View Full Forums : Farewell Starfire!

12-22-2005, 10:57 PM

So, I'm not going to be around much. Never have time to do these forums from home. I will check in from time to time, especially after XMAS when I get WoW back.

erry XMAS!

Please don't circumvent the word filter. -Yrys
Sorry man. :)

12-22-2005, 11:09 PM
Ummm, wow, lol....Congratulations man...Welcome to working the rest of your life =P

12-23-2005, 02:41 PM
Lol get jazzed to sit behind a counter at a store or in a crappy little cubicle. Its WAAAY better than highschool...:lmao:

Let me tell you how much better life got after I graduated college, where I could sleep in till noon, party till 3, surf all day, hang out with beautiful girls and occasionally go to class: Now, I wake up at 6, work 9 hours, sit in 45 min of rush hour traffic both ways, never have time to surf, barely have time to play wow (I sacrafice sleeping for this simple vice - 6 hours a night is now the standard, half of what I would like) hang out with a bunch of 45-50 year olds that have worked for the same company for 25 years and have no ambition nor desire in life to become anything other than what they have always been.

... Ah Life is Good.

Oh yeah, Merry Christmas.

12-23-2005, 02:42 PM
... No, I'm not bitter. What makes you say that?

12-23-2005, 11:33 PM

Playing WoW at work FTW?

BEFORE YOU GUYS START THINKING I WAS HELD BACK OR SOMETHING, I had credits from taking extra summer classes and a little.. tinkering with my counselor's computer. :)

12-28-2005, 03:56 PM

So, I'm not going to be around much. Never have time to do these forums from home. I will check in from time to time, especially after XMAS when I get WoW back.

erry XMAS!

Please don't circumvent the word filter. -Yrys
Sorry man. :)

Just because you graduate doesn't mean WoW life is over....haha! I just got my master's a year ago....and I still play WoW. Since I'm not very busy at work I read the forums then....and play at home some. What's great is I have friends over some weekends....and we just play WoW together. We have some great times....and it looks like our group will be growing....haha!

01-24-2008, 05:04 AM
Please come back again. We are waiting for your beautiful posts. New to internets.