View Full Forums : How are you liking Battlegrounds and the Honor system?

07-06-2005, 04:46 PM
Curious as to how many people are PvPing now. :)

07-07-2005, 08:42 AM
Still leveling so I try not to interupt my XP generation.

07-07-2005, 12:40 PM
Raiding and Gear issues hamper my PvP ability. As well as our crappy DPS doesnt allow for a long enduring fight but instead, will end up with me getting zerged or likewise for my opponent.

07-07-2005, 02:30 PM
I will agree with Badgemagus. When I manage to catch someone solo, it's a matter of fighting them until someone from my team shows up to help kill them, or run when I see someone from their team closing in. Something needs to happen to our DPS or I think I will lose interest. In the meantime though, I have a lot of fun. Druids are the perfect flag carrier for WSG. I am going ot try to get enough rank to get the full pvp set and hopefully the epic mount. After that, if they don't make some changes to give healers honor, I will probably be done with them.

07-08-2005, 12:53 PM
A couple of things. I have lv 60 alliance Druids on both PvP and non-PvP servers. I think the battlegrounds and honor system are great for PvP and love them there. I play most of my time on the non-pvp server in order to be able to accomplish game goals and find the honor system less than great since you have to work around all the PvP'er to do anything which is why I play on a non-pvp server. Continually the raids to get Honor points take out merchants, griff handlers and basicly lag the village or city and you are ambushed if you ever kill anything tagged which was the reason to go to non-PvP. The battlegrounds is great for lv 60 players on both servers to compete agains others and work on their skills but anyone less than lv 55 is handicaped and really not able to participate.

y guild just started over as Horde on the Non-PvP server so they could PvP which boggles my mind. (Two things, they picked horde because of the overwhelming amount of alliance on the server and why recreate a guild to do PvP on a Non-PvP server when we have characters on a PvP server). I am currently working on my 5th Druid (2 beta, 1 PvP and 2 Non-pvp combined) which is getting a little old. Since I am back to PLing two horde characters up now due to guild needs with both around lv 30 while half a dozen guildmates are lv 60 and in the battleground, I would like to see battlegrounds that different levels could compete in but that is not a practical concept within the game.

Overall, Battleground = Good. Honor System = Good PvP, Not Good Non-PvP.

07-09-2005, 01:19 AM
I have managed to get into Alterac Valley for a grand total of 7 minutes. Other than that 7, there is never an instance. As for WSG, I am not a fan of capture the flag, so I have avoided it. Besides, it isn't the PvP that appeals to me so much as questing/faction in AV.

07-15-2005, 10:25 AM
Druids are good for running the flag.

Other then that, It's very hard for a Druid to move up in rank because there isn't many solo kills to mix in the honor pool. On my server the highest ranked are melee. And the highest rank...a Rogue. There is no balance, because they dont consider healing outside of a group worth honor. So, naturally a high DPS will get the ranks and unless you live, eat, sleep in Warsong Gulch you will not see a Druid Grand Marshal unless they change it so that Classes rank amongst their own class and not this whole server idea. Maybe one day that Grand Marshal rogue will stop PvPing when he has his gear. Then the next in line will be another high DPS. Even if they change it so Healing is contributing, we are already behind.

I have my Knight PvP set and will most likely stop doing them as it's a much easier path to Piggy back a raiding guild, spending a few hours a day and get full epic'd then it is to get any marshal status spending 7 to 8 hours a day. They also made the instance epic gear a better all around set which is better based on the talent trees, specifically healing.

Even if a Druid were to attain Grand Marshal, their DPS would be too gimp to take down anyone that is full epic geared and will ALWAYS need assistance. The fight will take too long and by then you are running from their backup, as they have had plenty of time to get there.

I will do a little here and there, but I have pretty much given up on trying to outdamage my server.


07-15-2005, 02:05 PM
The thing I find most frustrating about Battlegrounds is the queue. I still haven't gotten into AV, not once, but I can't say it's been a high priority for me.

WG at level 60 is usually Horde pickup group vs. a well geared Alliance guild operating on vent/teamspeak. After a few experiences at that, I kind of turned my nose up at it.

Now with the Highest lifetime rank the only requirement for getting pvp gear, and with the Battlemasters in Org, I may do some more of it.

One other item: the dishonor portion needs some work. It has effectively ended the fun PvP raids cities on my server. One careless AE'er killing a civilian in the raid = DK for all in range.

08-24-2005, 05:40 PM
One other item: the dishonor portion needs some work. It has effectively ended the fun PvP raids cities on my server. One careless AE'er killing a civilian in the raid = DK for all in range.

That's actually part of the purpose they stated for them, I think. People were complaining about quest NPCs never being up with all the PvP zergs (esp. in Hillsbrad and Ashenvale on Hellscream, anyway), so they added the dishonorable kills for civilians to discourage city raids.

It's hard to strike a balance that makes everyone happy there, I imagine.

10-12-2005, 01:23 PM
The thing I find most frustrating about Battlegrounds is the queue. I still haven't gotten into AV, not once, but I can't say it's been a high priority for me.

One other item: the dishonor portion needs some work. It has effectively ended the fun PvP raids cities on my server. One careless AE'er killing a civilian in the raid = DK for all in range.


However, it's hilarious to enter a queue, run to an elf town, flag yourself, start killing people, then you get a free esc button when you enter BG.

Though, it's so distracting from questing.

10-17-2005, 03:50 PM
pvp baaaa-by!

After 30+ MC runs I got tired of the monotone epic farming. PvP has always been more fun for me. It's much more challenging to fight a human being than a program. :)

10-17-2005, 05:24 PM
I must agree there, I'd like to do the MC thing, but I never know how long I have to play, so PvP is the most rewarding and most fun I can have with my mage. There's nothing like running into a group of people with a blast wave and PoM flamestrike to get the blood flowing, hehe

11-08-2005, 02:00 AM
Still leveling so I try not to interupt my XP generation.

Word lol

Only 18 More levels to go! :wiggle:

11-10-2005, 05:14 PM
Im working on the pvp set so for the last 3 weeks or so I have been doing BG's most of the time. Hopefully next week I will be Knight Cpt. and get 2 more pieces in the set which will give me that 15% boost to cat movement. Most of that time is spent in AB or whichever BG is giving bonus honor for the weekend. I also try and do atleast 1 AV per night...Gonna take me forever but 1 day I will get the Unstoppable Force.

11-10-2005, 06:47 PM
hey Anubrim i was wondering how does the 15% boost to cat movement work? is it a trinket or something you have to wear? and does it stack with the 30% increased speed from the talent tree?

Cheers and good luck with the PvPing :p

12-12-2005, 11:23 PM
I love PvP but I don't care for BG much. I miss open world PvP, it is the best.

03-13-2006, 04:20 PM
in my server, horde pretty much rapes all alliance people in bg, so, in a way, its very fun, but very boring

03-28-2006, 07:39 PM
Well, BG'ing as a Druid is Probably one of the more exciting Classes to play as. The only problem is in WSG everyone wants you to do everything. And you are constantly harassed by people to do such. Like: Running the flag And Healing everyone (while tanking) which is quite frustrating. Though, if you do happen to Capture the Flag you might get a pat on the back or 2.

Though, i would say NOT to waste your time pvp'ing at low lvls, like any time before 60 (haha). Because you end up lvling really slowly and all the high lvl people pass you in Rank anyways. Also, none of the Rewards are really that terrific Unitll really High lvl (Oh! And the Black War Tiger is ultra Sexy).
BGs Are alright but once your in the Sergant Major Range i would go lvl then come back.

Just an Old Druids thoughts.

09-14-2006, 06:51 PM
dont like the cross realm pvp. people are rude and dont know what their doing