View Full Forums : Unkempt Druids

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  1. SON OF A ****ING JACK***ES! (3 replies)
  2. test2 (0 replies)
  3. Once again... graphics ruin the site (14 replies)
  4. HerderVazaelle (33 replies)
  5. Shamans, the druid's drunken half brother. (8 replies)
  6. No, I will not port you. Now go away. (65 replies)
  7. You druids are so Greedy! (0 replies)
  8. It's "its" for crying out loud (30 replies)
  9. Moved reply - Originally on update on balance thread (3 replies)
  10. Why was my post deleted? (1 replies)
  11. OMG h8 wiz! (5 replies)
  12. Taken from Planet Everquest (5 replies)
  13. *test* nt (10 replies)
  14. So sad. (3 replies)
  15. Heals changed on test? (43 replies)
  16. Dr00ds (26 replies)
  17. Druids. The bastard-children of EQ. (54 replies)
  18. Rant against "soft" new players. (17 replies)
  19. Let's get it right people! (17 replies)
  20. I like this (26 replies)
  21. ~ (2 replies)
  22. Gratitude, the Forgotten Art (2 replies)
  23. Annoying Ports (15 replies)
  24. Trained to no end... grrr (20 replies)
  25. Druid Issues!!!! (0 replies)
  26. I HATE IRON OXIDE (33 replies)
  27. Equestrielle the Corrupted (1 replies)
  28. Where, O where have all the noobs gone? (23 replies)
  29. To those who think druids are useless!! (21 replies)
  30. Some Betrayer Druids (26 replies)
  31. get your debuff spells (3 replies)
  32. Friggen Charm is Broken Now In Grey! Nurf or Bug (10 replies)
  33. Argh ! Telin Darkforest bugged :O( (5 replies)
  34. Focus items... omg /rude verant (2 replies)
  35. I STILL don't understand.... (1 replies)
  36. Ranger Rant (22 replies)
  37. Druid Role (22 replies)
  38. dispelling mobs "#%& (8 replies)
  39. Foraging (10 replies)
  40. Nuking Druid!! (9 replies)
  41. Maidens Eye Makes Me Cry (11 replies)
  42. The reason people hate us (44 replies)
  43. I just about had it (4 replies)
  44. I really should know better... (3 replies)
  45. Whining (30 replies)
  46. Lately... (4 replies)
  47. Bunch of whiners (32 replies)
  48. STUPID JADE REAVER! (12 replies)
  49. gotta get this off my bp (8 replies)
  50. PotC @#%$ Verant (23 replies)
  51. The Druid Grove (15 replies)
  52. They Nerfed the Grey again! bah! (16 replies)
  53. rtfm's thoughts on Cabbage Quest. (30 replies)
  54. PoTC (37 replies)
  55. Should Mana Burn be mmmm changed? (25 replies)
  56. The Druids Grove Attitude (39 replies)
  57. Conversation: What about Us! (State of The Druid) (837 replies)
  58. Any bets on how quick this is nerfed? (57 replies)
  59. Farking EZ Board, fix your search engine! (4 replies)
  60. yet ANOTHER post about rude beggars... (18 replies)
  61. jokers... (8 replies)
  62. Woodelf Clerics? why not? (11 replies)
  63. Green Aggros (3 replies)
  64. Verant, can you here this? (3 replies)
  65. Weird kill steal rant (2 replies)
  66. Weird incident, lotsa questions (10 replies)
  67. Just gotta' say, "I gotta' play" (23 replies)
  68. A rant about people who rant about porting lol. (12 replies)
  69. How do you lose that faction?! (5 replies)
  70. We slowly getting crushed? (44 replies)
  71. %&@& Price Gougers (23 replies)
  72. This Was Almost Funny..... (72 replies)
  73. I AM SO FRIGGIN ANGRY! (21 replies)
  74. Druids who give attitude in place of enchantment. (78 replies)
  75. Stolen from Abudi (1 replies)