Eclipse... and in my experiments, when I ignore the MF extension and focus entirely on using Wrath to proc Eclipse, I had a slight increase in overall DPS, and a significant boost in Starfire damage overall. The GCD's you might save with the moonfire duration extension isn't enough of a bonus in my humble opinion. So do what you were already doin! (still stand by the suggestion of treants/starfall as often as possible though!)

05-01-2009, 08:49 AM
Great info on Boomkin spell rotation here:

You might also want to crunch numbers over at:

05-07-2009, 09:16 AM
More spell rotation info here:

05-27-2009, 08:17 AM
After posting this... I've been playing. And I take back the suggestion of the three starfires before switching over. Its widely accepted that Starfire Eclipse is a better use of your proc than Wrath Eclipse... and in my experiments, when I ignore the MF extension and focus entirely on using Wrath to proc Eclipse, I had a slight increase in overall DPS, and a significant boost in Starfire damage overall. The GCD's you might save with the moonfire duration extension isn't enough of a bonus in my humble opinion. So do what you were already doin! (still stand by the suggestion of treants/starfall as often as possible though!)

Still mucking around with mine at the moment, I'm using the SF glyp so tend to open up with IFF, IS, MF, WR (x2) then SF SF SF in the hope that the initial Wrath hits proc Eclipse.

09-03-2009, 01:35 PM
Updated for 3.2

09-08-2009, 02:15 AM
I actually find that alternating between starfire and wrath while waiting for procs is best, as you dont waste a wrong cast time once you have procced eclipse.

eg if wrath procs eclipse you are always getting the most starfire casts in, and if starfire procs it, you are always getting the most possible wraths in.

As I have the glyph of moonfire that makes your starfires refresh your dot, you almost always have the moonfire dot ticking away as well, which gives you more global cooldowns for trees, typhoon and IS.

I would love to see if this gives you a slight DPS boost over what you are currently doing, as I seem to get better dps this way, but havent been moonkin spec very long