View Full Forums : Tanking Kit is coming together, slowly but surely...

06-01-2009, 03:05 PM
Running Naxx25 PUG last night and the Origin of Nightmares dropped from Gluth... I saw a huntard roll on it and thought to myself "Oh, HELL no!" and /rolled and won :)

So now, I have the Keystone Greatring from hDTK, the tanking trinket from Naxx25 (can't remember the name) and the OoN.

With those equipped, along with a mishmash of other pieces (from my PvP set and my dps set) I'm sitting at ~25K life, self buffed. (I forget what my armor is, but it ain't that hot)... this is also with NO tanking talents. My dual specs atm are being used for PvP and pure kitty dps.

What are some drops that i should look for, and from which instances/raids?

I don't want to regem my dps set slots for Stam (or anything else, really) unless i have a replacement dps item.

06-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Checkout my gear on both my druids in my sig.. also...

That's where i got alot of my advice from, and also help from this site/and wow druid forums

06-02-2009, 02:56 AM
i assume you are looking at getting a couple of the badge reward items, although i'm not sure if you raid with your guild on a regular basis as you mention a PUG naax 25 to get OoN ?

Chained Military Gorget - badge neck
Valour Medal of the First War - badge trinket
Badge Chest / Gloves
Essence of Gossamer - 2nd boss in heroic AN seems a popular tank trinket...

When i was stil feral i found getting a good helm with meta slot was a nitemare but you may get the tier one from raiding....

06-02-2009, 04:27 AM
Don't go for Valour Medal of the First War
It's crap compared to others.

Aim for the Essence and Keep Defender's Code and you have 2 really nice trinkets.

06-02-2009, 11:57 AM
i assume you are looking at getting a couple of the badge reward items, although i'm not sure if you raid with your guild on a regular basis as you mention a PUG naax 25 to get OoN ?

Chained Military Gorget - badge neck
Valour Medal of the First War - badge trinket
Badge Chest / Gloves
Essence of Gossamer - 2nd boss in heroic AN seems a popular tank trinket...

When i was stil feral i found getting a good helm with meta slot was a nitemare but you may get the tier one from raiding....

yea, im raiding on a pretty regular basis. Our guild is working to get 3 Uld10 groups running consistantly.
The problem that i have gearing up for my bear set is that when i raid, Main spec for THAT fight gets priority. My guild knows that my specs are PvP and feral dps, so i'd be rolling off OFF spec. When OoN dropped the other night, i just happened to be the only feral druid running in the raid. My guildie was the RL and LM for the PUG, and a non-guildie hunter rolled. I think if the hunter was a guildie, i probably would have let that slide, even though i've already cleared it with my GL that OoN i WITHOUT A DOUBT a feral tank weapon. ( I have to thank Solarflash for giving me the foresight to bring this up to my GL from his post ).
The caveate is definitely the helm. If i get the T7.5 helm from KT that will without a doubt be used for my feral dps set. The 4 piece bonus is too strong to ignore. I have the helm from Thadd right now, and i suppose that will make a decent tanking helm, once i change the arcanum... amassing T7.5 gear to gem and enchant for tanking seems really time-consuming, and just being able to roll on it (especialy when i already have it) is going to be difficult.

06-02-2009, 12:14 PM
( I have to thank Solarflash for giving me the foresight to bring this up to my GL from his post ).

You are very welcome!!!

I am glad some good came from it!!!

I have the Feral Staff off Kolgoran10, and still equip the OoN when I know I am going to get worked. Awesome stats, awesome weapon. Grats :clap:

06-02-2009, 02:14 PM bookmark this site too, older druids check it out also.

06-02-2009, 02:22 PM
Grats, Mr. Skwid!