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05-19-2009, 07:09 AM
While I'm mainly resto, I do like a bit of lazer chicken action from time to time. However, I feel like I'm just button mashing my rotations most of the time and keeping a beady eye out for the Starfire/Wrath procs so I'm pretty sure with a bit of organisation I could squeeze a fair bit more utility out of how I'm playing but what mods are people using? Boomkin I'm pretty much standard UI with DBM and Omen running only.

05-19-2009, 07:11 AM
Squak & Awe....get it, Love it!

05-19-2009, 10:54 AM
Squak & Awe....get it, Love it!

:blow: :blow: :blow:

05-21-2009, 07:19 AM
Squak & Awe....get it, Love it!
I need to tweak it a little bit I think, but yes, I feel the love.

05-21-2009, 08:11 AM
never got it to work.

does it only benefit you if you have the Eclipse talent ?

05-21-2009, 12:25 PM
never got it to work.

does it only benefit you if you have the Eclipse talent ?

It tracks all cooldowns, but the major benefit is for those with Eclipse. (all boomkins should have eclipse since 3.1 right?) I thought it got a major buff with the patch???

05-22-2009, 03:19 AM
(all boomkins should have eclipse since 3.1 right?) I thought it got a major buff with the patch???
can we amend that to say all 'raiding' oomkins Solar ?

i never saw the use of it for me - i had it initially as everyone said i needed it, then found it was not proccing at the right time to take advantage of it due to quick fights in 5 mans on mobs with relatively little HP.

so when we had our talents refunded after some patch...3.0 ? i dropped it and used them elsewhere.

i've concentrated on regen talents and aoe dps via hurricane in my build.

did it get a 'major' buff in 3.1 ?

05-22-2009, 07:12 AM
I was under the impression Eclipse got a major buff in 3.1, but to be honest, I have been too busy with Tanking and Gearing my mage to even try Boomkin since. Too much new content to cover to be playing around in my third spec!

05-26-2009, 07:51 AM
Eclipse isn't worth bothering with on trash mobs in a raid imo, by time you've cast starfire, it's already dead.

I have the memory of a goldfish and I'm terrible at refreshing Insectswarm and Moonfire so it is also very handy for keeping tabs on those (and how many times you've refreshed moonfire).

It does also keep tabs on the Eclipse Cooldown, which I do find very handy. I'm still working out rotations though I'm probably not going to go to nerdy spreadsheet levels like I did with the hunter, it takes a lot of the fun out of it, but if Eclipse is on cooldown then I don't tend to bother casting Starfire at all, it's too slow compared to Wrath in terms of the damage done and if it isn't going to proc Eclipse then I might just as well bash them with Wrath or AOE the buggers.

05-26-2009, 08:10 AM
indeed Nellie, hence i no longer have it for what I do.

is there anything quoted anywhere to show the relative values of starfire vs wrath given casting times ?

05-26-2009, 08:41 AM
There is probably a 30 page discussion including graphs, spreadsheets and statistical analysis on Elitist Jerks.

I kind of gave up poring over EJ when I stopped playing the hunter. You can get too fixated on damage meters and trying to be top of the pile instead of having fun so I've not doing anyting too dramatic with the boomkin.

Did a little bit of digging and the short answer is "it depends".

Wrath is quicker casting, does more base DPS but uses more mana.

Starfire is slowercasting, has worse base DPS, but more DPM (damage per mana) and benefits a lot more from haste/crit effects especially.

Where the various sweet spots are, I couldn't tell you, but running around on your own, spamming wrath looks fine, once you're stacking lots of haste and crit gear, getting lots of buffs etc then Starfire will contine to scale and benefit from these effects to a greater degree than Wrath will.

Probably not explained it very well so hopefully this guy did it better than me:

Seems good to me. I'd be a bit more clear in your conclusion though, in that every moonkin should have NG specced which will make SF better dps than Wrath in most realistic situations.
Wrath as used by moonkins is only better than SF in low crit/haste situations that you graduate out of quite rapidly.

05-27-2009, 04:09 AM
thanks Nellie.

i wonder what that poster would consider low crit/haste situations to be ?

cant remember my haste - although its not as high as it was given some changed items from badges a while ago.....but in a heroic i run with approx 30-31% crit.

05-27-2009, 07:54 AM
I consider my base gear to be low crit/haste (22% crit unbuffed)

I do tend to use starfire to initiate the pull on most single mobs now, it'll be dead by time it reaches me so why bother with thorns/IS etc? otherwise I spam wrath, from max range I'll get 2-3 wraths off and that will down most level 80 mobs.

The biggest issue with Wrath as far as I can see is that you can easily haste it below the GCD (Global Cooldown), especially when NG procs, where increasing haste no longer benefits, you just cannot cast faster than the GCD. So while that is true for Wrath, Starfire is still benefitting from additional haste. The quicker it is to cast Starfire, the more DPS it produces the narrower the gap between it and wrath and eventually (no idea what the magic number is) SF produces more damage than wrath.

Again, I'm not running any numbers on this and I was never a "proper" theory crafter on the Hunter, but it does make sense from giving it a brief look over.

05-28-2009, 08:05 AM
Forgot to note down my base haste number, but with 3x T7 my cast time on Wrath is 1.3 seconds which, unless I'm missing something obvious, means that just running around its cast time is lower than the global cooldown. It'll benefit from more Crit but not more Haste.

05-28-2009, 09:02 AM
from memory my wrath cast time when running heroics is 1.34 seconds.

although i have to say i rarely use wrath in heroics.

05-28-2009, 09:19 AM
although i have to say i rarely use wrath in heroics.

I use it to [try and] proc eclipse on starfire and trash mobs where they'll be dead before SF casts and I've got to keep on the meters somehow ;)

05-29-2009, 07:32 AM
i was doing ok on the meters last night :) ;)

i even checked my single boss damage after Ingvar in UK and was doing 2.8k dps. obviously my single target is much lower and is where a rogue we run with a lot whose got great gear out dps's me quite a lot.

05-29-2009, 09:43 AM
i was doing ok on the meters last night :) ;)

i even checked my single boss damage after Ingvar in UK and was doing 2.8k dps. obviously my single target is much lower and is where a rogue we run with a lot whose got great gear out dps's me quite a lot.

Energy based AoE = Win in heroics! Remember they don't have channel anything, and they have several threat diversion/dump abilities that allow them to just go Ape from the word go!. The low HP of heroic mobs also benefits rogues, because everything dies before they run out of energy!

11-12-2009, 03:17 AM
Wise Eclipse