View Full Forums : 3.2 Agi/Dodge Changes

07-09-2009, 10:42 AM

"Agility: The amount of agility required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This change required recalibrating the amount of dodge a player has with 0 agility by a slight amount as well, so all players will see their dodge percentage vary a small amount."

"Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This is before diminishing returns. Combined with other changes, this makes dodge rating and parry rating equally potent before diminishing returns apply."

So, let's say that you needed 100 Agility for 1% of dodge...(just using easy numbers because I'm terrible at math)...

To make sure I understand this correctly, You would now need 115 points of Agility for that same 1% dodge?

Coming from a bear who hasn't worked on being a bear in...well...a long while... This is going to irritate me a little. Even my avoidance set isn't high enough in dodge to make it worth a hoot, not to mention being low stam...

07-09-2009, 12:05 PM
That is basically accurate Des. But it doesn't really matter that much. The nature of Ulduar fights is such that tanks are forced to gear exclusively for effective health (basically stam and armor) with threat a distant secondary concern.

Edit: Grats on your blog!

07-09-2009, 01:14 PM
WB Oiysters!

I'd be a perfect Ulduar tank then- since I can't seem to find the perfect balance between Stam and Avoidance...and threat...

I'll have to figure out what the future holds, and whether I'll be more focused on resto or feral.

I would assume that at least some parts of the raids/instances in the next patch would be geared for more mitigation/threat, but I haven't done any research on anything from PTR yet, if that information is even available yet.

Thanks, btw. The blog isn't much to roar about yet, but maybe someday when I can devote more time to research, the game, and less time being a'll be something more respectable.

07-10-2009, 05:41 AM
i just wish they would hurry up and roll out 3.2

07-10-2009, 11:30 AM
lol I know a few kitty druids that are hoping 3.2 gets accidentally deleted before release and never hits. I need to figure out which gear I want and where to get it for bear. I don't like the Heroism tier gear. That's about the only reason I'd want to see 3.2- because of the badge changes...just to see what else is really out there.

07-10-2009, 01:48 PM
yep that's the main reason i want 3.2 for the badge changes to give me access to more variety and better gear.

plus the new 5 man

07-10-2009, 03:50 PM
Khel, I'm in almost the same boat you are. I'm WAY more excited about the new 5 man than I am the new raid content, since I probably won't see much of it.

It'll be nice to have better gear available for us non-raiders. Should be pretty cool =)

07-13-2009, 02:51 AM
indeed a new 5 man will be great.

having said that there is still 1 of the current ones i've not been to !

yeah some new gear from the new badge changes will be great.

07-13-2009, 08:52 AM
It'll definitely be cool. Maybe will help some of us lesser geared folks get geared enough to see some additional content eventually. =)

07-13-2009, 11:21 AM
Tell me about the new 5 man?

07-14-2009, 08:50 AM
I haven't been able to find out much information but have heard it "will be comparable to Magister's Terrace." But nothing I've found so far has given a description of the dungeon itself.

I found this ( along with some Youtube videos, but none of them really show too much. It looks like it might be set up similarly to Violet Hold or the Ampitheatre of Anguish (?) but I'm not entirely sure.

07-15-2009, 02:36 AM
i've not seen much info about it yet.

i was thinking we would have had this patch by now.

they always seem to take ages to deploy a new patch.

07-15-2009, 09:49 AM
"Coming Soon" ™

It's Blizz's second favorite phrase after "Working as intended..."™

07-16-2009, 02:23 AM
Have to admit I'm not too thrilled for 3.2. I took a few months away from the game and haven't gotten to see all of Ulduar yet.

The kitty dps nerf irks me for philosophical reasons, so not too thrilled about that, either. I want to be top dps if I ace the most difficult rotation in the game. Guaranteeing a faceroller class top spot on the meters just seems wrong.

Plus, grinding badges...bleh. Grinding is grinding.

It just feels too soon to me. Must be the time away throwing me off.

07-16-2009, 02:48 AM
hehe yeah Des.

07-16-2009, 04:43 PM
New wintergrasp boss: Koralon the flame watcher

New 5 man: Trial of champions

New druid forms:

MO CHAMPIONS: has all other content

07-17-2009, 08:33 AM
Nice! Thanks Danimal!

So the Koralon and new 5 man look AWESOME! I can't wait!

I believe on the 2nd video they fight a fluffed up version of Hogger? >=)

07-17-2009, 09:07 AM
I can't get to the sites that tell us about the patch. Is the feral tank getting nerfed?


07-17-2009, 09:40 AM
They're just requiring more points of agility/dodge per % of dodge.

So if 100 Agi gives you 1% dodge right now, you'll just need 115 Agi to equal that same 1% dodge.

That's across the board though, for all classes using dodge.

It didn't look like much was changing for bear tanks. Here are the only bear specific changes I noted:

Enrage: This Bear Form ability now generates 20 rage initially, and 10 rage over the next 10 seconds. The armor penalty is unchanged.

angle: Ranks 4 and 5 base points reduced by about 11%. Scaling from attack power unchanged.

Savage Defense: The animation for gaining this buff will no longer make the bear stand upright

# Feral Combat

* King of the Jungle: This talent now reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form by 20/40/60%.
* Primal Tenacity: This talent no longer reduces the mana cost of Bear Form, Cat Form, and Dire Bear Form.
Items: General

* Agility: The amount of agility required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This change required recalibrating the amount of dodge a player has with 0 agility by a slight amount as well, so all players will see their dodge percentage vary a small amount.

# Dodge Rating: The amount of dodge rating required per percentage of dodge has been increased by 15%. This is before diminishing returns. Combined with other changes, this makes dodge rating and parry rating equally potent before diminishing returns apply.

New druid art for Cat Form and Bear Form has been added. There are now five unique color schemes for each form and faction. Changing hair color (night elves) or skin tone (tauren) via the barbershop will change the look of one's cat and bear forms.

They didn't specify that the change to Mangle was kitty only, so I've included that. These appear to be the only Bear changes. Nothing too major for this patch, but bear in mind I skimmed through the other stuff...Kitties and restos seem to have a bit more nerfing coming (More Lifebloom nerfing, and lots of nerf to the rawrness of kitty druids).

07-21-2009, 11:31 AM
Any word when the patch is coming out?


07-22-2009, 02:22 AM
Yeah its dragging.

Given we've preloaded the download for it now i was hoping it was going to be today !

07-22-2009, 04:34 PM

Go Blizz!

07-23-2009, 02:31 AM
yeah well it was not yesterday /sigh

/kick blizzz

07-27-2009, 11:35 AM
I'm ok with it taking it's time.

Not looking forward to reworking my death knoob's talent points again. I don't mind a nerf here or there, but the last time "talent points were reset" it was a miserable experience...I had to reset all of my toons talent points every time I logged in for just over a week. Wasn't something too terrible, but a pain, nonetheless...

07-28-2009, 03:07 AM
does not look like its tomorrow either.

bloody blizzard. useless.

I like resets of talents as it gives me a chance to do a minor tweaking. plus only having the druid its not to onerous :p

y lvl 58 mage may not have any of his points spent ? not a clue as its been so long since he got used....just sits in Og and is the AH/bank mule.

07-28-2009, 03:45 AM
I have 5 80s and a 71 mage (working on 10 80s geared by the time the next expansion pack comes out lol) so point resets are a pain in the rectum!

it means for the next week or so, I spend 30 mins per toon respeccing (and sometimes reglyphing depending on the nerfs) which eats into my fun time. Does mean I get a free respec on my pally though, as i got a heap of good heals gear from naxx 25 on the weekend even though i was running as ret, no other pallies in the group! couldnt believe my luck!

oh well, we play with blizzard, so I guess I shouldnt complain too much....... they might Nerf us more! :mage01:

07-28-2009, 08:21 AM
lol tank.

i dont actually think druids are getting a reset in 3.2 ?

07-28-2009, 08:58 AM
As far as I've'll just be Death Knights...but...

We all know how things tend to work out with Blizz...I wouldn't be surprised to have to reset my druid's talent points along with every other alt I have. /shrug

If it happens, I'd tweak my resto and feral specs just a bit...

Btw, Tank, I was just looking at your list of toon names...they're awesome =D

07-29-2009, 02:50 AM
i'd tweak both mine to.

i'd be happy just to have the damn patch !

07-29-2009, 10:27 AM
Me too! lol

07-30-2009, 02:32 AM
still no patch and yet i've already downloaded 2 big chunks of data some 2 odd weeks ago now /sigh

/tar blizz
/cast hurryupyouuselessbastards

07-30-2009, 07:45 AM
still no patch and yet i've already downloaded 2 big chunks of data some 2 odd weeks ago now /sigh

/tar blizz
/cast hurryupyouuselessbastards

I am with you. I finally decided to level up my priest, and now have her waiting for 3.2 to hit so I don't have to pay full price for a flying mount.

y patience is starting to wear thin though...might just have to bight the bullet and buy the flying mount full price. Lord knows, that'll get the patch to hit the very next tuesday for sure.

07-30-2009, 08:06 AM
go for it Solar, then at least i know the patch will arrive next week :)

are you going to save a lot of money?

i just want to start on getting new badges from heroics and the new 5 man one....assuming there is no attunement as per my thread in general section about it.

07-30-2009, 04:52 PM is saying that 3.2 should be out next week. This is based on the build being a retail build. Also not sure if you guys now about how to buy epic gems in 3.2 but here you go;

Jewelcrafting / Prospecting

You can find epic gems by prospecting Titanium Ore, it's probably not the best way to get it because Titanium is already fairly expensive but if you need as many gems as possible and don't want to wait, go for it. Prospecting Titanium will give you an epic gem 25~30% of the time, the droprate for rare gems seems to be the same, and you will always get an uncommon gem. If you're lucky enough you can even get 2 epics on the same prospect.

Note: You will also get Titanium Powder 60% of the time, you can exchange 10 of them for a Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token and get your new recipes even faster.


New transmutations are available for these gems. (20 Hours cooldown)

•Transmute: Ametrine
•Transmute: Cardinal Ruby
•Transmute: Dreadstone
•Transmute: Eye of Zul
•Transmute: King's Amber
•Transmute: Majestic Zircon

PvE - Emblems of Heroism

You can buy any of the epic gems for Emblem of Heroism. These emblems do not drop anymore in 3.2 and are replaced by Emblems of Conquest in heroic instances / raids dungeons but you can still exchange higher tier emblems. (Emblem of Conquest -> Emblem of Valor > Emblem of Heroism.

•Cardinal Ruby, Majestic Zircon, King's Amber can be bought for Emblem of Heroism x 20.
•Ametrine, Dreadstone, Eye of Zul can be bought for Emblem of Heroism x 10.

PvP - Honor

Last but not least, you can buy any of the epic gem for 10,000 Honor Points.

07-31-2009, 03:34 AM
great as i have a stock of EoH.

07-31-2009, 08:42 AM
lol Khel's gonna have a super-gemmed druid right out of the gate! =D

07-31-2009, 10:22 AM is saying that 3.2 should be out next week. This is based on the build being a retail build. Also not sure if you guys now about how to buy epic gems in 3.2 but here you go;

DOH!!!!! Bought my epic flying last night. 7k gold down the tube. I realized that my wife and I don't have any plans for the weekend. This meaning I should be able to make a reasonable push at 80. So its not a total waste. The thought of questing w/ epic flight makes me happy!

08-03-2009, 02:40 AM
lol Khel's gonna have a super-gemmed druid right out of the gate! =D
for sure Des.....i am not far off 700 Emblems of Heroism atm :grin:

hmm i wonder wot the stats aare of these new gems, esp as some seem to cost twice as much as the others ?

08-03-2009, 10:22 AM
I dunno. I'm hoping the gems are really super uber awesome =)

I'd like better gems. =) but I haven't read anything or heard anything about them yet...

08-03-2009, 02:15 PM
hmm i wonder wot the stats aare of these new gems, esp as some seem to cost twice as much as the others ?

I doubt they will be that good. I would expect them to follow a similar formula to the epic gems of BC. So each gem with 2-3 point increases per hybrid gem or 5-6 points increased on your pure gems.

I hope I am wrong, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

08-04-2009, 02:57 AM
yeah i got no idea of the sorta stats we are talking about but i'd hope they were worth the investment.

otherwise no one is going to want to even buy them and jc's wont be happy !

how will they compare the stormjewels i've seen on the AH for which people were asking big money.

08-04-2009, 03:44 AM
Btw, Tank, I was just looking at your list of toon names...they're awesome =D

thanks, i also have a priest called Healbots
a Warlock named Hellraazer
a warrior named Crookshanks (thought of this one after rolling the rogue...doh!)
and a Shammy named Chaingang :P

08-04-2009, 02:30 PM
omg lol! Should have waited to name my toons until I met you!

I have boring names...Except Dartagnyan. I'm so fond of my little pally...=) But I named most of my toons after I became an officer in the first guild- so folks would more easily be able to identify me if they needed something...

Five of my toons start with Des...but it helped with newer guild members for when they wanted to find me, and it works well in my husband's guild as well.

WAIT ZOMG I'M GONNA BE A POLAR BEAR WHEN I LOG IN! Yessssssssssss! /cheer! /cartwheels!