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02-25-2009, 02:58 AM
to this furry druid :)

i finally gave up totally with the herbing for cards (as i posted elsewhere) and with the buying cards individually.

last nite in a fit of major excess i spied the same 2 Noble Decks on our AH at a slighty reduced price than they had been at the weekend and i simply clicked 'buyout' :bubbrubb2

i hope i've not made a mistake cos making large amounts of gold takes a while even though i'm not short of a bob or 2 !

i decided that given the inflating prices for cards of all types - especially the Ace (around 3k) i'd be better off buying the whole deck and then selling the 5 cards I have (2/3/5/6/8) on the AH an hopefully recouping 50% of the cost of the deck.

if i can do this i'll be happy with the overall price i paid for the deck.

i've put them all up for around the prices going, but slightly under everyone else at the time.

although i understood they were random it does seem that since i've been looking the ones that are the rarest are :


and the commonest ones I see for sale being the :


I still sorta think that as we close in the next Faire their values will go up a bit as people will then be wanting that last card or 2 in order to make the trinket and not 'miss' the Faire week.

02-25-2009, 11:40 AM
gratz man! offhand, i'd say you could afford it ;)

02-26-2009, 03:01 AM
Lol skw....i'm running a little short now..

can u lend me a couple thousand :)

02-26-2009, 11:16 AM



Even after getting all my gold back from my account getting hacked, I'm down to ~5K from montrous repair bills while my guild tries to get Naxx25 on farm status.

so that's roughly 1/12 of the gold you have, right? ;)

02-27-2009, 02:45 AM
i'm not sure arithmetic is not that good - anyone got a computer :rolling:

02-28-2009, 06:07 AM
well i've managed to re-sell 4 of the nobles cards i did have.

made about 4400g for them. 1 more to sell. :)

so its cuts down on the cost of the complete deck :)

03-08-2009, 11:40 AM
the Faire is here tomorrow :)

just got to decide on which Trinket now !

03-09-2009, 04:09 AM
the Faire is here tomorrow :)

just got to decide on which Trinket now !

90 AGI will be superior in the future(patch 3.1) and is only slightly behind now.

03-09-2009, 04:47 AM
thanka s3R - that was my thought to.

gonna get over to the faire this evening :)

03-10-2009, 03:59 AM
Greatness has arrived :)

I do like the Faire at Elywnn - such a quiet, quaint, sleepy little place.

always nice run down there and mingle with all the low ally's.

Took the AGI one and am loving it. seems to proc a lot. and that about of AGI is a seriously nice bonus to crit and dodge for me at my level of gear. :)

03-10-2009, 04:21 AM
Khel i cant tell u how jealous i am.... this card is pour ownage!!!!!

03-10-2009, 06:28 AM
/prowl... sneak up to Khel. Pounce, steal card, maim and run away like the wind....

03-10-2009, 06:44 AM
hehe glad to know that I, who have not raided since the days of 40 mans, have something of envy for those of you have a near complete set of ilvl 213 epics from Naax 25 etc, plus some flash fancy mounts, both flying and ground (i want that plagued proto drake 310% speed! /envy)


it finally let me get rid of some old green q reward trinket from levelling :p i really struggle trying to get good trinkets ?

its definitely worth trying to get one esp if you are herby - i started off by herbing a lot and sending all my banked herbs to a friendly inscripter.

this got me 3 Nobles cards. i know though its pure luck. in fact i got a 4th noble card but it was a duplicate - BUT it sold for 1000 gold :)

i do have a reasonable amount of money so as mentioned i just caved in and spent circa 10k on a complete deck on the AH. but i've sold the cards i had and i dont think so far i've lost out on the ones i paid for on the AH and since re-sold.

i have one left to sell. i am hoping to sell it this week whilst the Faire is in town. i want 1k for a 6. trouble is there are 4 on AH last nite all around 950-1k gold. so by the time i sell all the cards i estimate the deck will have cost me circa 4k.

even I think that's a relative bargain - and i dont spend money easily, ask my guildy who laughs at me and always says 'its play money' or 'its not really money'.

the amount of dodge and crit it was adding on a proc was awesome. in fact for those really high geared players it probably would not make such an impact ? as you have such high values for these stats anyway ? for me it will help offset the lack of available gear.

i'm just hoping for more BoE LW items in future patch. also more BoE items that filter out of 10/25 man raids.

Oh talking of which i bought a set of : Gloves of Fast Reaction at the weekend to....they looked amazing versus my old blue ones and especially my old epic BC pvp ones !

trouble was i could not find the gem i wanted and some JC's did not have or know where to get the pattern for a Shifting Twilght Opal, 8agi and 12 stam. so for now its got a red 16 agi in it so i lose the bonus :( i need to decide on a better blue gem so i get the bonus. maybe one with dodge or crit ?

@poison : i've got eyes in the back of my furry head, and anti stealth abilities highly tuned against any sneaky thiefs :p

03-10-2009, 07:31 AM
trouble was i could not find the gem i wanted and some JC's did not have or know where to get the pattern for a Shifting Twilght Opal, 8agi and 12 stam. so for now its got a red 16 agi in it so i lose the bonus :( i need to decide on a better blue gem so i get the bonus. maybe one with dodge or crit ?

I think all blue socket friendly gems will have Stam/Spirit/MP5 as part of their itemization. So your best bet is probably the 8agi/12stam if you don't want the pure agi gem at the cost of socket bonus. (I am assuming the socket bonus is a useful stat?)

03-10-2009, 08:18 AM
Oh talking of which i bought a set of : Gloves of Fast Reaction at the weekend to....they looked amazing versus my old blue ones and especially my old epic BC pvp ones !

I saw them on your armory today and thought:
"Since when has Khel the time to go naxx25?" :eek:

03-10-2009, 08:33 AM
I think all blue socket friendly gems will have Stam/Spirit/MP5 as part of their itemization. So your best bet is probably the 8agi/12stam if you don't want the pure agi gem at the cost of socket bonus. (I am assuming the socket bonus is a useful stat?)
no one had the pattern for the 8agi/12stam nor knew where to get it :(

once i can one i'll put it in over the 16agi as the socket bonus is 4agi so i only lose out on 4 agi and gain 12 stam.

I saw them on your armory today and thought:
"Since when has Khel the time to go naxx25?" :eek:
been checking me out on armoury s3R !! checking out all my kewl gear :p

hehe i went and solo'd naax 25 in a quiet moment and shocked the boss into giving me the gloves for my sheer audacity :tongue:

03-10-2009, 09:15 AM
hehe i went and solo'd naax 25 in a quiet moment and shocked the boss into giving me the gloves for my sheer audacity :tongue:

Or he saw your new trinket and was thinking:
"Oh crap, he has da DCG... he must be full i213 equipped, but maybe i have a chance of surviving if i give him free-loot!" :D

btw: im checking out all the ppl from time to time. Only by comparing my equip to others i get ideas of improvement.
(makes me think like: "why does he have this or that enchant/gem etc., could it be an improvement?")
And then i go and look at the numbers.
Or if i know that a player has less equip than i do, i can give better tipps if i know where he is with his equip. :dance:

03-11-2009, 04:14 AM
Or he saw your new trinket and was thinking:
"Oh crap, he has da DCG... he must be full i213 equipped, but maybe i have a chance of surviving if i give him free-loot!" :D
Lol, yeah i scared him into submission with my illvl 187 gear :p

btw: im checking out all the ppl from time to time. Only by comparing my equip to others i get ideas of improvement.
(makes me think like: "why does he have this or that enchant/gem etc., could it be an improvement?")
And then i go and look at the numbers.
Or if i know that a player has less equip than i do, i can give better tipps if i know where he is with his equip. :dance:
yeah good idea s3R, i should do a bit of that but time does not allow it and I guess i feel a lot of the time i'm going to be looking at people who have items i can't get.

i just need to get geared for heroics - via some normals or easier heroics and then progress to the harder ones.

03-11-2009, 04:17 AM
yeah good idea s3R, i should do a bit of that but time does not allow it and I guess i feel a lot of the time i'm going to be looking at people who have items i can't get.

Don't worry.
y honest opinion is, that u can MT naxx25 with only heroic-equip too.

03-11-2009, 12:54 PM
I actually logged out in mah PvE gearz (for once) in case anyone wants to check out THIS hot kitteh :P

03-12-2009, 03:54 AM
I actually logged out in mah PvE gearz (for once) in case anyone wants to check out THIS hot kitteh :P

If u are on Crushridge and your chars name is also "skwidrific",
then u are logged out in PvP geaz!!! :flipbg:

03-12-2009, 10:12 AM
if anyone can also check out Suldren and Brinny on EU Bronze Dragonflight it would be appreciated.

comments welcome on gear/spec etc with regard to running heroics and any upgrades needed urgently to help us 3 out when running them.

cos we are doing something wrong :(