View Full Forums : Moving from Horde

09-13-2005, 11:08 AM
I am just so sick of the complete lack of interesting quests available to us, the lame choice of kodo or raptor, the staggering load time in Ogr, and the fact that my druid is using a +4int+3spirit 12dps staff @ lvl 17 when I could be a night elf and using a [Rod of the Sleepwalker]!!!

I would also like any members of TDG on Azjol-Nerub to help with my new clan, Start A War.

09-13-2005, 11:22 AM
Just an FYI, the load times in Ironforge aren't any better than Ogrimmar (and are usually worse). ;)

09-13-2005, 11:28 AM
I'd do it for Rod of the Sleepwalker, Illusionary Rod, etc.

I want to ride the tram, too. =) It's just worst near the AH.

09-14-2005, 11:39 AM
Illusionary Rod drops off Arcanist Doan in SM, doesn't matter if you are Horde or Alliance.

09-14-2005, 12:49 PM
Rod of the Sleepwalker is a level 29 staff that drops off Twilight Lord Kelris in Black Fathom Depths. BFD is for both factions, Kelris is killable by both factions. But you wouldn't be using it at level 17 either way.

If you want a cross faction comparision of low level staffs that don't compare very well look at Crescent Staff ( VS Staff of Westfall ( Both are quest rewards for level 20ish quests.

As for load times and lag it really depends on which server and the server population.

09-14-2005, 02:56 PM
I am just so sick of the complete lack of interesting quests available to us, the lame choice of kodo or raptor, the staggering load time in Ogr, and the fact that my druid is using a +4int+3spirit 12dps staff @ lvl 17 when I could be a night elf and using a [Rod of the Sleepwalker]!!!

I would also like any members of TDG on Azjol-Nerub to help with my new clan, Start A War.
Funny, I felt the same way after rolling 2 Horde toons and trying Alliance for a change.

You may chalk some of that up to the fact that rolling a toon in general kind of makes rolling your next one a bit easier. A WoW Quest is a WoW Quest is a WoW Quest.

You should have Wailing Caverns next and that gives you the Crescent Staff as a reward.

I don't really think uber weapons are all that valuable pre-level 40 anyway.

I had both the Illusionary Rod and Mograine's Might for a very long time, both are awesome weapons. Plus Scarlet Monastery gives you like 3-4 levels worth of XP alone.

Give it a few more levels, it gets more interesting.

How do you like that Barrens Chat?

09-15-2005, 12:15 AM
The Crescent Staff from Wailing Caverns Druids of the Fang quest is the best 2H weapon pre-Scarlet Monastery (assuming mana pool is important to you - Mage, Lock, Priest, Druid, Shaman).

09-15-2005, 11:20 AM
I decided to stay horde, move fluffy over to Shadowsong to play with a friend.

I did WC an hour or 2 into it, so I could finish the quest that you have to kill the 4 types of guys, for some idiot npc in the WC.... No clue where HE is.

If you happen to be on azjol I could really use a little help finding the staff quest.

I usually don't hang in barrens. I'm running with lvl 40s into elf towns near the BG instance getting my HKs up. =) Level 17 Scout, gogo!!!!

09-15-2005, 11:41 AM
It's the WC quest NPCs that you're having trouble with?

They are a bit tricky to locate... you have to climb up the back of the hill, and drop down into the right eye socket above the WC entrance.

09-15-2005, 12:54 PM

09-15-2005, 01:05 PM
The hill where the WC entrance is. Go around the north side, climb up, and drop down onto the skull entrance on the south side...

09-15-2005, 01:12 PM
I've only ran WC once. I didn't even know where it was. I barely get to play anymore. =(

09-16-2005, 01:18 PM
]If you happen to be on azjol I could really use a little help finding the staff quest.

Easy - Go to Crossroads. Near the south gate is a Tauren Male quest giver. He starts the chain.

Quest 1 - find Forgotten Oasis (NW of crossroads)
Quest 2 - Investigate another Oasis (SE of crossroads) and plant a seed given you
Quest 3 - Go back and kill turtles in same oasis - drop rate near 100 percent
Quest 4 - Take sample to Thunderbluff (Elder Rise and the Archdruid)
Quest 5 - Talk to other NPC on Elder Rise - she is near the tent entrance
Quest 6 - Druids of the Fang - kill the 4 evil druids in WC and loot the Gem from each - return to receive reward

09-19-2005, 11:03 AM
LOL Bovus, you must be lucky. I was killing turtles and I noticed my friend sitting next to me playing an MC run. Which was funny they had a pickup group with like 8 clans and wiped 5x on just the molten giants up to the first boss. I decided to make a priest(ess) as frostmane has NONE. He set me up with like 50 gold and plenty of int/spi greens!!! Some I can even switch to fluffy when I bring him over.

And I never would have been on if I hadn't thought to post here. =)

09-19-2005, 01:46 PM
MC...pickup group


09-20-2005, 10:52 AM
We all signed up, but it was like 8 different clans.

01-30-2006, 06:40 AM
horde zeppelin is much more fun than the tram

07-12-2006, 05:05 AM
I want to ride the tram, too. =)

Dude, you're a druid. When you hit 60ish you can ride the tram all you want, I know my tauren does, and trust me after a few rides it gets old.