View Full Forums : Onyxia Key Quest Walkthrough - Horde

04-22-2005, 11:38 AM
Quest 1 - Warlord's Command

Speak to Warlord Goretooth in the Badlands, he is located atop the guard tower at Kargath, you will need to be level 55 and have at least friendly faction with Orgimmar. Listen to his story. When he has completed the story he will give you a letter use the letter and you will get this quest.

By order of Warlord Goretooth, the following inhabitants of Blackrock Spire must be destroyed:

The rotund menace, Highlord Omokk.

The cruel and ruthless troll, War Master Voone.

Overlord Wyrmthalak, taskmaster of the lesser city.

You will also be required to return any important documents that you may find.

Succeed and be honored.

Fail and be forgotten.

Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.

You'll need to gather a 5 person group, enter Lower Black Rock Spire and slay Overlord Wyrmthalak (number 1 on map) Highlord Omokk (number 2 on map) and War Master Voone (number 3 on map). And pick up the Documents. The Documents can spawn at the feet of any of the 3 bosses.

Return to Warlord Goretooth for a choice of 5 Blue Armor Reward options and to get the next quest.

Quest 2 - Eitrigg's Wisdom

Speak to Warlord Goretooth at the guardtower near Kargath in the Badlands.

Rend lives?


It had been thought that Rend was slain decades ago.

Seek out the wisdom of Eitrigg. None know the workings of the Blackrock better than he and if what is written here bares truth, Eitrigg should be informed. No person should be denied the right of vengeance.

You will find him in Orgrimmar.

Once you have spoken with Eitrigg, confer with the Warchief to find out what he wishes to do about this problem.

Speak with Eitrigg in Orgrimmar. When you have discussed matters with Eitrigg, seek council from Thrall.

You recall having seen Eitrigg in Thrall's chamber.

Find Entrigg in Thralls Chambers in Orgrimmar to complete this step. You'll need to talk to Thrall afterwards for the next step.

Quest 3 - For The Horde!

Speak to Thrall in Orgrimmar

Rend dares make such grand claims because of the protection he is afforded by the black flight.

You, will find a way to pass through the Halls of Ascension. You will then find 'Warchief' Rend Blackhand and you will destroy him - FOR THE HORDE!

<Thrall slams a fist down upon his throne.>

The next time you return to my chambers, you will hold his head high in triumph and then you shall present it to your Warchief. Do this and be honored as a hero of the Horde.

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.

Slay Rend in Upper Blackrock Spire

This is a Raid Quest doable with up to 15 people. Rend is located at location 3 on the linked map. Rend is a Fun event. You'll need to make sure your raid is prepared for the event as all must be inside the Arena at the start or be locked out for the duration. When you approach the center of the Arena; Lord Victor Nefarius and Warchief Rend Blackhand are up above and there will be a short dialog, they then start sending in waves of Dragonkin and Handlers. Kill the Waves while being verbally taunted by the two spectators, once the waves are completed Lord Victor will send Rend in to finish you off. Rend flys in on his Dragon mount Glyth. Once Rend and Glyth are dead loot Rends head and return to Thrall.

Upon Turning the head in to Thrall you will have the choice of 3 Blue Trinket's as a Reward. Thrall will also give a shout to the city and cast Warchief's Blessing on everyone in Town at the time.

Quest 4 - What the Wind Carries

Speak to Thrall in Orgimmar

It is good to see you again. The wind carries with it news from the Eastern Kingdom.

Sit, listen.

Listen to Thrall

Listen to Thralls Story to complete this step and get the next Quest.

Quest 5 - The Champion of the Horde

Speak to Thrall after listening to his story

I have received word from one of my champions that a way into the lair of the dragon may exist. You are to seek him out.

Rexxar wanders the desert wasteland of Desolace, traveling between Stonetalon and Feralas. He awaits your arrival

Seek out Rexxar. The Warchief has instructed you as to his whereabouts. Search the paths of Desolace, between the Stonetalon Mountains and Feralas

Find Rexxar he and his Bear wander the Road through Desolace between Stonetalon and Feralas.

Quest 6 - The Testament of Rexxar

Speak to Rexxar in Desolace

What do you know of illusions? For you see, it is an illusion that you must create in order to circumvent the Black Flight's defenses.

I know of one that may be willing to assist you in your quest of deception. She has assisted our kind in the past when she has deemed the cause worthy.

In the Western Plaguelands you will find Myranda the Hag, master illusionist - an exile of the Lordaeron alliance. Travel there and take with you this message.

Deliver Rexxar's Testament to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.

Find Myranda the Hag in Western Plaguelands and deliver Rexxar's Testament. Myranda is located near Uther's Tomb near Sorrow Hill.

Quest 7 - Oculus Illusions

Speak to Myranda the Hag in Western Plaguelands

So the <Race> wishes to become one of the Black Flight, eh?

The creation of the illusion you require is trivial, but the components required for the divination are quite difficult to obtain. Rexxar and the Warchief have entrusted you with this mission, so Myranda must assume you as capable.

Travel to the upper citadel of Blackrock Spire and slay enough of the black dragonspawn to fill up one of your packs with their eyes.

Return to Myranda when you have gathered enough of the reagent

Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.

This is a Raid quest you can eyes drop off any of the Dragonsin in Upper Blackrock Spire, including those in the hatchery.

Once you have the 20 eyes return to Myranda to complete this step and begin the next.

Quest 8 - Emberstrife

Talk to Myranda the Hag in Westernplaguelands. She will give you the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that will allow you to speak to Emberstrife.

I have attuned this medallion with the magic necessary to create and maintain an illusion within the bounds of the den of Emberstrife.

Emberstrife is an ancient drake; an old gatekeeper of Nefarian, burdened with the duty to test those dragonspawn that would ascend to the rank of elite guard to Onyxia.

Travel to the Wyrmbog of Dustwallow Marsh and enter the lair of Emberstrife. Once there, put on the amulet and follow where your destiny may lead!

Travel to the Wyrmbog in Dustwallow Marsh and seek out Emberstrife's Den. Once inside, wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak with Emberstrife.

Wear the Amulet of Draconic Subversion and speak to Emberstrife in Dustwallow Marsh his cave is on the Southernwall of the zone south of Wyrmbog (coords 57,87 if you have map addon).

Quest 9 - The Test of Skulls, Scryer

While wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion Speak to Emberstrife in Dustwallow Marsh.

We are Deathwing's children, whelp. Our dominance over the lesser Aspects must be enforced.

If you are truly worthy of ascension, the lesser dragonflight will wilt in your presence.

Find their champions and lay waste to them in the name of our Father!

Travel to Winterspring and track down the mighty blue drake, Scryer. Crush him and any of the Blue Flight that stand in your path. Tear out his skull and return it to me.

You must find the blue dragonflight drake champion, Scryer, and slay him. Pry his skull from his corpse and return it to Emberstrife.

You know that Scryer can be found in Winterspring.

Scryer is a level 60ish elite Dragon located in the Blue Dragon Cave in Winterspring. The dragon cave is in the Mazthoril secton of Winterspring and is Guarded by Elite Blue Dragonkin. Deep within the Cave is Scryer slay him and take his skull, then return to Emberstrife while wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion.

Quest 10 - The Test of Skulls, Sommnus

While wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion speak to Emberstrife in Duskwallow Marsh.

Just as our Father crushes the Aspects themselves, so too must we strive to bring chaos and destruction to their children.

You must test your battle prowess against the sleepless dreamers: The children of the Green Flight.

Travel to the Swamp of Sorrows and track down Somnus, drake champion of the Green Flight. Let flow your hatred; dominate the insect... Return to me with his skull...

Destroy the drake champion of the Green Flight, Somnus. Take his skull and return it to Emberstrife.

Somnus is a level 62 Elite Green Dragon. He is located in Swamp of Sorrows to the east of The Temple of Atal'Hakkar. He roams in a circle so find a location near the lake that is free of spawn and wait for his approach. Slay him and take his skull. Return with his skull to Emberstrife in Dustwallow Marsh while wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion.

Quest 11 - The Test of Skulls, Chronalis

While wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion speak to Emberstrife in Duskwallow Marsh.

The time watchers, children of Nozdormu - Lord of the Centuriesss...

It is three that guard the Caverns of Time, but only one that holds the interests of the Black Flight: The Time Shifter, Chronalis, favored drakeling of Nozdormu.

Ssstrike at this champion, a blow to make even the stoic sands of time weep. Return to me with his skull.

Guarding the Caverns of Time in the Tanaris Desert is Chronalis, child of Nozdormu. Destroy him and return his skull to Emberstrife.

Chronalis is a level 60ish Gold Dragon that hovers near the entrance to the NYI Instance - Caverns of Time, in Tarnaris. Slay him take his skull and return it to Emberstrife in Dustwallow Marsh while wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion.

Quest 12 - The Test of Skulls, Axtoroz

While wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion speak to Emberstrife in Duskwallow Marsh.

It was over the mountains of Grim Batol that our Father raged against the combined might of the Aspects. The cowardly act of the betrayer, Alexstrasza, bought the other Aspects enough time to escape from Father's wrath.

Sssuch a shameful act...

The Red Flight now guards Grim Batol, their lieutenant, Axtroz, must be destroyed. Return the skull of Axtroz to me. For Father, whelp!

Travel to Grim Batol and track down Axtroz, drake champion of the Red Flight. Destroy him and take his skull. Return the skull to Emberstrife.

Axtroz is a Level 62 Elite Dragon located at the Dragonmaw Gates in The Wetlands. There are elite Red Dragonkin Guarding the area as well, so clear them first then slay him and take his skull. Return with his skull to Emberstrife in Dustwallow Marsh while wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion.

Quest 13 - Ascension ...

While wearing the Amulet of Draconic Subversion speak to Emberstrife in Duskwallow Marsh.

From the skulls of our enemies is shaped a medallion. You know this medallion, yesss? You have no doubt seen it worn by your elders.

Take it, whelp. Return to the Spire and present it to General Drakkisath. The General will place the final enchantment upon the medallion, attuning the trinket to your spirit.

You will wear the finished medallion as a badge of honor, symbolizing your ascension to one of our most guarded ranks: Guardian to the brood mother.


It would appear as if the charade is over. You know that the Amulet of Draconic Subversion that Myranda the Hag created for you will not function inside Blackrock Spire. Perhaps you should find Rexxar and explain your predicament. Show him the Dull Drakefire Amulet. Hopefully he will know what to do next.

Take the Dull Drakefire Amulet to Rexxar in Desolace, you will find him wandering the road between Feralas and Stonetalon.

Quest 14 - Blood of the Black Dragon Champion

Speak to Rexxar in Desolace

You will pay the General a visit, yes, but not as one of the Black Dragonflight.

You see, a ceremony is merely another term for blood letting to the Black Flight.

The latent amulet merely needs the blood of the General in order to become active. One of their crude failsafe mechanisms.

Return to Blackrock Spire and destroy Drakkisath. Bring his blood back here and I shall activate the key to Onyxia's lair.

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rexxar.

This is the Final fight of the quest series. It is a raid quest and can be done with the assistance of up to 15 others in Upper Blackrockspire.

General Drakkisath is located at location #1 on the linked map. He is flanked by 2 Level Dragonkin Guards. You will need to Slay the General and get his blood and return it to Rexxar in Desolace.

The reward for this quest is Drakefire Amulet ( and is the key to Onyxia's Lair.

A Few Notes about this Quest Series

Each individual that wishes to participate in an Onyxia Raid will need their own Drakefire Amulet to Enter Onyxia's Lair
The General currently drops 2-4 blood per raid, so you may need to do that fight many times to get blood for yourself and your friends/guild.
The Warchiefs Blessing Buff does not stack with itself so to get the most out of the Rend head turn in space it out, everyone in Org will appreciate the buff.
Only the UBRS portions of the series can be done in Raid Group all others are single group quests.
None of the fights should be attempted solo.

04-22-2005, 12:07 PM
The General only drops one blood per raid, so you will need to do that fight many times to get blood for yourself and your friends/guild.

I think this was changed this patch to have a few drops per kill.

04-22-2005, 12:12 PM
You're right :) I re-read the patch notes and he now drops 2-4, I'll make that change.


04-22-2005, 12:17 PM
Excellent and detailed walkthrough Ndainye, Thanks!

04-23-2005, 12:53 PM
Very cool! Having just finished the Alliance side of this quest it is really neat to read the horde story. I do love the lore in this game. Thanks for the write up..:D

06-16-2005, 05:58 PM
Here is another post I found at VN boards just by chance. Pretty much same thing, maybe a lil extra info you might be looking for.

Onyxia key, Horde side:

The first quest has a level requirement of 55, but higher is desirable to complete necessary quest content. This is a long chain, involving alot of work and world travel, but the reward is invaluable - the key to the mighty Onyxia's lair. You will reap the benefits of raiding Onyxia only upon completion of this series.
Walkthrough - Drakefire Amulet:

-Go to Kargath and speak to Warlord Goretooth in the tower. Click his conversation item repeatedly to receive Warlord Goretooth's Command. Use this item to receive the quest, Warlord's Command.

-Warlord's Command-
Slay Highlord Omokk, War Master Voone, and Overlord Wyrmthalak. Recover Important Blackrock Documents. Return to Warlord Goretooth in Kargath when the mission has been accomplished.

-Upon completion of Warlord's Command, you will receive the quest, Eitrigg's Wisdom.

-Eitrigg's Wisdom
Seek counsel with Thrall's advisor, Eitrigg. He can be found in Thrall's chamber.

-Speak to Eitrigg in Thrall's Chamber (speech bubble), then return to Thrall. He will give you the quest, For the Horde!

Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay Warchief Rend Blackhand. Take his head and return to Orgrimmar.

-You will have to attend a raid of Upper Blackrock Spire (UBRS) to get the head of Rend Blackhand. Do so, and once again return to Thrall in Orgrimmar. All the occupants of Orgrimmar will receive a buff upon turn in.

-Thrall will tell you to seek out Rexxar, who roams from north Feralas, through Desolace, and into southern Stonetalon Mountains. For maps of his route, see . Find Rexxar.

-Rexxar will give you the quest, The Testament of Rexxar. You are to deliver Rexxar's Testament to deliver to Myranda the Hag in Western Plaguelands.

-Testament of Rexxar
Deliver Rexxar's Testament to Myranda the Hag in the Western Plaguelands.

-Find Myranda the Hag near Uther's tomb, south of andorhal, standing on a tree stump. Map of the general area available at .

-Myranda the Hag will give the quest, Oculus Illusions.

-Oculus Illusions
Travel to Blackrock Spire and collect 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. Once again, you will have to raid UBRS and collect the eyes off dragonkin inside. They drop 1-2 at a time and are common. Return to Myranda the Hag when the task is complete.

-Return to Myranda the Hag with 20 Black Dragonspawn Eyes. She will give you an Amulet of Draconic Subversion and the quest, Emberstrife.

Travel to Emberstrife's Den in Dustwallow Marsh. It is the cave along the cliffs to the very south. The Amulet of Draconic Subversion will transform you into a Black Scalebane once inside Emberstrife's Den. While disguised, speak to Emberstrife. He will behave as an NPC.

-Emberstrife will begin a mini-series of quests titled The Test of Skulls. You can then get three quests from him on the spot:

The Test of Skulls, Scryer
Test of Skulls, Somnus
The Test of Skulls, Chronalis

-Travel to Winterspring and enter the caves of Mazthoril, south of Everlook. Work your way in, and slay Scryer.

-Somnus can be found in Swamp of Sorrows, wandering in an arch up and down the zone between the Pool of Tears and the beach.

-Travel to Tanaris. Along the east edge of the zone (visible on map) is a mountain. Enter the area to find two low level drakes, and finally, Chronalis, guarding the door in the back.

-Return to Emberstrife and turn in all three dragon heads, and get the followup, The Test of Skulls, Axtroz

-Go to the Wetlands and enter the Dragonmaw Gates region, the curved valley area in the east side of the zone. Travel down the valley a ways and you will find Axtroz.

-Return to his head to Emberstrife to receive the followup, Ascension...

-This quest is to simply find Rexxar again. Rexxar will give you the final quest, Blood of the Black Dragon Champion.

-Blood of the Black Dragon Champion
Travel to Blackrock Spire and slay General Drakkisath. Gather his blood and return it to Rexxar.

-Return the Blood of the Black Dragon Champion to Rexxar, and receive the Drakefire Amulet, a necklace, stats available at .

Keep the Drakefire Amulet in your inventory to be allowed access into Onyxia's Lair. You need not WEAR the amulet, simply have it on your character.