View Full Forums : Good spots for leather farming?

06-23-2005, 09:36 PM
I thought it might be a good idea for us to gather a list of some good places for farming leather, since I'm sure quite a few druids picked leatherworking as their main profession. I'm certainly interested in finding some good spots for harvesting rugged leather to provide my final push to 300 skill!

I only know the most basic of hunting places, I admit, and I'm an Alliance druid, so the early levels will reflect that. But we can break down locations good for each leather type -- light should be relatively easy, since you can't stray far from the lowbie zones.

It's hard to remember where I hunted so long ago, but for Medium, I believe I got quite a bit in Ashenvale. The stags there weren't terribly dangerous, other than the shadowhorns that curse you.

06-24-2005, 02:10 PM
The best spot I've found to farm rugged leather is in southern Felwood off of the wolves and bears. They're lvl 48-50 so they are quick to kill, and they have a pretty good drop rate of the rugged stuff as well.

06-24-2005, 02:17 PM
I gather all my thick and rugged leather in the southeast corner of Un'goro. Average 40 seconds max per kill, with OoC in tanking gear I have 0 down time and the area is so dense MF usually pulls most in with little movement.

06-24-2005, 02:47 PM
when i need to farm rugged, i head to NE epl. all the mobs are close to 60, so rugged drops almost every time, and if you avoid the area people pass through to get to stratholme from light's hope chapel, it's pretty deserted.

Ghost Bear
06-27-2005, 09:21 AM
Don't forget about hides. Is it just me, or do hides seem do drop more off bears than anything else, except maybe yeties?

06-29-2005, 04:24 PM
Wolves and bears and yeties have hides too.

For the lower level leather workers, I recommed finding coin carrying skinnable mobs--earn money while you are at it.
Yeties in southern Alterac Mountains for upper 30's,
Yeties in Hillsbrad near Southshore for late 20's early 30's.
Worgen near Darkshire for middle upper 20's.
any Dragonkin carry coin and are skinnable too. Some in Wetlands and Swamp of Sorrows.

For the teen levels Alliance, the crocs on an island in the lake of Loch Modan are very crowded and spawn fairly quickly.

08-25-2005, 05:02 AM
For levels even below Ashenvale, there is all you could want in the Barrens. I hunted first around the Crossroads then all over the northern barrens and finally the southern barrens. The area directly south of Taurajo is a very rich leather farm up to about 23. In fact the flying creatures (Thunderhawk?) are 24.

From there I went to Ashenvale, both on Cloudchaser's suggestion and because that's kind of where the game was pointing me. It was a bit hairy at first going north out of the Barrens. The stags around there are 26-27. Once I got to 25 it became a lot easier and now at 26 it is good farming. The best place I've found so far is on the trail right by Raynewood Retreat. You have plenty of Stags and Hounds that refresh so fast you can just go up and down the trail and never run out. Watch out for the ancients, but they are only in the same 26-28 range. But also watch out for a huge mob called The Protector or something like that. It was ?? to me.

There are also bears around here but wherever I found them I found spiders too and it didn't seem worth the effort to clear all the spiders just to get the bears.

So far I don't mind too much making the occasional run to a vendor to sell off the non-leather loot. But I'm gonna see if I can get to the yetis. It would be nice to just get the coin directly.

ADDED: BTW, the curse that Cloudchase mentions is no problem for us Druids. We have a spell for that! :)

08-25-2005, 12:10 PM
For Rugged leather, my favorite place is the Yeti of Winterspring. Quite often, there is someone doing the mechanical yeti quest or just grinding on them, leaving me free to skin their corpses. The mobs drop coin, but little else, making them great if you don't have a lot of bag space.

Even though I'm on a PvP server, I frequently follow alliance and horde around alike in this area.

08-26-2005, 03:48 PM
Yeties in Hillsbrad near Southshore for late 20's early 30's.

I've been looking all over Hillsbrad and didn't find any yetis near Southshore but did find lvl 30 and 31 cave yetis at a cave entrance at Darrow Hill, north of the main road. They are just a bit high for me still, at 27, but I cleaned up after a couple others who had killed them and left the corpses. :)

Other than that Hillsbrad doesn't seem to be very good for for skinnable mobs at my level. There are a lot in the low 20's but not finding high 20's. Looks like it's back to Ashenvale.

09-05-2005, 07:21 PM
I am a lvl 42 druid now, Alliance, Bonechewer server, and for the last at LEAST 12 lvls i have been farming leather in the very awesome...Strangleton Vale

By lvl 30, this place is just sick for Leather, most mobs at the top areas are 30's and are fairly easy to kill.

It gets better in the fact that this place is a MAJOR questing place, and so there are TONS of players running around killing beasts for various chains of quests, so at any given time, on many days i could go and find leather just laying about for the taking, in one day i remember farming there all day and i had 100's of medium leathers (yes hundreds) and the questing and exp there is awesome too, you can go from 30 to 40 there easily, its the craziest and best questing place i have found so far in the game, and when i am not doing SM or other instaqnces, i am STILL doing quests in STV.

Yes i do realize Hillsbrad has some nice leather too, in fact once you get up the hill north of SS there are some cats, i think they are lvl 35 or so (forget) the ones in this narrow mountainus area, there are tons up there, and i lvled 2 lvls on them, while farming leather, and a lvl 60 happened to run by, and he killed at least over 100 for me, was pretty cool.

But STV just isnt for mediums and lights, but heavy's, and even the lvl 40's drop tons of Thick Leather, if i had to choose one spot to get my leatherworking skill high, its definently STV.

There is one major downside to STV though, and its one that really sucks....HORDE..because the horde on my server frequently run around in STV, it get's kind of lame to keep dying to ganking, while out farming, and some days it gets really bad, but on off times and early morning hours, i can easily go skinning crazy there.

Because all the monsters in STV are mostly beasts, everything you kill can be skinned, from lvl 30 to 40+.

the place is so huge that you can run from one end to the other, drop your loot at Booty Bay, and run all way back north and repeat.

The raptors past 40+ behind the Arena are awesome for Thick Leathers as well, they drop TONS, if you are a mage, you can easily AOE bunches at once, and just rake it in, if you are 40+ lvl that is.

The gorillas (mistvale 40's) have really tough armor for a lvl 40, but the lvl 37's the black ones, seem to drop more thick for me, so i just do them, and the raptors that are lvl 40 are great too

and again the best part is, its awesome for grinding, questing, and loot is nice, when i first got to STV at lvl 30 or so, i fell in love with it, its the best place for leather so far! Just avoid the horde!


09-06-2005, 07:01 AM
Many spots already mentioned but here's one that has some merit....Shimmering Flats...the Turtles and Basilisks there are plentiful and respawn quite quickly which makes for happy farming. But here's the best bit....killing these guys is a quest requirement in that area so you get a lot of non-skinners killing them meaning you can follow other characters around and skin their kills. I was putting together stacks of medium and heavy leather in no time. As an aside when I do this I always make a point of donating a stack (or some reasonable amount) to the characters whose kills I have been skinning. I figure it's only polite, but that's over to you.

Another good spot for this same method is Stranglethorn Vale as already mentioned. The tiger, panther and raptor quests there mean you get a lot of non-skinners cleaning out entire mobs and there's always plenty of unskinned beasts to be had. There's also crocks, basilisks and gorillas ... a veritible feast for us skinners!

Happy hunting :)

01-03-2006, 12:33 PM
If you are a Druid just starting out in tanning, the easiest spot to collect limitless normal leather is Moonglade! The deer and rabbits yield either "Ruined Leather Scraps" or "Light Leather" and will take your skinning skill up to 100. To make them spawn faster, you can kill the squirrels in the area too. None of the residents of Moonglade (or any town that I have noticed) will get mad at you if you kill deer/rabbit/squirrel but Moonglade seems to have more of them then anywhere else. As a Druid you can use Moonfire Rank 1, which can be cast on the run and 1 hit kills them, meaning you can kill as fast as you can skin one and target the next.

01-05-2006, 02:29 AM
For rugged leather, I agree Winterspring yeti cave is one of the best places that I have found yet. Mobs drop coin, the occasional heal / mana pot and rarely items. They drop rugged 80-90 percent of the time and there's usually people in there to follow around and skin.

01-05-2006, 01:05 PM
If you are a Druid just starting out in tanning, the easiest spot to collect limitless normal leather is Moonglade! The deer and rabbits yield either "Ruined Leather Scraps" or "Light Leather" and will take your skinning skill up to 100. To make them spawn faster, you can kill the squirrels in the area too. None of the residents of Moonglade (or any town that I have noticed) will get mad at you if you kill deer/rabbit/squirrel but Moonglade seems to have more of them then anywhere else. As a Druid you can use Moonfire Rank 1, which can be cast on the run and 1 hit kills them, meaning you can kill as fast as you can skin one and target the next.

Lol thats kinda mean. Deer and rabbits? Pick on something your own size why dontcha?


01-26-2006, 03:23 PM
I also had some luck skinning heavy leather consistently on the turtles just outside of Theramore. They are lvld in the mid 30s so they are pretty easy to kill and skin. The best luck for thick leather has been in STV with all the gorillas and raptors.

02-02-2006, 12:03 PM
Where are the best places for leather for a 38 Tauren Druid on a Normal server? I want to try and skin to make money for my mount......

09-30-2006, 07:33 PM
Can we get some more lower level tips.. im a 21 alliance drood and looking for the best place to get med leather right now, any ideas?

10-02-2006, 10:26 AM
Alliance or horde Tomonee?

10-02-2006, 06:12 PM
Can we get some more lower level tips.. im a 21 alliance drood and looking for the best place to get med leather right now, any ideas?

y memory's hazy, but I think Stonetalon would be a good place for medium leather. There's that stretch of stags when you go south from the airport. Then you have the Pridewings from the venom sac quest.

Or Ashenvale. The bears, stags and wolves.

STV (30-40) is a skinner's paradise, you get medium-heavy-thick leather, depending on the beast's level of course. And you (sometimes) get Shadowcat Hide when you skin the Shadowmaw Panthers.

The turtles off the coast of Tanaris will drop Thick Leather and Turtle Scales.

I like the atmosphere of Un'goro Crater, but I haven't done serious farming there. I've gotten Rugged Leather there. You also have the repeatable quest, and the funky crystal quests.

10-02-2006, 09:35 PM
Alliance or horde Tomonee?


Anything skinnable that drops money as well?

10-03-2006, 09:56 AM
The Yetis in the Alterac mountains and hillsbrad are close to your level they drop coin and leather. Also in the back of the alterac mountains is a rare spawn yeti. you can also stealth in past all the ogres in Alterac to the goblin merchant that has the frost oil recipe you can buy it for like 25s (if I recall) and sell it for a couple gold on the AH.

10-03-2006, 06:15 PM
any easy way to get to alterac mountains if you're a noob?

10-04-2006, 09:36 AM
Go to southshore and head north

10-13-2006, 12:36 PM
If found that for the horde skinning and killing dragon faeries is awesome they give good xp even unrested and they give lots of Heavy and thick leathers good grinding area near the grimtotem taurens over in feralas

10-14-2006, 04:38 PM
I found a great place to skin and make some coin for lvl 25-28 maybe 29, east of dun modr in wetlands there are dragon wisp's or something of that sort (cant think of the exact name right now) but they are fairly easy to kill, can kill 2 or 3 before needing to heal and go back to feral, they yield good exp and drop coin and are skinnable for mostly med leathers, sometimes heavy depending on what lvl the mob is.

Nu, The Hunter
10-15-2006, 08:35 PM
What i did to get my skinning and leather working up..

"that first leather i cant remember the name of..." - lvl 5-12 guys in Teld and near Aub..

Light Leather - 10-22 guys Darkshore to entrance of Ashenvale

edium - 18-32 guys in ashenvale, Stonetalon Mountians, Desolace

Heavy - 30 - 42 guys in Stranglethorn Vale

Thick - 38 - 48 guys in STV, Feralas, and Tanaris

Rugged - 39-52 guys STV, Tanaris, Feralas, Felwood..

and what ever is next i havent gotten to yet,,,


:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

10-16-2006, 08:55 AM
Yetis in Arathi.