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02-10-2009, 04:32 PM
World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.0.9

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at

The latest patch notes can always be found at


* Ferocious Bite: This ability now only uses up to 30 energy in addition to its base cost.


* Kindred Spirits (Beast Mastery): This talent now grants 20% pet damage at max rank.
* Serpent’s Swiftness (Beast Mastery): This talent now grants 20% pet attack speed at max rank.
* Pets
o Lava Breath now reduces the target's casting speed by 25%, down from 50%.
o Poison Spit now reduces the target's casting speed by 25%, down from 50%.


* Arcane Power now increases damage and mana cost by 20%, cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.
* Arcane Power and Presence of Mind now share a category cooldown. Arcane Power causes a 15 second cooldown. Presence of Mind, once consumed, causes a 1.5 second cooldown.
* Arcane Flows now reduces the cooldown of Presence of Mind, Arcane Power and Invisibility by 15/30%.
* Presence of Mind: The cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes, (down from 3.)
* Slow (Arcane): now increases cast time by 30%, down from 60%.


* The duration on all Seals has been increased to 30 minutes and can no longer be dispelled.
* Divine Plea: The amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50% (up from 20%), but the effect can no longer be dispelled.
* Sanctified Seals: This talent no longer affects dispel resistance, but continues to affect crit chance.


* Inner Fire duration has been increased to 30 minutes and can no longer dispelled.


* Hunger for Blood (Assassination): Now increases damage 5% per stack, (up from 3%.)
* Mind Numbing Poison now reduces cast time by 30%, down from 60%.
* Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.
* Slice and Dice (Rank 2): This ability now increases melee attack speed by 40%, up from 30%.


* Curse of Tongues: Now increases the casting time of all spells by 25% (Rank 1) and 30% (Rank 2), down from 50% and 60%.

Dungeons and Raids

* The Obsidian Sanctum
o Changed the color of the fissure in the Obsidian Sanctum to be more visually distinct.

User Interface

* The " GM wishes to speak with you " alert/button, at the top of the screen, has been changed so that addons do not obscure it.
* A clickable chat message has been added that duplicates the GM alert/button.
* When a GM wishes to speak with you the Help Request minibar button will glow.
* For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum .

Bug Fixes

* Fixed an issue where players using nVidia 3D glasses were unable to see spell cooldowns.
* Fixed a software mouse cursor bug that was causing the mouse curser to disappear from view when over certain UI elements.
* Fixed a player movement error in which other players were appearing to move erratically when traveling beside them.

02-10-2009, 05:02 PM
Changed the color of the fissure in the Obsidian Sanctum to be more visually distinct.

Thank god.

02-11-2009, 03:00 AM
looking at the above you have to wonder if it was worth its own patch !

02-11-2009, 07:39 AM
Small patches are nice in my opinion. I would rather have 10 small patches than one big one....just seems to be less downtime and major errors/glitches when blizz only has to worry about a few changes at a time!

02-11-2009, 07:48 AM
hmm in my experience everytime they patch something we have downtime and lose playing time.

they always end up with servers needing rebooting, peolpe unable to login etc

you'd think by now they would have learned how to do it !

02-12-2009, 12:51 AM
you'd think by now they would have learned how to do it !

I think u can never test all possibilities on test-realms when dealing with software.
The realtime servers are always a different story.
I'm a software-developer myself, so i know with which problems blizzard deals (maybe not in the same size :wink: ).

Even with the smallest patch, there can go million things wrong.