View Full Forums : Ulduar tanking staff?

05-12-2009, 02:35 AM
I can't seem to find a ulduar tanking staff, am i missing it or are we stuck with orgin of nightmares?

Also what do you guys think about the tradeskilled belt?

05-12-2009, 07:16 AM
There are almost no bear drops in ulduar what so ever.

Everything in 3.1 is geared to be Kitty. So get used to your Naxx items, they are going to be equipped for some time!

05-12-2009, 07:42 AM
Go into Arena and get the best tanking-staff ingame at 2350 rating (or the 2nd best at 1850)! :biggrinfl

05-12-2009, 03:54 PM
Yeah they are forcing raiders to do arena for best in slot weapons, as revenge for making arena guys ruin our raids with they're ****ty pvp specs last season when they needed pve weapons.

other than the staff though, ulduar gear pwns naxx. I'm also using the ulduar dps staff for more threat and avoidance. I only pull out origin of nightmares on progression fights now.

05-12-2009, 09:20 PM
Well what do you guys think about the crafted belt for tanking? Doesn't seem bad at all and i can't seem to find a upgrade that drops

05-13-2009, 02:08 AM
Well what do you guys think about the crafted belt for tanking? Doesn't seem bad at all and i can't seem to find a upgrade that drops

HIT, CRIT, AP, AGI and the highest STAM on belts available right now (if u socket for STAM).

05-13-2009, 02:51 AM
what crafted belt ?

05-13-2009, 02:57 AM
what crafted belt ?

Death-Warmed-Belt (

Death-warmed Belt
Binds when equipped
Waist Leather
333 Armor
+69 Agility
+73 Stamina
Blue Socket
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +6 Agility
Durability 40 / 40
Requires Level 80
Equip: Improves hit rating by 40 (1.22% @ L80).
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 56 (1.22% @ L80).
Equip: Increases attack power by 112.

05-13-2009, 03:33 AM
ohh nice....

i guess the mats are horrendous to get and will cost like 5k on the AH !

is that ilvl 219 or 226 ?

05-13-2009, 03:36 AM
ilvl 226!

Heavy Borean Leather (18)
Arctic Fur (8)
Eternal Shadow (8)
Runed Orb (6) -> On my server currently starting at 2k+ gold for each in AH

05-13-2009, 07:35 AM
Yeah they are forcing raiders to do arena for best in slot weapons, as revenge for making arena guys ruin our raids with they're ****ty pvp specs last season when they needed pve weapons.

other than the staff though, ulduar gear pwns naxx. I'm also using the ulduar dps staff for more threat and avoidance. I only pull out origin of nightmares on progression fights now.

mmmkkkk, so I am confused. "Ulduar staff pawns", but you put it away when you are in the toughest encounters??? I put my "best" gear on when in the toughest encounters.

Ulduar = DPS/TPS Gear. Naxx = Mitigation/survival gear. You can make the avoidance argument, but the avoidance doesn't scale nearly aswell as the mitigation tools of the naxx items.

05-13-2009, 09:06 AM
ilvl 226!

Heavy Borean Leather (18)
Arctic Fur (8)
Eternal Shadow (8)
Runed Orb (6) -> On my server currently starting at 2k+ gold for each in AH
lol, yes i remember seeing a couple of nice crafted items i wanted as 3.1 was going live and seeing these runed orbs.

low drop rate from uldaur ?

the new heart of darkness?

05-13-2009, 10:26 AM
Is everyone using the polor frost gear still for best Mitigation and health?
If I don't I loose alot of health
What do you all think?


05-13-2009, 11:25 AM
I''ve been using polar on ulduar 25: ignis stealbreaker, and Hodir. Other than that i use tier gear. gemmed stam atm. Ignis you shouldn't need polar set but for some reason pre-nerf our healers weren't keeping up the heals, anytime you have a problem with heals on MT. Other than general vezax, i recommend polar set. Its far less health efficient, and kills your threat, but if 3 geared healers are spaming you in polar, its almost mathmatically imposisble for you to die.

edit: 3 healers was an extreme example. During progression sarth 3D a pally solo healed me. Didn't even get CDs from other healers.

05-13-2009, 11:31 AM
(completely off-topic) i picked up a set of shoulders in Uld10 last night, but I'm not really digging the itemization. Sure, it has ArP, but i lose 1.5% chance to crit when i equip them. Am i WAY off in thinking that I'd rather have my Crit? The better my crit, the better chance my rip crits, right?

05-13-2009, 12:39 PM
I''ve been using polar on ulduar 25: ignis stealbreaker, and Hodir. Other than that i use tier gear. gemmed stam atm. Ignis you shouldn't need polar set but for some reason pre-nerf our healers weren't keeping up the heals, anytime you have a problem with heals on MT. Other than general vezax, i recommend polar set. Its far less health efficient, and kills your threat, but if 3 geared healers are spaming you in polar, its almost mathmatically imposisble for you to die.

edit: 3 healers was an extreme example. During progression sarth 3D a pally solo healed me. Didn't even get CDs from other healers.

I would strongly reccomend that you use your Polar set for "Special Situations" and keep your tier gear mostly Agi gemmed. Stam gemming your Tier leaves you with a stam set (polar) and a sorta stam set (Tier). If you gem for agi, you will have an Avoidance/Mitigation (tier) set and a EH set (polar).

Even with out any stam gems, a bear has slightly higher EH than a warrior/pally or Dk.

i picked up a set of shoulders in Uld10 last night, but I'm not really digging the itemization

That is my biggest beef with ulduar...there is very little in the way of upgrade for bears in T7.5 gear. There are a few nice trinkets, but other than that you are simply trading tanking stats for DPS stats. I already pull 1.8-2k DPS consistenly in bear while tanking, so for me to sacrifice any more tanking stats is silly. I have a pair of ulduar boots that no one wanted from ignis that are still sitting in my bags unenchanted...not sure what to do with.

05-13-2009, 01:12 PM
Am i WAY off in thinking that I'd rather have my Crit? The better my crit, the better chance my rip crits, right?The changes to ArPen in 3.1 made DPS gear selection more complicated. ArPen improves white damage, shred damage and makes for a more "consistent" DPS rotation (fewer crit spikes and/or wasted CP). Crit helps all DPS (except Rake) but now it helps us with Rip as well.

So, does the increase in white and shred damage make up for the loss in crit? That is tough to determine, I think. I'm sure the EJ folks would say otherwise.

05-13-2009, 01:52 PM
The only polar bear item i use now is the belt, but i want to upgrade it to the tradeskilled one. I find our t8 is a solid upgrade over t7 even 10man tier 8.

With frenzy regen and our last stand i find sta better than avoidance. In BC i was avoidance but so far in wotlk i think hp is the way to go. 30% heal every 3mins AND 20% more healing on you, and last stand every 3mins for 20seconds (28 with 4set bonus) i dont' see the reason gemming for agi rather than sta.

ake sure to keep your polar bear gear though, throwing those 3 on allows you to solo tank hodir no need for a tank switch. This frees up a few slots for extra dps and hodir has i think 30million life if i remember right so every dps counts, although enrage timer gives you plenty time unless you are going for hard mode.

Quick edit. Gemming for STA in places where i used to use polar bear gear i gained some tps, some avoidance and other stats and i didn't lose out on too much hp. Best part of it was i finally got out of polar bear gear.

05-14-2009, 03:10 AM
I would take normal gear > polar anytime.
I hate the thought of trading my avoidance and TPS stats for pure STAM.
y sockets are all filled with STAM, but only in normal gear.
We have enough health without this set.

And i would not go all agility in sockets. It's just not worth the benefit IMO. I'm at around 45%+ dodge in raid.
And the armor from agility is really not that much.
I can compensate this with ease when speccing for "feral aggression" which gives me ~5% damage-reduction from melee-bosses.

05-14-2009, 10:09 AM
As a bear you really need two sets of gear. If you are tanking ads, trash, or soft hitting bosses, you are a burden on a healer and DPS wearing "Stam" gear.

I know its hard to do, but run WWS or somthing like that in your Stam gear and compare it to your Agi gear. I cannot post guild WWS reports (guild policy) but I promise gemming for stam is gimping your tanking. If you are entry level naxx, by all means, strap on a polar set. If you are stepping into ulduar you better have much better mitigation/avoidance/TPS than a stam set can provide.

I am not saying you need 100% agi gems/enchants, but I am saying you definatley don't want 100% stam gems/enchants. Error on the side of agility.

05-15-2009, 03:26 AM
If i look at Steelbreaker in the Iron Council 25 i have an avoidance of 60% with my set socketed for STAM. I dont think this is all that bad.

And about the "burden on a healer" thing:
Did u ever notice the overheal we are getting?
It doesnt matter for the healers if they need to heal 35k HP or 50k HP.

And what boss in ulduar is a soft-hitter?

05-15-2009, 09:18 AM
How in the world do you have 60% dodge?
Is your stam like 35k buffed?

I only have around 42% dodge

Please tell us how to get 60% dodge, I need that


05-15-2009, 01:30 PM
I only have around 42% dodgeIn 10-man, that's where I am. 40-42% dodge and ~36K health. But 80% of my gems are agi. And all of my enchants are agi.

05-16-2009, 07:27 AM
I gem for STA and enchant for STA and i do 5-8ktps w/o rogue or hunter misdirect. So far my guild has done 12/14 10man ulduar and 8/14 25man ulduar i have main tanked everything and we seem to be fine.

aybe i will enchant/gem agi see how that goes, always willing to improve.

Edit: we have a agi druid in our guild, his dodge is about 48% but he just gets blown away, he might get a lucky dodge string but unlucky string of hits and hes dead.

05-16-2009, 09:55 AM
Guess you can compromise and use the new (3.1) Shifting Twilight Opal ( +12 sta, +8 agi, purple.

05-16-2009, 09:56 AM
i have main tanked everything and we seem to be fine.So what is your dodge on 10-man?

05-16-2009, 06:23 PM
My dodge is about 42% with nothing proced or heart of iron clicked

05-18-2009, 03:47 AM
How in the world do you have 60% dodge?
Is your stam like 35k buffed?

I only have around 42% dodge

Please tell us how to get 60% dodge, I need that


Never said i had 60% dodge!
I just said that i had 60% avoidance when i look at wowwebstats. (used dodge-trinkets and stuff on cooldown).

60% pure dodge would be nice :tongue: