View Full Forums : Professions?

01-02-2006, 08:45 AM
Didnt exactly know where to put it ;)
Well, Iv heard that the best professions for a druid would be Alchemy and Herbalism, but what do you think?
Like if you need money enchanting is nice, if you start at a low lvl.
I have Alchemy and herbalism as main professions and fishing as secoundairy, it work fine...
But im kinda short in money, and my alchemy and herbalism isent at the highst lvls. Im not going to change either i think, cus i got 156 Alchemy and 127 herbalism.
Feel stuck...

01-02-2006, 10:01 AM
I am actually using a miner/skinner combo right now as a druid.

At the beginning of the game when you get copper the ore will generally sell for at least 25s (done this on 3 servers so I think it might be a general rule).

Also every time you kill something you will get something of monetary value. If killing humanoids, you will get cash and maybe cloth while killing beasts you can get a drop and skins.

Skinning is kind of overlooked and can really help with the cashflow while just playing the game like normal. Highly recommended for any mana dependant class as it gives you a few moments to let mana go back up (really bad for warriors who will lose rage).

Fishing is great as a secondary and is highly recommended. Deviate fish in wailing caverns make some really good money. I haven't done this in a while but I could fish at least 20 in an hour - yeah that's alot of boring time but if you are broke its the best way to make at least 3g in an hours time especially at lower levels.

Onto what you were saying - herbalism and alchemy could be good for the mana potions if mana potions are highly overpriced on your server. I had it once and didn't feel that I was making too much money. Plus greater mana potions (700-900 mana) were selling for about 5s each on average which is way underpriced on my server.

01-02-2006, 01:13 PM
im enchanter/engineer and 300 fishing :D

01-02-2006, 02:23 PM
If you *need* money enchanting is not for you. You'll put a alot of time, effort, and money - more than any other tradeskill - into it to get to 300. Then, you have to farm or buy the nice enchants: Crudaser, +agi weap, +str weap, +int weap, to make decent money to pay off your investment.

The money makers are collection skills: mining, skinning, herbalism. If you pair them with a production skill: engineering, blacksmithing, leatherworking - you are not likely to make much money. You will get fast & almost rfee skillups though.

I love engineering as it gives me the abilities of other classes. Well, once in awhile I can do stuff I'm not suppossed to. Alchemy is also nice. You've got a potion for every occassion.

Enchanting is good if you put the time into it. Not only do you enhance your gear, but use the disenchanted stuff from your instance runs to enchant something for a group-member for a free skillup. You can also do sick stuff like outfitting a 29 warrior alt in full 'of the bear' with enchants for 300+ hp, atk speed increase, dual weilding crusader & fiery...

01-02-2006, 03:38 PM
I have this up and coming alchemist and finally had good enough stuff to AH. (I am tradeskill grinding while I post /smile)

So I jsut checked my AH mail. Go herbalism/alchemy. I can't believe my potions sold for such ridiculous prices.

Shadow Oil, Elixer of the Moongoose, Healing, and Mana potions seem to be good sellers. I've only got one iteration on the AH with alchemy so...

I really only started alchemy to make healing and mana pots for my characters but I'm kinda getting into it now.

01-03-2006, 10:14 AM
No one simple answer.

Double collecting is probably the fastest and easiest, especially at lower levels, but just not as much fun.

I get the feeling a lot of people take the production skills thinking they will eventually be able to sit in the AH, buy their mats, make their products, and sell them at a profit. While this might be possible, it is not easy and requires some market savy. Also you are the source of profits for all the collectors, so that means less profit for you.

I think this is best handled on a guild basis, ask what professions are needed and fill the gap. Everyone in your guild can get better stuff from every profession cheaper internally, and can help each other with mats to skill up and increase profits.

If you are on your own and looking for the most money the fastest, go mining/herbalism, but just chasing after resources will get boring.

01-03-2006, 11:24 AM
No one simple answer...I think this is best handled on a guild basis, ask what professions are needed and fill the gap.

Gwmort's got a great point, if you're in a guild. I provide free potions to my guildmates, and in return get my pick of what the other crafters make. It's a lovely system, but the only 'profit' is what you save by not needing to buy things.

01-03-2006, 12:09 PM
Sometimes just farming for cloth can make some good money since tailers and people using first aid are in need of cloth.

Check the AH prices from time to time of silk or wool cloth and see what a stack is selling for. I do this from time to time as the price of silk cloth reaches 1.5-1.7g a stack. An hour of farming can get you about 2 stacks generally plus xp.

Another thing I have noticed is that food for lower level cooking sometimes goes for outrageous prices at the AH. Boar meat for example is one of the types of meat needed to level cooking at its lowest levels. I have gone to a starting area with boars and killed TONS of them getting a couple of stacks of meat. I then can sell them for 1g + at the AH as many people seem to be building twinks (especially hunter twinks).

These are some 'gathering' techniques that don't require a profession to be involved with. Most higher level players (40+) are not going to worry with some of these techniques because they can make more grinding equal leveled mobs.

Basically try to do things like this - find a need in the AH and try to fill it.

01-03-2006, 11:54 PM
Learn first aid before selling your cloth. It's a tool that even healing classes should have.

01-04-2006, 12:10 PM
Enchanting is good if you put the time into it. Not only do you enhance your gear, but use the disenchanted stuff from your instance runs to enchant something for a group-member for a free skillup. You can also do sick stuff like outfitting a 29 warrior alt in full 'of the bear' with enchants for 300+ hp, atk speed increase, dual weilding crusader & fiery...

I HATE people that do this. Ruins the bg's for anyone that doesn't have a main to twink them.

01-04-2006, 12:22 PM
Herbalism is a gold mine. Alchemy wont make you too much money till the higher lvls when you can sell elixer of the sages, elixer of the mongoose, or any of the +25 str, +25 agil pots. These are incredibly useful for raids too. My guild was raiding last night, and we all trade stuff freely, so I gave 5 of the warriors some +25 str pots, the priests some elixer of the sages, the rogues and hunters some +25 agil pots. I probably gave out 15 pots, which I could have sold for about 30g (probably more), but I was grinding / questing in un'goro and just happened to pick up the herbs needed to make all the pots.

Needless to say, they were all stoked on the pots, and have all said that they will gladly run to get me my set gear as soon as I get to 60 / enchant anything. I already have the ironfeather set and warbear harness which I traded lots of pots to a guildie for.

As far as making money, I had well over 100g at lv 40 with my alt priest, and was able to buy a mount, train all my spells all the way up, and keep buying new gear the whole way. Some of the lower lvl herbs sell real well: I sold 2 stacks of swiftthistle for 10g apiece, and stranglekelp was going for about 7g a stack. Pots dont sell that well, unless you come across a pot that everyone wants (swiftness pot, lesser agil and lesser mana pots for some recipies) Also, sell every green drop on the AH, and collect and sell everything that anyone drops to vendors. It does add up.

And yeah, Learn First Aid. It may seem redundant, but its a great skill to have. Fishing too. Fish sell for a lot for many reasons: They are used to make oils for alch pots, cooking, feeding pets, etc.

01-04-2006, 12:30 PM
I have learned first aide and do agree that everyone should learn it - After having a few stacks of bandages it gets pointless turning cloth (cash) into another bandage.

01-04-2006, 12:58 PM
I HATE people that do this. Ruins the bg's for anyone that doesn't have a main to twink them.
Yeah, it's always more fun to be the bully than to be the bullied. You're right though. There's a huge difference between the twinks and non-twinks.

ironfeather set and warbear harness
Good call. You won't find better than the ironfeather until wildheart.

Free action potion ftw. I use them on my mage just prior to doing something really stupid.

01-08-2006, 10:32 AM
I just got 225 in alchemy :)
And got around 155++ on herbalism

01-10-2006, 02:16 PM
Yeah, it's always more fun to be the bully than to be the bullied. You're right though. There's a huge difference between the twinks and non-twinks.

hah. Yeah, especially in the lower lvl bg's when noone really has good gear at all. Not so much in the higher lvl bg's when people can actually afford to get stuff enchanted, and afford to buy nice gear / weapons.

Good call. You won't find better than the ironfeather until wildheart.

I'm loving my ironfeather set. Just got wildheart gloves and belt from guildies (im the highest druid in our guild that isnt 60, so I'm first in line for handouts on wh stuff :) ) With hotw, I have something like 5.5k mana at lv 55, +41 to heal / damage spells and mass spirit.

Free action potion ftw. I use them on my mage just prior to doing something really stupid.