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11-18-2005, 10:04 AM
the search function on this site is blocked by my work's firewall, so i can't locate which poster originally dropped the bombshell about, but whoever you are, thank you very much. you pwn teh fiarwallz.

11-18-2005, 10:53 AM
What are you refering to? I always like to know about things that let me look up info at work.


11-18-2005, 02:49 PM
**Well the .org doesn't escape the firewall for me ** Isn't it about time tbot changes its name to something else:

and so on

11-18-2005, 03:59 PM
my distract yourself with doing some work instead of worrying about thottbot? :tut:

11-18-2005, 06:09 PM
LOL barbooha. /agree. websense pwns me ><.

Proposed site names were hilarious.

11-18-2005, 07:04 PM
Heh I use the .com url for it, never knew it also had .org

This site might be handy for you since it has a number-url

11-19-2005, 01:49 AM
It's not so much the name of the site that is blocked for me at work, but more the category with which Thottbot is associated with on the web:
The Websense category "Games" is filtered.

Quoted from a website explaining how Websense works:
Websense filters Internet content by working in conjunction with the Websense Master Database of more than 3.7 million sites, organized into 81 categories, including MP3, gambling, shopping and adult content. You can choose to block, permit, limit by time-based quota or postpone access to individual categories by user, group, workstation or network.

11-20-2005, 11:45 AM
The ultimate way to bypass work lockouts is to use a 3rd party proxy service. To my knowledge, all are subscription based (meaning you will pay a small fee per month/year to access them).

It's also possible that these, in turn, may be monitored/blocked by your company.

11-20-2005, 01:08 PM
**Well the .org doesn't escape the firewall for me ** Isn't it about time tbot changes its name to something else:

and so on

That made me laugh. That would be so funny.

The ultimate way to bypass work lockouts is to use a 3rd party proxy service. To my knowledge, all are subscription based (meaning you will pay a small fee per month/year to access them).

It's also possible that these, in turn, may be monitored/blocked by your company.

I setup my home PC as a proxy server back in the days of high school. I used free proxy ( Most people wise up to this and some ISPs forbid it so make sure you're not using the standard port and anonymous access is turned off.

11-21-2005, 09:50 AM
my distract yourself with doing some work instead of worrying about thottbot? :tut:

work distracts me enough :lmao:

11-21-2005, 04:37 PM
. . .I was the one who dropped the bomb. It was in the equipment discussion forum. I think the topic was Feral Gear. . .or something of the like.

Also. . .did it ever occur to any of you who are ragging at us that we may be doing this in between calls? When there is no work to do? Just a thott.

You're just mad because your job doesn't allow for any fun. :P


11-21-2005, 04:50 PM
i pity anyone who feels the need to tell us to get back to work. it suggests they are unhappy/overworked themselves (how overworked you can be and still find time to tell other people to get back to work on a games forum i don't know), or ignorant of the fact that many jobs simply aren't nonstop work.

11-21-2005, 05:06 PM

11-22-2005, 10:19 AM
from my understanding thottbot is supported by some chinese gold farming sites

albeit prolly most sites are whether directly or indirectly (adds)

11-22-2005, 01:09 PM
My entire philosophy of work... well and life too for that matter... is pretty much "If your job gets done, I could care less what else you do."

If you were some kind of genius, could do your whole days work in 5 minutes, and it was done well, the other 7 hours and 55 minutes don't concern me. Play games, post sites, look up porn, have sex on your desk with your amazingly cool and hot, but married co-worker how is that anyone's else's business as long as you don't interfer with them doing their work.

Of course someone who could do a whole days work in 5 minutes probably could do a different for more money. If you have extra time to hang out on the forums, like I do, you could probably go out, get a job that requires you to work non-stop for eight hours and pays you better for it. But at this point in my life, and I'm sure in a lot of others lives as well, I would rather keep my sanity and easygoing disposition, and settle with what I currently do.

In any case. As long as the people depending on you to do your job aren't disapointed, who cares what else you do. Its supposed to be mutually benneficial work, not indentured servitude.


11-24-2005, 06:34 PM
If you were some kind of genius, could do your whole days work in 5 minutes, and it was done well, the other 7 hours and 55 minutes don't concern me. Play games, post sites, look up porn, have sex on your desk with your amazingly cool and hot, but married co-worker how is that anyone's else's business as long as you don't interfer with them doing their work.

Are you currently hiring? :thumbsup: