View Full Forums : Bear and Cat Form

11-13-2005, 11:02 PM
Can anyone tell me what are the best attack combo's in Bear and Cat form. I am a level 30 Druid (16 Feral, 5 Restoration) and have gone the feral path and although Cat form seems has more versatility and fairly successful with Rip, Claw and rake the bear attack I find is not as good becaus eit teakes a lot to get rage.
Furthermore, I cannot seem to take on more than 1 beast at the same level no matter what I do, as for PvP that is even worse.
Using shapeshift takes time and by the time you shift out, cast a healing touch or restoration and shapeshift back again health is almost back where you started before shifting. I hope it is just my method has anyone got any good combo's?

11-14-2005, 10:52 AM
You need nature's swift.

11-14-2005, 01:59 PM
Well, Nature's Swiftness (NS) is not available for a level 30 who's put any points in feral talents... In response to the original post, though:
Use your stun (bash) in bearform prior to shifting out for a heal - this will give you an extra couple seconds to get the heal off while not taking any damage. If you're fighting multiple targets, you probably will need NS to get the heal off quickly enough to benefit from the heal. Since you're going down the feral tree, you should be better at dishing out damage, and not need to heal as much.

I noticed bear form lagging behind cat form in utility during the 30s... once you hit 40 and get dire bear form, they should be more balanced. A couple talents exist that will help you immensely on the rage front: one gives you rage immediately upon shifting (its at the top of the restoration tree) and the other reduces the rage cost of abilities.

11-14-2005, 02:18 PM
Once you hit 40 and get Dire Bear form, everything will change. I am lv 46 right now and have 4k armor and 3700hp. I can take an incredible amount of damage vs mobs the same lvl as me, and pvp has never been more fun :). With regards to healing:

When you know that you are going into a fight with 2-3 mobs on you, cast regrowth and rejuv right off the bat, switch to bear and immediatley enrage. If you are fighting 2-3 mobs, your rage bar will generate fairly quickly, and the regr and rejuv will negate any damage that you take for about the first 8 sec. Feral charge into the strongest mob (or caster) and remember to use demoralizing roar - reducing the attack power of mobs by ~100 is huge. Once you start to get to about 1/3 on your health bar, you should have a decent amount of rage. Frenzied regen at your lvl should regen 100hp for every 10points of rage. Thats pretty helpful as well to keep you in bear without having to shift out to heal. If you still haven't killed the mobs, when you get down to about 1/3 of your health again, bash (improved bash - 5sec stun is nice), switch out and cast regrowth and rejuv again. Rinse lather repeat.

As far as generating rage goes, sharpened claws (esp when spamming swipe to hit 3 mobs at a time) generates lots of rage. I just respecced to 31 feral 6 resto, and its amazing how quickly rage generates, and how often I crit with my bear. Cat was definitley a better choice for me in my 30's because it allowed me to kill way quicker, though once I hit 40 and respecced feral, I only use cat when I am fighting squishy cloth wearers, or can stealth up behind a single mob without aggroing his buddies.

11-14-2005, 03:24 PM
You're higher level than me, but I'm surprised you're having so much trouble, I'm level 26 and I seem to shred stuff which are equal level or two above me pretty quickly. I don't see how it can change that much. For PvE in catform I usually claw, claw, rake, rip, tiger's fury and claw till the enemy is dead. For bearform I use demoralizing roar and then maul. I use enrage sometimes, but not often because when I when I'm in bear it's usually because I'm tanking.

2 even level mobs are pretty easy to take in catform. More than that or higher level though I need bearform. I usually save my bash for casters or when I need a heal. Stomp is really good for nailing a heal as well.

y build so far is 5 balance (for PvP I think nature's grasp is a must have, and it's nice for PvE as well), 4 resto (furor), and 9 feral. I plan to get 15 in resto (for improved healing touch and nature's focus so I can heal with less interrupts, if you're having trouble healing and shifting you might want to look at this route as well, plus the instant rage and energy on shifts is very nice.

Other than that, may want to tell us what your gear is like. In bearform I'm sitting at 1500+ defense (I could probably bring this up to 1600 now, but just haven't bothered). I think that's pretty good, and my other stats aren't bad either.

11-16-2005, 01:32 AM
In response to all thank you for your advice I will try out the different tactics. However, can anyone recommend what to do with my talents points I earn from here. Do I need to go down the Balance tree and get NS or do I continue down the feral tree. I looking at the 16/31/5 build, but what is the best approach.

11-16-2005, 04:44 AM
Well, Nature's Swiftness (NS) is not available for a level 30 who's put any points in feral talents... In response to the original post, though:
Use your stun (bash) in bearform prior to shifting out for a heal - this will give you an extra couple seconds to get the heal off while not taking any damage. If you're fighting multiple targets, you probably will need NS to get the heal off quickly enough to benefit from the heal. Since you're going down the feral tree, you should be better at dishing out damage, and not need to heal as much.

Few other similar techniques for healing yourself before getting NS:

Nature's grasp or roots then step back and heal.
Warstomp (if tauren) then heal.
Cat form and dash, or travel form a suitable distance away, then heal.
If you're fighting a beast (or dragonkin later), hibernate them and then heal.

11-16-2005, 10:14 AM
Since respecing from resto to Feral (14/32/5) I have been without NS and I really havent missed it. I know its an awesome talent and I thought I would hate not having it but that hasnt been the case.