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Greater Faydark, levels 1-6

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:37 am
by Bluebird
Hi, I'm Bluebird, a Firiona Vie druid, geared with a few pieces of defiant, a tank merc, and some skinspike potions.

I love the old world and Kunark, so I decided to start in Kelethin, instead of Crescent Reach. If you do, you will be born at the druids' guild, the Soldiers of Tunare. Grab your newbie nuke and commence the beatdown! I did not use a merc. The teleporter to the Plane of Knowledge is just down the path from the first lift. Don't forget to get a fire beetle eye, first thing. I ported up to PoK and then to Qeynos to get mine.

Right in front of the town is a hill with a druid ring beside it. Kill the skeletons, orcs, wolves, wasps, spiders, and bats as you please. Leave the arboreans alone--they have way too many hitpoints to be fun. Keep your bone chips for a quest in Kaladim, the dwarven town, if you like; they are good faction and good experience.

Around level 5, I went to what we used to call "orc hill". It's past the third lift, on the north side of town, as if you were going to Crushbone. There are several little orc camps and roamers here. They hit a bit hard for your level and abilities so be careful not to get swarmed. Keep all Crushbone belts and shoulderpads--they are for a very excellent quest in Kaladim, with great experience and faction.