View Full Forums : The "cloak" look?

03-14-2005, 03:11 PM
Well i used to simply go for what was the best... gear wise. However i recently stumbled into what seems to be a matching set. Really, purely by chance i found/bought gear that all matched. This included the big voodoo robes which ive fallen in love with. Ive recently upgraded my belt and bracers so its not a perfect match anymore, but still a very attractive set of equips IMO.

My question is this; what is the next robe/cloak available to me that provides decent stats and is leather? I see a tonne of druids walking around in cloth robes and stuff, thats fine, personally i refuse to use cloth UNLESS it supplies extremely better stats than anything i can obtain at my current lvl in leather (see headgear in screenshot). Please any and all help is greatly appreciated ^_^.

This is a screenshot of me as currently, im wearing (but hiding the graphic) of the whiteman chapeu thingo... from SM. Its cloth, but its stats are just THAT much better than anything leather ive found. And there was no other caster in my group that run so it wasnt like i was taking it from someone who didnt need it xP.

03-14-2005, 04:34 PM
All back equippable items are classified as cloth, there are no leather/mail/plate cloaks. So just go with the best stats. There's a decent cloak available as a reward from a quest in STV that I used for awhile until I got one in Uldaman, then later got my current cloak as a mob drop.

03-15-2005, 01:55 AM
Ugh, you misunderstood me lol. I meant as in like... a robe. Is there any other leather robes except for the WH kilt?

03-15-2005, 08:42 AM
I think the Big Voodoo Robe is the only one from leathercrafting. Everything else I have seen in Cloth except for Flamestrider Robe which is a leather drop from the Pyromancer.

03-15-2005, 09:54 AM
In the upper instances you have the Songbird blouse and the Wildheart set. Songbird is robe look, wildheart is shirt+kilt that combined looks robey

03-15-2005, 10:03 AM
I think druids hit a really "ugly" phase right around the mid-40's through the mid-50's. Aside from my really nifty spiky Cabalist shoulderpads, my armor looked like it was ready to fall apart (my shoes had no soles for cryin' out loud!) I went to the Sunken Temple with a pick up group and got the <a href="">Windscale Sarong</a> - it gives the bottom part of your outfit that "robe-ish" look, while you can sort of mix and match the rest of your gear. I have not come across a full robe in a long time though.

03-15-2005, 10:42 AM
Ahh, my mistake. There's a really nice looking kilt that drops in Zul'Farrak, called Jinxed Hoodoo Kilt. I had that briefly before I picked up an Earthborn Kilt. Picture of me wearing that in the Pic Thread (

03-16-2005, 03:08 PM
Nd, What do you mean songbird armor has a robe look? I wear the songbird shirt and it's just a shirt - no robe. I haven't found a matching item for the legs, but it matches my wildheart kilt well.

There are a couple "dress/robe" leg items in 40-50ish instances. There are leather pants that drop from one of the boss mobs in Zul'Farrak (the priestess in the 100-troll event) and leather pants that drop from Hakkar in the Sunken Temple. Both look like dresses/kilts/skirts/whatever.

03-16-2005, 05:25 PM
Songbird blouse is just this ugly pink shirt on me.

03-16-2005, 06:14 PM
I may be wrong since I've never had songbird however one of the druids I raid with had one for the longest time and it appeared to be robe look. I can't remember what he had on the bottom though I know it wasn't a "kilt"

03-22-2005, 09:56 AM
Oh yeah, so i asked around and aparently the windscale sarong is what i should be aiming for next. Untill then ive just slapped together a couple of ugly "of the eagle/owl" pieces to keep me up to date. Thanks for the feedback :).