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01-24-2005, 11:22 PM
I am now at 275 Alchemy, and finding it hard to find new recipes.

I have found alot of random leatherworking merchants that sell good recipes out of random that sell pretty nice in AH.

Anyone know of any Alchemy Merchants that sell high end alchemy recipes?

Also getting into the transmuting buisness, just realized that i only need 1 philosophers stone (thank god). and it has a 24 hour cool down! :banghead_

transmuting worth it if u can only do it once every 24 hours?
or is there some way to do more than 1 at a time or something?

King Burgundy
01-25-2005, 02:08 AM
Most high end recipes are dropped or hidden behind faction requirements or quests or instances. One exception would be Major Health, which is limited supply on the vendor in Winterspring and another would be superior mana which is limited supply on the vendor in Darnassus, if you don't have those two yet.

Transmute Water to Air - You need to complete the Scholomance quests to get the trinket that lets you see the ghost people in Caer Darrow.

Transmute Fire to Earth - Vendor in BRD

Transmute Air to Fire - You need to get Honored faction with Argent Dawn in the plaguelands in order to buy this.

Transmute Earth to Water - You need to get Friendly faction with the Timbermaw in Felwood.

Elixir of the Mongoose - Dropped, probably random world drop off certain level mobs but I got it off of the Satyr in Azshara.

Elixir of Brute Force - again, world drop.

Purification Potion - Drop, I got this off of a random mob in winterspring I believe.

All of the Greater Protection's - Drops

Flasks - Drops

Alchemists Stone - ?? Don't know yet, assuming drop.

ost of the dropped recipes are not BoP, so you can often pick them up in the Auction House.

I'll try and update my faq a bit more to reflect this information.

King Burgundy
01-25-2005, 02:12 AM
Oh, and on the transmuting thing, no...nothing to speed up the process. Make use of your timer whenever you can though. Once you can transmute arcanite, if you don't have any guildies or friends that need the service, people will pay you to do those transmutes.

Also, Water to Air is extremely useful at the moment since there is no source of Essence of Air in the game at this time other than that. Although once they itemize Silithus I suspect the air elementals there will drop it.

01-25-2005, 10:43 AM
Also, the cooldown on philosophers stone is 24 hours for Iron/Gold transmute, but it's 48 hours for Mithril/Truesilver and Thorium/Arcanite.

If you are a fisherman, a good recipe to skill up is Elixir of Superior Defense. You can pick it up in limited supply from vendors (one in Ironforge) with a minimum skill of 265. It's still yellow to me at 295.

2x Stonescale Oil (so you need to fish up 4 stonescale eels)
1x Sungrass
1x Crystal Vial

01-25-2005, 11:25 AM
The Transmute Iron to Gold, Philosopher's Stone, and Mithril to Truesilver are located in Gadgetzan - they're around 80sp each (depending on faction, of course). There's also the Arcanite scroll, that one was near 5gp - maybe 4 and change, either way, expensive.

Frost Oil is a quest drop from the goblin in errg... that zone with Uldaman....

I've got to believe that Wildvine and Elixir of the Mongoose must drop from a consistent source because they're *always* in the AH. Some of the rarer ones that I've only seen once or twice in the AH are some of the trolls blood potions (upper), the rage and immunity potions.

01-25-2005, 11:26 AM
Oh, and the Elixir of Greater Agility was still giving me skill ups to 290 (even though it's green).

01-25-2005, 03:36 PM
Speaking of Silithis, what is with that place, went there to explore. Is it possible to get past scarab wall? if not do we know what is going to be behind it? raid zone / grind zone?

01-25-2005, 03:45 PM
The Transmute Iron to Gold, Philosopher's Stone, and Mithril to Truesilver are located in Gadgetzan - they're around 80sp each (depending on faction, of course). There's also the Arcanite scroll, that one was near 5gp - maybe 4 and change, either way, expensive.

Frost Oil is a quest drop from the goblin in errg... that zone with Uldaman....

I've got to believe that Wildvine and Elixir of the Mongoose must drop from a consistent source because they're *always* in the AH. Some of the rarer ones that I've only seen once or twice in the AH are some of the trolls blood potions (upper), the rage and immunity potions.

Frost Oil is sold by a goblin in Alterac Mountains... in the ruins with the elite ogres. Limited quantity.

Don't know about Mongoose, but wildvine recipe was somewhat common from the level 40ish trolls in Stranglethorn... I think we got 3-4 of them doing quests there. Wildvine itself drops from those trolls too.

A lot of this stuff you can find on Thottbot or Allakhazam.

Speaking of Silithis, what is with that place, went there to explore. Is it possible to get past scarab wall? if not do we know what is going to be behind it? raid zone / grind zone?
I'm guessing it will be a raid area with insects... but that zone isn't done or itemized yet, so there's no (legal) way past the wall.

01-26-2005, 10:22 AM
Riiiight, the goblin in Badlands just had the quest which required the Frost Oil. Sorry!

02-14-2005, 03:34 PM
Major healing pot - Vendor sold in Everlook (Winterspring). Learnable at 275. Will get you to 300 easily and sells very well.

02-26-2005, 11:28 AM
I may be wrong but I thought I bought Elixer of Greater Shadow Protection in Feathermoon. ( 290 skill ). I am 300/300 Herbalist/Alchemist and seem to be missing just a few potion recipes ( not counting flasks and transmutes ) As a level 51 druid however I can't safely get into some zones like Winterspring to check availability. Gadgetzan does have the recipes for Philosopher Stone as well as a few Transmutes. You can obtain a quest in Loch Modan for Restoritative Elixer recipe ( removes all negative effects ). Best way to obtain recipes obviously is help from friends or guild mates.

Just a note. When in towns, outposts or cities... check vendors other than alchemy vendors. Every once in awhile you can find a new recipe that way too.

03-01-2005, 02:21 PM
I think most tradeskills have a high end item with a timer on it. I know in tailoring, I can only make mooncloth once every 4 days and I have to be standing right next to a moonwell. It is to try and limit how fast those high end tradeskills items come into the game.

As for recipes, I tend to check the AH about every day or every other day (some recipes are only drops) and I check every vendor I can now looking for recipes, there are often recipes on the "general trades vendor" or whatever they are called that sell a bunch of different tradeskill items.