Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Tudamorf »

AbyssalMage wrote:Objective? Your leaving out half the facts and telling us you provided all the facts.
I may be leaving out many facts (because they aren't relevant to the argument), but the ones I'm presenting are undeniably true.

Rich people pay the overwhelming majority of the taxes.

Poor people pay next to nothing.

Rich people fund welfare, poor people receive welfare.

Poor people are never "paying for the billionaires", and the OWS crowd are blatant hypocrites for claiming that.

These aren't matters of opinion, they are objective facts. If you doubt them, head over to the Statistics Division of the Internal Revenue Service and see for yourself.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by AbyssalMage »

Tudamorf wrote:
AbyssalMage wrote:Objective? Your leaving out half the facts and telling us you provided all the facts.
I may be leaving out many facts (because they aren't relevant to the argument), but the ones I'm presenting are undeniably true.

Rich people pay the overwhelming majority of the taxes.

Poor people pay next to nothing.

Rich people fund welfare, poor people receive welfare.

Poor people are never "paying for the billionaires", and the OWS crowd are blatant hypocrites for claiming that.

These aren't matters of opinion, they are objective facts. If you doubt them, head over to the Statistics Division of the Internal Revenue Service and see for yourself.
Objective facts would be:
Rich people pay the overwhelming majority of the taxes and this money comes from the exploitation of the lower class...

Poor people pay next to nothing in federal taxes at the end of the year. The federal government removes their income like every other American for 12 months and when/if they file for a tax return they get it back plus any credits they may have earned (just like the rich)

Rich people fund welfare, poor people receive welfare. And rich people gain their money from poor people so poor people are supporting themselves.

Poor people are never "paying for the billionaires", and the OWS crowd are blatant hypocrites for claiming that. Well 46-51% of the US population is considered "poor" depending on the graph/statistics you look at. That is the LARGEST consumer group, unless ~50% is no longer the majority, that means they "ARE PAYING FOR THE BILLIONAIRES." Now we can both agree that certain products (yachts, airplanes, luxury automobiles) will never be purchased by the lower 50% but these items don't represent the majority of the GDP that is sold in the USA or the world. So how are they being the hypocrite

Again, you are Fox "news" You only cover half the facts and call it objective. You simply refuse to believe that 50% of the consumers actually provide anything to the government or to you.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Tudamorf »

AbyssalMage wrote:Well 46-51% of the US population is considered "poor" depending on the graph/statistics you look at. That is the LARGEST consumer group,
And where do they get the money to pay for the things they consume? :roll:
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by AbyssalMage »

Tudamorf wrote:
AbyssalMage wrote:Well 46-51% of the US population is considered "poor" depending on the graph/statistics you look at. That is the LARGEST consumer group,
And where do they get the money to pay for the things they consume? :roll:
Well, it has been explained to you. A High School student would understand where they get it from by now. :roll:
But for the "umpteenth" time, if you follow the money they are paying themselves. But you have a hard time following the money, you get distracted too easily.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Tudamorf » ... 1LQ2HO.DTL
Occupy strike descends into chaos

(11-03) 09:49 PDT OAKLAND -- A long day of mostly peaceful protest in Oakland descended into chaos after midnight. Masked vandals shattered windows, set fires and plastered downtown businesses with graffiti before police moved in, dispersing crowds with tear gas and flash-bang grenades and making dozens of arrests.

Buildings that had windows smashed early today around City Hall included a Men's Wearhouse store, a dental office and the headquarters of the police internal affairs division.

Graffiti was everywhere - from anarchist symbols to threatening gang tags. Messages included "Oakland commune" and "kill cops."

As protesters built one of the barricades on 16th Street, a nearby resident who had joined Wednesday's demonstrations walked up and began to take it apart. But whenever he moved a trash can or table or pallet, a man in a mask would put it back.

"What does putting trash in the street accomplish?" asked the neighbor, 35-year-old Tarrell Gamble, as a crowd confronted him. "This is somebody's property."

Masked men shouted and swore at Gamble, and one protester briefly put him in a headlock. They accused him of being a police officer and said, "Let's give it up for the hall monitor."
Anarchist lunatics at their finest. This "movement" should be reclassified for what it is, a terrorist organization.

And of course the rich people are the ones paying to clean up the mess they leave behind, and paying for the jail/prison sentences for the lunatics.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by AbyssalMage »

More "salt" for you Tudamorf....
Thirty companies paid no income tax 2008-2010: report

Biggest Public Firms Paid Little U.S. Tax, Study Says

And a couple notes:

Well you were some what correct on the Reagan tax thing :o . He did make business's pay more taxes. They just gave the deduction at the individual level. I can live with that. So kudos!

Looks like the same people who paid no taxes at the corporate level paid none (or little) at the individual level if I am reading the articles correctly (By using similar loop holes and deductions). But none of this matches up to the lies you have been fed.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Fyyr »

The Oakland cops shouldn't have shot Scott Olson in the head, perhaps. Huh Tudamorf.

In every case I have seen, it has been the cops who have started the violence. Cops macing netted peaceful girls in the face. Cops running over people with vehicles. Shooting passive and peaceful people, exercising their First Amendment rights, with rubber bullets and tear gas grenades.
Battalions of riot police
With rubber bullet kisses
Baton courtesy
Service with a smile

Pushin' little children
With their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Pushin' little children
With their fully automatics
They like to push the weak around
Bunch of bullies, short little men with guns. When governments do this to their people, armed and violent uprising results(and are warranted). Everyone knows this. The cops are the ones initiating violence and provoking the situation of violence to rationalize their expense and use to the 1% who they work for.

I hope the hippies tear it down. Too bad these hippies don't own guns and want to exercise their Second Amendment rights while protesting, they should.

Watch the SF Sheriffs(mercs hired by City of Oakland) shoot Scott Olsen in the head. Then intentionally toss grenades at those trying to give him aid.

Have you ever met anyone with Expressive Aphasia? He will most likely have that for the rest of his life.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Tudamorf »

Fyyr wrote:The Oakland cops shouldn't have shot Scott Olson in the head, perhaps. Huh Tudamorf.
So they take their revenge on peaceful citizens by harassing them and destroying their property. How noble. Especially since Scott Olsen wasn't shot in the head at all, but rather was hit by a tear gas canister because he was standing in a middle of a riot.

If these anarchists have a problem with the police, they should exercise their right to vote, not act like a bunch of spoiled brats who want to tear down whatever they can't have.

The majority isn't going to support this anarchist riot crap (which hurts the very people they allege to be rioting in favor of). If they continue, these small bands of protesters will simply be arrested and thrown in jail, where they belong.
Fyyr wrote:In every case I have seen, it has been the cops who have started the violence.
Just after midnight, police ordered the crowd to disperse as an unlawful assembly. Soon, one officer on Broadway was struck on his face shield by a bottle, disorienting him.
..which is what led to the tear gas.

And then:
"What does putting trash in the street accomplish?" asked the neighbor, 35-year-old Tarrell Gamble, as a crowd confronted him. "This is somebody's property."

Masked men shouted and swore at Gamble, and one protester briefly put him in a headlock. They accused him of being a police officer and said, "Let's give it up for the hall monitor."
I think the police were quite restrained. I would have had all of those people starting fires, destroying property, and harassing citizens arrested, and ordered to do community service to clean up all the mess they caused.

On the Second Amendment issue, although it creates no such right, I'd fully support open carry within Oakland's borders. This guy had the right idea, and there are areas of Oakland that I wouldn't want to enter while unarmed.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Fyyr »

They have a right to assemble.

It was not unlawful.

And was peaceful until the cops started shooting.

Here's a cool video...

Those are the people paying the cops. And giving them their orders.
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Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Post by Tudamorf »

Fyyr wrote:They have a right to assemble.

It was not unlawful.

And was peaceful until the cops started shooting.
They do not have a right to try to take over property that isn't theirs.

They do not have a right to set fires.

They do not have a right to vandalize.

They do not have a right to break windows and destroy property.

They do not have a right to assault police.

It was NOT lawful or peaceful, and I'm talking about the part that happened before the police used tear gas.
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