View Full Forums : Q about dodge

11-04-2009, 01:56 PM
Getting back into tanking again and I'm looking for the caps against lvl 83 boss mobs.

I know;

Armor cap is 75% or 49,905
Hit cap is 8% or 262.37 Hit rating

Now when it comes to dodge I know its not so much a cap as a point diminishing returns affects it too much to continue stacking. What is that number?

Expertise is another one. What is the cap for it against lvl 83 boss mobs?

And any other stat caps you feel maybe relavant. Spent like 2 hrs searching the EJ site and after finding only what I posted and taking an aspirin for the resulting headache I decided to ask here.



11-04-2009, 02:24 PM
Expertise Cap is 14% for no parries. 6% for no dodges.

Dodge is like...~50% though next patch will just kill that anyway. GG Blizzard.

11-06-2009, 08:54 AM
Expertise Cap is 14% for no parries. 6% for no dodges.

Dodge is like...~50% though next patch will just kill that anyway. GG Blizzard.

Thanks for the info. Could you elaborate on the patch and the "GG blizz" part.

11-06-2009, 10:05 AM
Blizzard has decided that the way to "fix" tanks capping stats is to have Icecrown have a passive debuff that just chops off 20% of your dodge. Because of extreme Diminishing returns on agi >1100 and dodge >50% tanks will more or less be unable to truely cap out in these areas. The compensation is that blizz has promised that bosses will not hit as hard as they are now, but instead swing faster/softer. This is an attempt to reduce the RNG gibs that are currently taking place in end game content. The biggest problem or QQ that this presents is that some tanks rely more heavily on avoidance than others. A passive dodge nerf hits avoidance tanks in the shorts and very little to affect mitigation based tanking.

Also, since druids do not have Parry or Block as an option (yes we have bear bubble) the debuff hits us the hardest since all our avoidance is from dodge. We already get little to no return for "defense" as a stat. This change is going to further reduce the viability of basic tanking jewelery for druids. Our primary defensive stats will be armor (is now too) and AP (huge change in itemization)