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10-13-2009, 01:45 PM
Flask of the North

Endless Healing Potion

agic words: "Not consumed when used"


Raging Epistaxis
10-14-2009, 09:20 AM
I'm not sure why the Flask of the North is that attractive. It's bonuses aren't in line with the other flasks, and it's not affected by Mixology.

Ok sure, you make it once and it's there forever... but I don't foresee myself bothering with it, as Frost Wyrm or Pure Mojo would be much more of a boost.

About the only reason I see for it would be if I ran Arenas (which I don't), or for those occasions (Heroics, anyone?) where I overgear the content and it's generally a waste to flask up for it.

aybe I'm missing something?

Is there a Mana version of the Endless Healing Potion? Now that I'd be interested in.

edit: found it: Endless Mana Potion ( Sigh. Gives a lot less mana back than the Runic Mana Potion (1800-3000 vs 4000-4400). Are they removing the 'one potion per combat' thing? If so, then this would definitely be viable. if not... meh. I'll stick with the regular mana pots.

I guess it's my 'debbie downer' day... :-(

10-14-2009, 03:20 PM
Ok sure, you make it once and it's there forever... but I don't foresee myself bothering with it, as Frost Wyrm or Pure Mojo would be much more of a boost.

I, too, was skeptical but then I figured I'd just go ahead and make one for when I only needed a little boost:

(Heroics, anyone?)

Now I use my Flask of the North (over and over) without wasting the gold or mats on a Flask of the Frost Wyrm that I'd rather save for a 25-man.

Plus, it's not a bad sidearm to carry along when soloing.

I *heart* it.


10-30-2009, 08:26 PM
Agreed, I made this on my pally, who dual specs as Prot and Holy. I use the flask of the north ALL the time, never let it drop off unless raiding with a true flask, its basically a strength or spellpower boost that costs nothing :)

for the minimal cost of mats, you would be silly not to make this, even just to use doing heroics or dailies imo.:thumbup: