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Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:29 pm
by Tudamorf

I'm talking about the Occupy Wall Street crowd, of course.

I can't think of a better example of hypocrisy than a bunch of unemployed losers, leeching off public funds supplied almost exclusively by rich people, complaining that they are "tired of paying for the billionaires".

It makes Christian hypocrisy look mild, by comparison.

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:57 am
by Fyyr
I hope they succeed.

But I am a NAZI, a Commie, and a hypocrite already. So I am sure you don't give a shit about what my opinion is. I love how that says PIG.

I hope they bring the whole big fucking steaming pile of shit down, myself. They won't of course. They are too peaceful and nice, even when maced in the face by fucking NAZI New York cops. Raised middle class and educated middle class. They will never do what is needed. And no one will listen to them.

But then again, unemployed middle class 20 year olds...they are the poor class; aren't they?

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:46 pm
by Tudamorf
Fyyr wrote:I hope they succeed.
What, in bringing down all the rich people?

Then who will give them a job, and pay their welfare when they don't work? Who will pay for their military protection, their schools, their roads, their health care, their public services?

Why don't "the other 99%" go ahead and give each other jobs, if they don't need the rich people?

You libertarian anarchists are nearly as bad. You want all the benefits of civilized society, but you don't want to pay your fair share. These guys, on the other hands, are pretending they're the ones who are paying for it.

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 1:16 am
by Fyyr
I think we have some Set Theory to discuss.

All, is an awfully large set. The set that these hippies are going after seem to be smaller than 'all'. If you can't make out the difference, that might be your problem and not theirs.

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 3:28 am
by Tudamorf
Fyyr wrote:All, is an awfully large set. The set that these hippies are going after seem to be smaller than 'all'. If you can't make out the difference, that might be your problem and not theirs.
I don't think they can make out the difference.

I don't see their ranting and raving being directed at specific bad guys, just rich people in general. I doubt they even understand the very basics of how "Wall Street" works and what the functions of those "top 1%" really are.

They're just generally angry and have nothing better to do, and who better to blame for your problems than the people who have what you want?

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:21 am
by Fyyr
Rich people who produce nothing are virtual social parasites.

People who are rich because they move money around, for example. Where do you find those people, Wall Street. Especially those who helped create this recession, and have been the direct beneficiaries of government bail outs. Seems to me that they picked the correct rich people to target.

He is very impassioned and idealistic. And makes some good points, regardless of being a gold standardist. You have to admit that money flowing from taxpayers to the rich that way is kinda wrong; when as you say that money flows from rich to poor. And I will agree generally does, in a properly working system; it's just obvious that the system is working backwards for the last few years.

But this is coming from a Commie, NAZI, Libertarian, Anarchist, so what the hell do I know.

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:30 am
by Fyyr

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 3:30 am
by AbyssalMage
Tudamorf wrote:
Fyyr wrote:I hope they succeed.
What, in bringing down all the rich people?

Then who will give them a job, and pay their welfare when they don't work? Who will pay for their military protection, their schools, their roads, their health care, their public services?

Why don't "the other 99%" go ahead and give each other jobs, if they don't need the rich people?

You libertarian anarchists are nearly as bad. You want all the benefits of civilized society, but you don't want to pay your fair share. These guys, on the other hands, are pretending they're the ones who are paying for it.
I missed you Tudamorf :D
Been in the process of moving and glad you linked this. Maybe all those history lessons you skipped/ignored/didn't understand will finally happen in real time so you can better understand them. Then again.....
Fyyr wrote: They are too peaceful and nice...
I think Fyyr made the correct statement here. :(

O'well, if the economists are correct and unemployment stays at 9%+ we will see some "real" action. Here's to watching history repeat itself :ugeek:

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2011 7:53 am
by Aidon
/blink /rub eyes /blink

WTF? Tudamorf is arguing bizzare Atlas Shrugged crap and Fyyr is arguing in support of liberals?

Freaky friday? Body snatchers? What's going on here? I'm so confused.

Corporations are making record profits but not hiring, the cost of living is going up and real wages, for those fortunate enough to have work, are dropping. Most jobs still available in this country which pay enough to make a decent living off of now require some manner of degree and the cost of higher education has been increasing exponentially. All the while, corporate entities and the ultra-wealthy (with some notable and honorable exceptions) are spending millions, if not billions of dollars to try and destroy workers rights at a state level while fighting to keep their special tax breaks at a federal level. People have watched the GOP bring our nation to the brink of collapse because they refuse to let tax breaks for the wealthy lapse in the name of "not raising taxes", yet mere weeks later argue against extending payroll tax breaks for the working class. It is only natural that people are getting frustrated. Were it not for the massive foundational wealth of our society which has permitted most people to, at the very least, keep themselves fed and the general civility of our era, this would have already become violent. The disparity of wealth in this country is worse than many third world nations. This is the beginning of a scenario which, in the past has lead to angry people storming palaces and overthrowing governments.

Re: Bigger Hypocrites than Christians/"Republicans"?

Posted: Fri Oct 21, 2011 12:17 pm
by Fyyr
Ayn Rand's protagonists and heroes made money producing things.

They were not hedge fund managers, bankers, and speculators. Correct me if I'm wrong but Rand cast these types of people as economic parasites and villians.

They were then, they are even more so now.

I have no problems with those making things, making jobs, and making a profit, and getting rich doing it in the process.