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02-04-2005, 03:30 PM
Now that we're into World of Warcraft a bit, how do you feel?

02-04-2005, 03:34 PM
:) I'm still madly in love with the game, sure there have been bumps, but that's a sign of a healthy relationship!

02-04-2005, 04:23 PM
I'm sort of comfortably numb with the game. I can't see much to do once I hit 60 other than constantly farming instances. I don't ever plan on being in an "end guild" like I was in EQ, so other than playing, "How many toons can I get to 60," well I'm sort of lost.

02-04-2005, 05:44 PM
Understandable, hopefully once they get all the server issues sorted out (which they actually seem to be making progress with) the content will start flowing.

02-05-2005, 09:14 AM
I love the game with it's lack of "zoning", the ability to progress and accomplish something even if I can only play 30 minutes, the fact that I can play independant of others or play IN a group at MY choosing.

I only have one complaint and that is the patching system that Blizzard has for the game. I can play the game with my connection (28.8 dialup... don't ask!) but I have to get patches from an alternate source. Fortunately patches are rare, but I abandoned the Blizzard way of downloading the last patch after 40 hours solid of connection and over 75 megs of downloading for a 40 meg patch. If they implement a new patch system my vote will move up a notch to the top. They have overcome all the obstacles I saw and suffered with EQ for years. I love WoW!

02-10-2005, 08:00 AM
I'm sort of comfortably numb with the game. I can't see much to do once I hit 60 other than constantly farming instances. I don't ever plan on being in an "end guild" like I was in EQ, so other than playing, "How many toons can I get to 60," well I'm sort of lost.

I am less than a level to 60. My quest log is still 19/20. There will be more than instance farming at 60, no worries.

02-15-2005, 06:12 PM
Been 60 for awhile now. Really, not much to do besides farm for class armor.

WoW is just like Everquest, in reverse. What I mean is in Everquest, most people hated the road from 1-60. The fun of Everquest came after level 60. In WoW, the fun of the game seems to be the leveling up to 60. After 60 you just don't know what to do with yourself. Sure you can raid. Sure you can still do quests. To me the luster of it, dies alittle at 60.

02-21-2005, 02:48 PM
I am very much in love still :) Got my priest to 60 and having a good time raiding and doing instances and helping others (I didn't do tons of raiding in EQ, so it may be more fresh to me than others) and started my baby druid to play in non-raiding times and for a change of pace.

03-03-2005, 12:16 PM
I'm seeing much the same as some of you who have posted. I'm 53 now and having fun. I loved the end game in EQ, raiding for me is where it is at. I'm wondering how much of that I will see; RL and ingame circumstances change. Having fun getting to 60, but after that? Time will tell.....

03-21-2005, 05:11 AM
Just at level 27 with my Druid and loving it. It's a long, long way to 60 but I'm just enjoying the journey - it's not a race after all. I've never played any other MMPORPGs before, so it's all new to me. Definitely value for money :)

04-08-2005, 10:32 AM
From the sound of it, this is the game to be playing right now since EQ went downhill. The followning quote did scare me a bit though...

Been 60 for awhile now. Really, not much to do besides farm for class armor.

WoW is just like Everquest, in reverse. What I mean is in Everquest, most people hated the road from 1-60. The fun of Everquest came after level 60. In WoW, the fun of the game seems to be the leveling up to 60. After 60 you just don't know what to do with yourself. Sure you can raid. Sure you can still do quests. To me the luster of it, dies alittle at 60.

Actually, EQ was (pre-velious) exactly like what you describe WoW to be right now. Which made me think that WoW will one day go down a similar path and become like EQ. I guess I should go get it and enjoy it now while it lasts before they break everything ;-)

Hopefully that wont happen to WoW but I got a chill in my spine when I read the post. Ill never forget how great EQ was before everything went south (PoP, although it was good, started a process that inevitably led to the decline of EQ and there was no way to undo the problems but lets not go into that since its a WoW forum).

05-25-2005, 01:19 PM

05-27-2005, 08:07 PM
I really don't see WoW going on a downward spiral. They took all the best elements of other MMORPG's and left out most of the bad. In turn creating alot of it's own problems, but they are far less then the "grind" I felt in EQ. The good thing is they are actually concerend and address alot of the issues. When I played EQ, they didn't have the feedback this game does and there certainly wasn't much love to classes, just nerf after nerf and empty promises. For me, so far this game has Delivered.

06-14-2005, 01:36 PM
I'm cycling through 2 alts (Warrior and Warlock) and my main (Druid) because I've read a disconcerting amount of posts here and especially on the Blizz boards that the level 60 game is pretty much farm, farm, farm. BUT! I am hopeful for the future :)

What I hope, is that Blizzard, instead of doing a "terrible job" with Honour System & Battlegrounds, instead did a very clever thing: They made something for the level 60's to do while they created more content. I base this only on the premise that Diablo 2 had a level 100 cap. I'm hoping that Blizzard's intent is to do the same with WoW and there'll be another 40 levels of content to come.

Hmmm... maybe the Horde and Alliance will need to band together once more to battle the Scourge for 40 levels...

y other peice of supposition is that this is why rankings drop over time with the Honour System. It will keep people busy even after they hit top ranks since they need to keep at it to stay there.

All this will buy time and provide entertainment whilst the new content is developed. You may recommend I pull my head from the clouds (or my a$$ as it were =D) but I can still dream that this was a stroke of genious and not something else. :)

07-27-2005, 09:40 AM
This seems like an old post I'm bringing back to life.

I voted for "Still madly in love" for these reasons:

1. I LOVE the Druid class. I played a Hunter to 60, which I still play from time to time, but I didn't get a lot of instance invites as I levelled, even from Guildies. I do now on my Hunter because we do 15 mans of UBRS (we're not to MC as a guild yet). Anyway, I digress. The Druid class has me re-addicted to the game. Level 48 and climbing.

Now, when it comes to instance invites, it's the opposite, I get 3-5 random invites a day on my Druid, but I usually can't go on them because I'm helping/instancing with Guildies.

2. I don't get caught up in the Hamster's Wheel of getting 1337 gear. Sure, I get pissed over someone Ninja-looting or that roll-on-everything-Rogue rolling on the Ancient Bone Bow because "it's better than what he has". But I get over it. I don't have to go on PuG's if I don't want to (which is the only time that happens). A lot of my Level 60 ex-guildies left the guild because they didn't want to wait for/help with the rest of us getting to 60 and went to MC-ready guilds. That's their prerogative, but the game, to me, is not just about getting gear.

3. The guildies I play with. We play while on Ventrilo, and it's usually the same 8-12 guys on every night with the core group. Additionally, all of us are about the same level with complementary classes: Warrior, Mage, Main Healer (Me), Shaman, Rogue, etc. It's awesome and we have a blast. That, to me, is what the game is about.

aybe City of Villains or Call of Duty 2, once they come out will break my WoW addiction. ;)

08-31-2005, 01:09 PM
I'm at level 28 now and still learning a lot about the game and enjoying it a lot. Comparing it to EQ for me, in 3 months play I never got past level 20 ranger...and that was with the help of a guild and a lot of very boring grinding. I've done this in about a month and enjoyed it *much* more.

I'm a bit concerned about the earlier comments from February about the level 60 play not being very fun. I assume that's changed. Anyone care to comment on what Blizzard has done for level 60 play? or point me to a thread that talks about it?

10-17-2005, 12:48 AM
I'm patiently awaiting Vanguard. WoW has way too many major flaws. I still play but mostly because there isn't anything else to play and I got bored of online poker.

02-14-2006, 11:21 AM
I'm patiently awaiting Vanguard. WoW has way too many major flaws. I still play but mostly because there isn't anything else to play and I got bored of online poker.

Yeah can't wait for Vanguard to come out <drools>

WoW is a great no-brainer game that buys my time. I still like EQ2 better, but needed something different to play. I wouldn't mind WoW so much, but the lag, server crashes and que's completely ruin it for me. I'm even on a "new" server.

03-25-2006, 01:01 AM
Love it except the server stability is questionable. Whatever you do, don't roll a character on Lagrock..err Blackrock...or head to Lagrimmar...Orgrimmar...IM A FOOL!

03-27-2006, 02:03 PM
I'm patiently awaiting Vanguard. WoW has way too many major flaws. I still play but mostly because there isn't anything else to play and I got bored of online poker.

Try Yahoo! Pool... lol but yeah VG's got my attention for sure (even guilded and I don't even have a character yet :rolling:)

08-28-2006, 02:53 PM
Love this game, sometimes i wish it wasnt as good as it is, as its quite addicting.

I used to play FPS's and dabbled a bit in MMO's as they were an alternative fun activity after i got a bit burned out from FPS's. WoW finally turned me, and now its the only game i play.

I tried guild wars for a month after playing WoW for a year. This is what really did it for me. After see'ing what a well reviewed, seemlingly well designed game (GW) is compared to WoW. There really is no comparison. WoW is the end all of MMO's right now. They got it all right, and every time i see an interview from a developer i continuously love the directions they choose for future content. Its only going to get better IMO.

10-13-2006, 08:37 PM
I just started playing a couple weeks ago and i like it a lot so far

Nu, The Hunter
10-19-2006, 06:00 PM
i switched from DAoC to wow becuase i got the highest lvl and i felt cheated.. becuase after 50 there is only one thing to do next.... make a new char...

but in wow u can change proffesions make money.. get armor... and do raids... makes the game soooo much more fun... plus it looks more graphical then the others... so i would stay with wow... but at 60 in wow there is more...

10-21-2006, 06:43 AM
Ive only had the game for 4 months. (Thank you blizzard for skipping our country) But I still love it and most likely will keep on loving it.

10-28-2006, 06:39 PM
ima dr00d!

11-02-2006, 10:17 AM
I "Meh it could be better" Ive done some end-game raiding(nef down) but tbh, at 60 its all World of Grindcraft. It was fun to go to UBRS/strat etc 20 times, the game/instance felt new every time, when there was a casual setup of the group.
With 40 ppl its the same every single time. Maybe this will improve with the expansion as the instances will only be 5-25, even tho theres not much diffrence with 25 and 40 ppl, and only 1 'new' class for each faction.

I think with less server issues, crashing, disconections etc the overall rating would get higher.

I likely(-its always the addict in me :$) wont bother with TBC tho, I won't invest more money in Blizzard as they wear me down, WoW for sure will be the last Blizzard game I pay for, with all the money they've earned from this one would think that they would put more effort in their servers and in the end -the customers.