View Full Forums : Card / Ink Making Question....

02-15-2009, 12:09 PM
i'm looking to try to get some cards together to form a Darkmoon Card : Greatness as its seems the best a druid can get !

i know inscriptors can make cards (random) using ink (of the sea?) which they can get from herbs ?

so i'm starting a bit of a herb gathering spree cos the cards on the AH tend to be 500+.

my question is does anyone know if some herbs are better than others...i'm talking Wrath specific ones..for passing to an inscriptor for this ?

i've put together about 22-24 stack of :

tiger lily

is it worth sending it all or should some be sold and money used to buy others ?

anyone done this so far for their own trinket ?

02-15-2009, 06:08 PM
The higher level herbs the more icy pigment they get when they mill the herbs. Icy pigment is needed to make snowfall ink. Higher level herbs will also product a bit more of the common Azure pigment. The later is used to make ink of the sea. 10 ink of the sea can be used to buy 1 snowfall ink.

You need 6 snowfall inks per random card.

In short, get the highest level herbs you can get (icethorn, etc.).

* Deadnettle 72
* Goldclover 72
* Talandra's Rose 72
* Tiger Lily 72
* Fire Leaf 75
* Adder's Tongue 77
* Icethorn 80
* Lichbloom 80

Good luck. I have insription and I just gave up on the card. I actually think it might be cheaper to buy...

02-16-2009, 04:03 AM
cheers tlb.

i did not fancy buying cards at 500+ each

02-16-2009, 07:35 AM
Not sure how your server AH prices are, but I have gotten 100g+ for a stack of Lichbloom, while I only get about 40g for a stack of Icethorn. You may want to have your inscriptionist make what he can with the <Icethorn herbs and sell the lichbloom to buy the last few needed cards.

I have also noticed a fair amount of trading with the Greatness cards too. So you may be able to pickup what you need depending what others on your server need.

The full set runs about 18k-20k right now on our server. I would probably pay 4-5k for it, but 20 is just insance!

02-18-2009, 02:45 AM
yeah i sent my inscriptor a ton of various herbs....goldclover/dead nettle and some icethorn and lichbloom.

got home late last nite after a long long day on the road to find they had made me 3, yes 3 Nobles Cards.

I was one happy Druid. :dance: :dance:

sent them some more last night to see if my luck holds.

but you're rite about cost of herbs.

lich i think is around 80g although that shows with my addon as being well over 100% of normal cost so i'm not sure its acutally selling at that price ? just cos someone asks that amount.....

yeah i guess i'd pay 3k for the deck.....maybe a little more if i'd had a couple glasses of wine whilst browsing the AH :rolleyes:

but anything over 5k to me is just a no no. i saw the whole deck on my server a few weeks ago now at 14,500g. i wonder if he sold it !!

02-20-2009, 03:43 AM
well so far i've not got anymore Noble cards :(

a prism and a chaos one.

now need to farm more herbs cos icethorn and lich are like 60-100g a stack !

i did manage to buy one noble card for 400g which seemed cheap compared to all the others.

my understanding was that the cards a inscriptor gets are totally random ?

i'm just trying to understand the prices people seem to be asking.....saw an Ace on the AH yesterday for over 3k !!

yet most seem be 1k each ?

are they totally random chance to make or are some really a much lower chance of being made than others - whcih is driving the price up

02-20-2009, 09:20 AM
are they totally random chance to make or are some really a much lower chance of being made than others - whcih is driving the price upI think it is totally random. Or it appears to be. I have made 3 cards, only one was from the noble deck. It really sucks. If it was a random noble card all the time it wouldn't be so bad. no one seems to want the other cards.

02-20-2009, 01:07 PM
so i gather, no one seems to think the prism or chaos one i have are worth anything really.

02-20-2009, 01:19 PM
I sold one of the two "other" cards, I don't recall which. But I have one that has been posted several times and has not sold. I'll probably put it in the guild bank.

02-24-2009, 03:41 AM
i've given up getting cards made.

i actually got a second 2 of nobles :( but luckily it sold for 1050g and i thus recouped the 1000g i paid for a 6 of nobles.

i'm now going to sell herbs and make money to buy cards. looks like i can hopefully get 80g ish for lichbloom and 60g ish for icethorn !

the bloody Ace is still going for silly money - why when they are all random !

and there were in fact 2 complete decks on AH last night for 11k each.

as you say tlb - it would be more sensible if Blizzard allowed the inscripter to choice which deck they want a card from so you get a random noble card for your efforts.

i've also got some prisms/undeath and chaos cards. so far 1 has sold for the grand total of 150g !! peanuts compared to having to buy nobles cards :(

02-24-2009, 11:50 AM
do you think the card will still be one of the best after 3.1?

02-24-2009, 12:30 PM
each card runs for 1000-1100g on my server. I really think it would be cheaper to sell flowers and buy the cards than try to make them myself. Which is just stupid. Such a broken game mechanic.

02-25-2009, 03:06 AM
do you think the card will still be one of the best after 3.1?
oh noes !

dont even think like that let alone say it s3R !!! especially if you read my other new thread about nobles ! :rolleyes:

each card runs for 1000-1100g on my server. I really think it would be cheaper to sell flowers and buy the cards than try to make them myself. Which is just stupid. Such a broken game mechanic.
well if they are all that price tlb then it at least makes a little more sense based on totally random card making.

as i mentioned in my other deck thread the prices do seem to differ.

aces are 3k, i've seen 4's for 1200-2500, i picked up a 6 for 1000g and 8 for only 400g! 7 is also closer to 2k when posted.

having said that a lot of cards atm are showing as being up for 200% of the previously seen price according to my auctioneer mod. so whether they sell or not......

as i mentioned i did start selling my herbs. getting ok money for some icethorn and lichbloom. circa 60-80g. its the Adder's Tongue that's surprised me.....getting 80g a stack for it !

some nice potion must need Adder's ? and it does seem to be in fairly short supply...everyone is farming lich and ice ! lol so i'm hitting SB as often as i can for adders :)

i have to agree tlb - but there again the whole professions part of wow could be considered 'broken'. gathering profs have always been better overall for most people imho. sure if you get all the high level recipes and raid a lot for the unusual stuff like Core Leather or the Hearts of Darkness you can make money.

but for most people selling herbs or ore is easier and more lucrative than trying to sell some blue leather or cloth item for a few gold on the ah.