View Full Forums : Hammer of Bestial Fury - uber sick mace

09-30-2005, 09:01 AM
Mwah ha hah. Here is the uber weapon we wanted.

Hammer of Bestial Fury
Main Hand
69 - 130 Damage
Speed 1.90 (52.4 damage per second)
90 Armor
+13 Strength
+12 Stamina
Durability 105/105
Requires Level 60
Equip: +154 Attack Power in Cat, Bear, and Dire Bear forms only

Here is the discussion thread on the Euro Forums for our workbound friends, myself included.

PS I win

09-30-2005, 09:51 AM
holy ****, that's awesome! and it's only one handed, wow.

09-30-2005, 09:57 AM
Yep similar armor to the Warden Staff, +120 health due to stamina, +154 Attack directly and then another bunch due to the strength. And in addition, you could throw in that totem of affliction that procs the shadow bolt. Or you know, a better one from some level other than 25. My keyboard has shorted out from drool.


09-30-2005, 10:02 AM
i cant access the forums you got the information from, but i am really curious to learn where you get this pwn weapon.

09-30-2005, 10:38 AM
supposed to drop from one of the emerald dragons in Silthus. The forum also mentiones that this is not the weapon Cay was talking about. She mentioned something about it not being an EPIC weapon, so the +AP in forms might appear on other, easier to obtain weapons too.

- 1H mace: 90 armor, 13 str, 12 sta, 154 attackpower in feral forms. 13 str = 26 attackpower, thus 154+26 = 180 attackpower. +15 str enchant gives another 30 attackpower, making it 210 attackpower. With the new 30th feral talent maxed out, its 210*120% makes 252 attackpower added in CatForm. It also addds 144 health (12 sta = 120 health*120% = 144) in bearform, and 90 armor*4.6 = 414 armor extra in bearform. If you will you add the thick hide talent, giving you 455 armor extra.

252 attackpower, where 14 attackpower equals 1 dps, would give you 18 DPS? - from EU forum


09-30-2005, 12:31 PM
Edit: Oops, misread. In any case, here's the official link to it.

09-30-2005, 12:39 PM
OHMYGOD. I want it.

09-30-2005, 01:19 PM
i don't think caydiem said it wasn't an epic weapon, but she did say that it didn't drop in a raid dungeon.

09-30-2005, 02:24 PM
I quit giving info. I'm always only half right going on something I read earlier. I can almost never quote things directly at work, and when I am at home, well I would rather play than post. Someday I am just going to print a freaking 3-ring full of BB posts and carry it to/from work. LOL. I would never live the Gamer Nerd title down then.

Boss: "Hey Nyte, what is that heavy book you are always carrying home and then back in? Stealing company secrets?"
Me: "No, actually its info for a RPG I play. I spend all day at work posting about it, then I go home and play all night. Are you going to fire me?
Boss: "No, you are already as much of a looser as I can stand"


BTW. I want that mace. I earned my first gold last night. Who wants to trade. 1G for that mace when it drops. Come on. Its GOLD that's SO worth it.


09-30-2005, 04:19 PM
nothing wrong with being wrong, nyte, it stimulates discussion and gives someone the chance to say to you "omgwtfbbqpwned. learn to read your facts nub gg." :D