View Full Forums : Azjol'Nerub

05-06-2009, 09:46 AM
I'm not sure where this post belongs, to be honest. But Anub'Arak frustrated me and my group beyond all comprehension last night in H:AN.

We didn't have a shaman. I'm sure that contributed to the frustration as we were unable to down Anub'Arak.

We had a prot pally, s.priest, warlock, DK, and myself healing...up until the first wipe on the final boss.

We wiped 3 times in the first room until the group got into a good rhythm of unwrapping each other (especially me and the tank). On our fourth run into the first room, we cleared it effortlessly and that boss came down easily.

On the second boss, I think the only problem was having to move out of the green clouds while trying to cast. There were 2 caster DPS plus myself. At the end of the fight we lost the two casters from poisons. It was just so hard to keep them up plus the tank and keep cleansing...eew! (I don't envy career healers for this heroic at ALL)

Then it came time for Anub'Arak.

After the first wipe, the tank left. Can't say I blame him. So I assumed the role of tank, our S.Priest switched to her holy spec and healed and we grabbed another caster DPS...(maybe not the best choice, but he has really solid DPS and by this point...we weren't being picky).

For any of you guys who have tried to heal this, Did you find that the poison required more than one attempt at cleansing? I tried abolish/remove poison and I found I had to hit that multiple times to get the poisons to drop even for a second before the little beasts reapplied them. /sigh

We wiped about 4 additional times before we all just gave up.

I had read a LOAD of strats for this boss on heroic, and for the life of me couldn't get him down. I had read in one place to try and move out of range of his "Pound"...that being out of range would interrupt his cast and cause him to chase after me. That didn't work that well, as I think one of the DPS or the healer at one point was close enough to the front of him that he pounded them into oblivion and again we were short one person.

So I'm stumped. I tried every strategy I'd ever read before last night as far as tanking him goes, and it was all Some of our DPS was 800-900dps...I'm wondering if that's why? Do you need like 1.5k dps to get through that fight without wiping?

Tips? Suggestions on how to tank him? Tips on healing it? I really want to get him down so I can at least say I've completed it...(and maybe get my trinket finally)...but I'm at a loss on just how to do that.

*thanks you all in advance*

05-06-2009, 11:22 AM
Abolish poison took a nerf in one the last few patches. It only ticks once every 3 secs now. So there is a good chance it simply didn't proc yet before you refreshed.

Also, in my opinion, Anub is probably the hardest Heroic boss (maybe Loken). If your healer can't cleanse poison, it is almost certain to be an epic failure.

Dealing with Pound: The best way to handle the pound is simply to run through the boss when he's casting. Its a frontal conal attack (although it looks 360 degree). If you are behind the boss, you should not take it.

In full T7.5+ gear, I still refuse to run that place unless someone, a close friend, is desperate for somthing out of there. EoG falls from the boss before Anub, so I did run it 1/2 clear several times to get mine! :)

05-06-2009, 11:39 AM
Abolish poison took a nerf in one the last few patches. It only ticks once every 3 secs now. So there is a good chance it simply didn't proc yet before you refreshed.

Also, in my opinion, Anub is probably the hardest Heroic boss (maybe Loken). If your healer can't cleanse poison, it is almost certain to be an epic failure.

Dealing with Pound: The best way to handle the pound is simply to run through the boss when he's casting. Its a frontal conal attack (although it looks 360 degree). If you are behind the boss, you should not take it.

In full T7.5+ gear, I still refuse to run that place unless someone, a close friend, is desperate for somthing out of there. EoG falls from the boss before Anub, so I did run it 1/2 clear several times to get mine! :)

Decursive Really helps with poisons, and it prob would help if u tried one of the healing mods, or just try Clique with your reg party frames.. Decursive is great though,,

Let me find something i linked on the wow forums..... brb....

I found An easy easy, to tank /heal. For a druid i guess able to take the poison off is a great thing. ( on all the fights)

Alot of ppl on my server think AN is the hardest to do... Honestly i don't.
Though last night we carried two people in AN that had dps around 1k ( recount overall / bosses around 1100)
1. First boss, have thorns on yourself for the 1shot adds.( helps if your healing)
2. Second boss Stay out of the poison clouds
3. Third boss Stay out of the frontal cone of the boss, Also another tip with the adds, is if u stay in the AoE Area of your tank during the adds, he can get them off you quicker, while he is fighting the elites. And of course, When u see the ground bubbling up, Watch out, the spikes will get you!

Summery : All three bosses have Have a special move, But it's all avoidable. - that is to the topic to the post i just copied

On a side note: I made the tank pull the 2nd boss early, and finally got the achievement for him not webbing the walls. was awesome.

Still no EoG trinket though

05-06-2009, 12:48 PM
Well, the way I ran through my cleanses was- I'd hit myself with Abolish, Then the Tank. If he wasn't too low on HP, I'd throw abolish on the rest of the party then come back and work on healing everyone up. That "should" have lifted the poison at least for a second before it was reapplied. But, it didn't. Cure Poison didn't seem to be working either.

It just seemed like it was impossible to remove the poisons, and if I did, they were reapplied half a second later. Which is why I preferred tanking it. Of course, being asked to pop out of bear form to help remove poisons...I should have known right then that we weren't going to get the guy down...(no, I didn't switch into caster to remove poisons btw...)

05-06-2009, 04:09 PM
The poisons are removeable but give abolish poison a few times to tick. In the meantime roll rejuves/lifeblooms on the party to help them out and toss nourishes when needed. Swiftmend the rejuve if someone is really low. The main part of that is that the tank needs to be on top of the adds and DPS needs to kill the Venomancers are soon as they run in. Focus fire one down.

Also watch out for the spikes just to avoid a good chunk of damage.

It's possible with a priest healer but it will take more effort to heal through the poison dots. In the downtime between add spawns you might as well toss an abolish poison on yourself if you're tanking.

Basically when I'm tanking I pick up the two elite adds and grab some aggro then run towards the healers and start spamming swipe to grab any stray trash adds off of them. For Pound it's really just back up about 10 yards. It's not a very big range.

05-07-2009, 07:26 AM
The poisons are removeable but give abolish poison a few times to tick. In the meantime roll rejuves/lifeblooms on the party to help them out and toss nourishes when needed. Swiftmend the rejuve if someone is really low. The main part of that is that the tank needs to be on top of the adds and DPS needs to kill the Venomancers are soon as they run in. Focus fire one down.

Also watch out for the spikes just to avoid a good chunk of damage.

It's possible with a priest healer but it will take more effort to heal through the poison dots. In the downtime between add spawns you might as well toss an abolish poison on yourself if you're tanking.

Basically when I'm tanking I pick up the two elite adds and grab some aggro then run towards the healers and start spamming swipe to grab any stray trash adds off of them. For Pound it's really just back up about 10 yards. It's not a very big range.

FInally got Essense of gossemer last night, BUT omg i had three friends in there that was terribad, with 1400 dps overall and 40% of all dmg done on the last boss.... they fell short with, 900 dps/1100dps/1200dps so i got my other druid tank friend to come in, i ended up dieing 50k from the boss dieing.( got br'd and finished it..) BUT OMG noone but me and the tank could stay off the spikes, which drained my mana fast.
It would not have been too bad if there dps was higher and we downed him faster.

If your grp can't produce around 1700 dps at the least your gonna have problems in there i think.... It's ok to carry one person through there tha t has like 1k dps, but three can prove to be hard.

05-07-2009, 09:06 AM
GRATS, Talon, on your EoG!

Our group was all just under 1k DPS. We weren't getting the venomancers down fast enough. That's the bottom line. The Spikes shooting up on the ground left me shorter on mana than I ever normally get.

It doesn't "seem" like it would be a hard thing to move from the ground that's suddenly bubbling beneath your feet. Even as a tank, when I'm battling to control the adds...I can easily move. I don't understand why the DPS can't. When I healed it, even with an add pounding my face I was able to move and throw some WG as I did so.

I healed it on Regular last night for a friend's group. That is absolutely not even CLOSE to a valid representation of what the difficulty increases to on Heroic. Wow! It was absurdly easy. I found it was beneficial to have a pally in group who can cleanse a poison or two. Our pally tank was helping to cleanse poisons when we went to try the heroic version the other night. Made things a little easier...well until he left group...

As for the poisons with the final boss, maybe I was just off on my timing. I thought I'd given Abolish long enough, but it's quite possible that I was a second too early on throwing a Cure. Either way...we needed a lot more DPS than we had. I'll try again this weekend.

07-17-2009, 02:35 PM
Reviving this post because I have a question:

Is it better to try and abolish/cure the poisons, or just heal through them?

Of course, if you have a shaman or a hunter with Aspect of the Wild (gotta love nature resist), it's easy-mode. But assuming you don't have access to either on heroic:

Cure/Abolish poisons?

Or just spam heal the group to try and keep them going?

y thinking is this:

The poison sprays seem pretty steady on the gauntlet before the first boss- which makes it very hard to balance the casting of heals with the abolishing of poisons. I was wondering if perhaps it's just better to heal through it.

Same thing for the final boss. I don't recall how bad the poison's damage is though, as the last time I was there we snagged an Ele shaman with nature resist totem (WIN!).

Or, throw out a round of Abolish Poison on the first poison shower then heal through everything and try to squeeze in another round?

I find myself missing chances to keep a DPS or my tank alive if I'm trying to dispel the poisons. So I was wondering if any of you just try to heal through or what all you guys tend to do in this Heroic Nightmare...

07-18-2009, 09:32 AM
Just think "health first, poison second". Don't try to abolish poison if someone in the party is close to dying. It's the only way to balance between abolishing and healing.

Also on the last boss, ranged dps and healers tend to like to isolate themselves and spread out around the boss. In a fight like that with so many adds this is highly counter productive. Make everyone stand inside or very close to swipe range, it greatly cuts down on people other than the tank getting poisoned and raid damage in general assuming people can avoid the spikes.

07-18-2009, 11:12 AM
i don't recall running this with a druid healer, or really a shammy healer... i can remember running with a priest on a couple of occasions. I believe he just healed through the poisons.

try running it with a feral dps druid :)... on the final boss, rip still ticks when he's underground...

07-18-2009, 11:50 AM
lol Skwid- that's what my husband always says! "Still kickin his a** even when he's hiding!"

Healing through sounds like a better plan than trying to cleanse it all =\

Just wanted to make sure I wasn't making a noobish decision =)

Thanks again guys!

07-18-2009, 02:32 PM
missed this thread b4 somehow !

yep this place can be a nitemare - if you remember my nitemare thread about our run that took 2hrs + !!

if u have people in the 2k dps range its a piece of cake - less than 30 mins.

with low dps the last boss is a grp killer. i've only healed it a couple times but i remember moving a lot, keeping an eye on spikes, keeping behind the boss if i could to avoid pound and doing poisons after healing.

plus shouting at the n00bs who stood on a spike and did not even try to move :p people getting spiked a lot = fail.

tbh more than 1 low more than 1 below 1.5k and a lot of heroics/bosses are tough.

i dont mind carrying one person but carrying 2 puts such a strain on the other 3, esp the healer.

07-20-2009, 08:37 AM
Agreed. 2 frames per second also = fail. Which is why we failed again Saturday night. Once the fight began, my fps dropped to like 2- so by the time I saw someone's health was pretty much too late.

I hate Azjol Nerub with just about every fiber of my being right

07-20-2009, 09:19 AM
it's an ok place with a good grp.

its fast, the last boss can be fun - ie he's a bit more than simple tank and spank like many are, the Essence drops which many want (me to i guess if i go back feral) and falling all the way down through the hole is kewl !

07-20-2009, 12:21 PM
That's the highlight of AN for me...

I always cast Rejuv just before I jump in the hole- then again on the way down.

akes for pretty green streamers...I remember falling in that hole the first time I had ever been there and being terrified...especially since falling in The Nexus = Death.

Khel, I think honestly I was just having a fail weekend.

Healing reg HoL...we got the boss, plus adds while he had the lightning buff on and he 2 shotted the tank. I've never failed so miserably...

A while later, that same day, we ran H:HoL- and I was able to heal through the lightning buffed boss and got two of the folks with us their achievement.

I don't get it.

We also ran Azjol Nerub on heroic- first gauntlet went smooth as butter. Second boss- ezmode. We get to the final boss (and we had a shaman in the group) and it was fail. I couldn't keep folks alive. I normally don't have that much trouble...but I failed miserably.

Then...H:Gundrak...normally I'm able to heal through the poison nova. Last night, I couldn't heal to save my life. I was getting LoS issues while standing in the same spot I ALWAYS stand in...couldn't heal through the nova...I was just a fail healer. Too distracted and tired from the raid the night before.

I'm going to guess I'm just a little burnt out maybe? I know the computer I use is starting to die...But my husband just ordered our new rigs, so life should be a little smoother from here on out I hope.

It was a very frustrating, very failed weekend of heroic healing. Naxx was no problem. The heroics/5-mans were killing me though =(

07-21-2009, 02:48 AM
well its not the weekend now Des, so u cant fail anymore :)

again it depends on your grp Des...low dps and the poison nova boss in Gun is a pain....i had a few problems last week in their healing cos too many adds were gettng through to me. plus we had low dps guildies we are trying to gear up.

heroics can be tough as there is no one to hide behind if you make a mistake, are a bit slow on a heal etc....its only the 5 of u !